
Group Of UFOs Over In Henderson Nevada On June 3, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  June 3, 2016
Location of sighting: Henderson, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

These glowing lights were recorded over Las Vegas last night and there is a high probability that they are UFOs. This is an area near Nellis AFB where a Tall Whites underground base is located. Ships only come and go during the night to hide, but often use lights to avoid planes when close to an Air Force Base. Steven Barone, a UFO researcher in Las Vegas caught these UFOs and believes that aliens frequent the area right below the noses of the people of Vegas. I believe his is correct. 

Scott C. Waring

Steven Barone states:
I'm glad I was patient enough to stay outside just a little longer last night. Nothing happened for the first hour and a half and it was still really hot so I was getting ready to go inside and chill out. This is a good example of hanging in there because three different events happened. I got some footage of objects in the north valley which led to these ones over in Henderson. While this was happening another event started on a mountain about nine miles from my home. I really like this particular video though because it clearly shows a minimum of three UFOs together brightly lit up. In reality, there were probably quite a few more that just stayed low key. I honestly believe that UFOs are here every single day in one form or another but we just don't see them all the time. I can only imagine how much footage I would have if it were possible to catch everything that happens around here. It would truly be astonishing.

TR3B or UFO Seen Near Space Station As Inflatable Room Is Successfully Completed, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 1, 2016
Location of sighting: Space Station, inflatable room.
Source: Third Phase of Moon

The first three minutes of this video discusses a UFO seen near the space station just as the inflatable room successfully  opens.  Note, the first time it failed a few days ago. 

The UFO seen here is triangle in shape. I have seen similar UFOs near the ISS and this could the Bigelow Aerospace using a TR3B to observe the outside of the space station and to witness their room being successfully inflated. This is big money for their future if it is successful and useful. So why not use a top secret USAF project to observe their other creation? 

I really like how Third Phase of Moon talks about this issue and considers many possibilities. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Fleet Over Chochis, Bolivia On May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2016
Location of sighting: Chochis, Bolivia
Source: Al Rojo Vivo

This is a TV show from Bolivia and it explores a sighting by a man near a local hospital and a mountain bluff. I cannot translate the spanish, but he also recorded them at night near the Santa Lucia Hospital. They say that the city of Chochis is a UFO hotspot. The community is very religious somehow see the UFOs as a good sign of some sort. 

If you speak Spanish, please help us out and tell us what they say about the sighting.
Scott C. Waring

Three Amazing UFO Reports That Will Blow Your Mind, June 2016, video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: June 2016
Maker of video: Open Minds

Here is a fantastic report of three different sightings reported to MUFON and Open Minds give a great presentation about them, not to mention a load of facts that will really weigh on your mind. 
Scott C. Waring

Open Minds states:
An Illinois witness at Spring Grove reported watching a “large, illuminated” triangle UFO at close proximity about 9:30 p.m. on May 22, 2016, according to testimony in Case 76537 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

A Virginia witness at Charlottesville reported watching and photographing a triangle-shaped UFO that briefly hovered and moved away at a fairly low altitude, according to testimony in Case 76512 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

An Alaskan witness at Fairbanks reported watching and videotaping a pulsating, sphere-shaped UFO that appeared to emit other objects, according to testimony in Case 76358 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

Mysterious UFOs Filmed During Apollo 10 Moon Mission (1969), June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon, in Apollo 10 video

This is a mind-blowing video made by FindingUFO of Youtube. It was just released today and shows several UFOs in old Apollo 10 footage. I must have missed these, because I have never seen this raw footage before. This just goes to prove that even back during the Apollo age, the astronauts knew and saw UFOs on a regular basis. 

These are the videos that NASA doesn't want you to see. These are the pieces of evidence that NASA wants you to ignore. The time has come where we can no longer turn our back on the truth. Finding UFO really outdid themselves here. Click the above link and please give them a thumbs up on their video. 

Scott C. Waring

Some of the greatest Mars discoveries in NASA photos, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Here is an excellent video put together by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube. It shows some of the best discoveries ever made in Mars photos. These discoveries have never and could never be debunked and to date NASA has never responded to me about any of them. Yes, I have messaged them on Twitter hundreds of times, but still nothing. So I ask you, what do you make of these alien artifacts on Mars? Why would NASA want to keep quiet about them? And who left them?

