
Huge UFO in the sky photographed by two men 1500 miles apart! May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

 Below has added contrast to make the UFO easier to see. 

Date of sighting: May 2016
Location of sighting: Northern Indiana, USA

This is a great video where the eyewitness MrMBB33 of Youtube gives an excellent account of two UFO sightings that are 1,500 miles apart, but describing the same object. The object do appear to be the same in all aspects. If you have seen this UFO please let us know in the comments below please. 

There are many US agencies that are trying to keep UFO sighting reports silent and out of the ears of the public and they even hire bloggers to troll UFO sites with cruel and mean comments. Don't believe their tactics. UFOs are real. They do exist everywhere on Earth. Fight the gov by sharing this information on Twitter, Facebook or other sharing sites. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I saw reported this 'thing' in the sky to you guys and the following day a gentleman from Northern Indiana saw and photographed the same object in the sky approximately 20 minutes after I witnessed it. His visual was identical to mine. Large structure traveling to the NE appearing to be in orbit on the left side of the moon at the 10 O'clock position moving through the sky in broad daylight! Typically, space debris is not visible nor photogenic from the ground unless it is reentering the atmosphere at mind boggling speeds putting on a firework show. this did not. In the camera, it did look like a structure, but not the ISS. Original e-mail from the witness in Indiana below: "The reason I even took the shot was it appeared to look like a cigar shape object moving through the sky and I was like OMG...out of several shots this was the only photo with something in it. Thx for responding to me I watch every post u make from the hydra post on. My name is Mike I live in Northern Indiana near South Bend." This is his e-mail to me with the photograph I showed you in the video.

Black UFO Moving Slowly Over East London May 19 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  May 19, 2016
Location of sighting: East London, England

This UFO was seen over England last week and as it passes in front of a cloud the blackness of its color stands out. The UFO is turning slowly as it moves and this is why its shape changes every few seconds. London is a hotspot of UFO activity so this comes a no surprise. 
Scott C. Waring

Millennium Falcon Found Near Moon Watching Apollo 11 Astronauts, May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 24, 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source NASA photo: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/images/print/AS11/43/6471.jpg

Streetcap1 of Youtube found this UFO that looks similar to the UFOs seen in the Tether Incident long ago. It also has many similarities to the Millennium Falcon in Star Wars. So many UFOs and structures in NASA photos, and NASA still refuses to acknowledge or even investigate any of them. Many NASA scientist have said in the past that NASA tries to live by the motto, "for the benefit of all." But honestly I just don't see it. They are doing whats best for them and the US military. What the public wants, and what we ask them to investigate has hit deaf ears at NASA. Excellent find by Streetcap1.

Scott C. Waring


Triangle UFO Over Lake Tahoe, CA On May 18, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  May 18, 2016
Location of sighting: Lake Tahoe, California, USA

This UFO is hovering low over Lake Tahoe and it easy blends into the shadows of the tree line, so its no wonder he didn't see it right away. Lake Tahoe has many mysteries about its deep, cold water. This UFO probably came from below the lake.

I remember famed oceanographer Jacques Cousteau once said to have had a brush with something horrific in a deepwater dive at Tahoe in the mid-1970s. "The world isn't ready for what was down there," he stated. Cousteau never released any photographs or data from the dive, adding to the mystery and legend. But I have long believed that he may have found alien structures deep below its surface. 

Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Was just taking a picture outside my hotel room and was going to send it to a friend as I was looking at the photo I noticed something over the tree top line and when I blew the picture up I noticed the object. 

Alien Creature Stuck InThe Ground On Mars Petrified As A Warning, May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 2016
Location of discovery:  Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00714/mcam/0714ML0030400080304797E01_DXXX.jpg

This is a cool alien figure buried in the dirt. This may be a statue, or it may be a alien creature that was petrified by some strange weapon. A weapon with that power would cause many to fear the species that held it. Imagine seeing your people turned to stone in the same positions in which they died...could you imagine such an atrocity? 
Scott C. Waring

Argentina: Locals Witness UFO and Alien in El Dorado May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 20, 2016
Location of sighting: Argentina
News source: http://inexplicata.blogspot.tw

This is cool. This week in a small village in Argentina, residents witnessed a UFO that landed in the area and an alien was seen walking about. This is highly unusual and has not happened very often except in secluded areas with small populations. Last time was at an elementary school in Africa. 

For aliens to risk their safety by walking around and examining the area, there must be something important about to happen in that area. Aliens live extended lives, even some that are immortal, but less they die in an accident. They calculate the risks and if the risk is too high, they don't do it. For them to do this, something more important than their own lives was at stake here. Otherwise they could have landed in a wooded area of a mountain hundreds of miles from the nearest human, but they didn't. They chose this village. Maybe an ancient clan of their species once had a base far below ground in the area and they are seeking its location. Thousand of years can cause them to forget exact locations. 
Scott C. Waring

Inexplicata news states:
Argentina: Locals Allegedly Witness UFO and Alien in El Dorado In the city of Santa Cruz, residents of the El Dorado District, El Bastión sector, claim having seen a UFO, alleging that an extraterrestrial creature. They believe the entity descended from its "craft" and that it made an effort to get back on board when detected by locals. The event took place at 10:00 in the evening. Local residents went as far as to note that the entity climbed through the trees. Students manage to photograph a gleaming light over their neighborhood. "Three students," alleges the news report, "were witnesses to the sighting from EL Dorado as they returned home from school. It all began with a bright light in the sky, when the unimaginable occurred." "Something came down, straight down," explains a female witness. "A light came straight down, more or less, and they say it lost itself in that tree. It tried to get into that house over there." Another woman adds: "A very loud sound was heard. All the signals (sic) went out. There was no way to record that sound. Suddenly it fell down and disappeared. I don't know what it could have been." "It happened at ten o'clock,"continues the narration, "local residents say they saw a UFO in the sky, which crashed on Calle #2 of the district. They even described a strange being that climbed up a tree. (A child can be heard, saying, "some eyes looked at me!"). "It was small and gooey," adds another young woman, speaking to a reporter. "It extended its arms and climbed a tree. That's when all the neighbors came out, but nothing could be found." The owner of the property remarks: "They said it had long fingers, and climbed right over there," gesturing at her fence.


Alien Base With Many 100 Meter Towers On It Found On Moon, May 18, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 18, 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Google Earth Coordinates: 21° 4'52.23"N 148°39'12.30"E

Google Moon map is full of alien structures and ships if you know where to look. Marcelo Irazusta found these structures on the moon and they actually show an alien base. This is an extraordinary find. These structures are not many, but one single structure. These little towers are attached to an arm that goes around and has 30% of a dome on the opposite side of the arm. Really cool discovery. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
The Argentine researcher Marcelo Irazusta, has just published a sensational new discovery. Around one of lunar craters found irregularities that could be four large towers almost 100 meters each. Seran towers? or will be bases? The truth is that over the course of the day, these towers disappear and appear. Strange? The images are from NASA and published by Google Moon. Anyone can see them and study them entering these coordinates: 21 ° 4'52.23 "N 148 ° 39'12.30" E