Scott C. Waring


Ancient Sphinx Found On Mars Near NASA Rover, Photos, NASA Source! June 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 2, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, SOL 680

I found a sphinx today on Mars...yeah I just said that likes its a common thing. There are a lot of similarities between it and the Egyptian sphinx, and a lot of differences. This sphinx has a face that has no neck, but where a neck would be, a large abundance of brushed back hair exists. You can see the sphinx hind quarters where there is a stub of a tail and a back leg like a lion. The front two paws are sticking out ahead of it, lower on the ground. 

The sphinx has a beautify visible carved eye on its left side. The sphinx is looking upward. Its puffy cheeks and short wide nose are also easy to make out. Its lips are both fat and large.

The size of the sphinx is much smaller than its Egyptian brother. This one is only 3.5 meters from head to tail. Kind of small to us, but if you remember that UFO researchers have found many statues of human-like figures that are 3-5cm tall, then this fits in perfectly and that sphinx is the same size to the aliens, as ours in Egypt is to us. 

It may be difficult to believe, but its true. This is real, its there, and its a sphinx. 
Scott C. Waring

What Would Happen If Humans Disappeared? What Would Happen To The Earth? June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: May 24, 2016
Maker of video: #Mind Warehouse

Human beings have been spreading across earth for thousands of years. It is believed that we originated from Southern Africa around 200,000 years ago and Around 130,000 years later we migrated out of Africa and colonised pretty much the entire planet. Within these tremendous years humans have used and destroyed parts of the earth for our own benefit. 

We have invented all sorts of things to improve our own quality of life and have only recently started to worry about what our actions mean for our home planet. But what if our time is nearly up? What if the human species was wiped out, or maybe we drained the resources we use to survive and just upped and left? What would the earth be like without humans. Well it is said that one of the first things to happen if humans disappeared would be very destructive. Man kind has built 437 nuclear power plants around the world and if we left, the generators that circulate cold water around the reactors would lose power. This could lead to over heating and melt down, causing hundreds of radio active areas. Some of the air, rivers and oceans close to the reactors would be polluted with radiation for many years. But in the other areas of the world, Mother Nature would start to recover, trees and plants would be allowed to grow freely and certain animals would thrive. General livestock would struggle without human aid, and most would likely become prey for other animals. But other more wild animals become free to wander the abandoned streets of our city's and towns. Even domesticated animals would have to rediscover their wild ways. 

Monuments like the Eiffel Tower that are made of steel would start to rust and the roads would become rubble and overgrown with weeds. Many buildings would start to fall apart.

Books, photographs, electronic data would fade away, leaving little evidence that we ever existed.The natural world would take back its land. Some more hard wearing structures would likely survive over many years, maybe even some of the ancient structures would out last our modern buildings and look as if they were the last civilisation on earth. But it is still believed that even after thousands and thousands of human free years, you would still be able to find many objects that we had left behind in our legacy. 

From plastic shopping bags to frames of airplanes or even some buildings. Maybe after millions of years even a new species of animal would become dominate and evolved in to a Homo sapiens like creature. Some scientists believe that pretty much any vertebrate land animal could evolve intelligence, provided it finds the right environmental challenges that favor strategic thinking. Obviously this would not happen overnight, but it is still a possibility that with the right amount of time an animal could evolve a complex brain like our own. This would take millions of years without the presence of humans to happen, but if we can still find traces of the dinosaurs from 65 million years ago, surely parts of the human race would still exist to be discovered. 

I suppose we will never really know what will truly happen unless we left and monitored the planet. But when you look around in your day to day life and see how we have changed and shaped the planet. You do have to wonder if mother nature could ever wipe the evidence of man kind away completely.
Scott C. Waring

#Mind Warehouse states: 
Today we are presenting you a video on an unusual topic. Imagine that all people suddenly disappeared from the planet. The reason is irrelevant, just imagine the result. Now we are going to tell what is going to happen after we are gone.

UFO Over Ecuador Recorded Over Street On June 2, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 2, 2016
Location of sighting: Ecuador
Source: www.metroecuador.com.ec and http://inexplicata.blogspot.tw

This UFO was recorded and is on video, however the video is only on Facebook so click here to view it. The UFOs do appear similar to real UFOs seen in the past in the sky. I do have some reservations about UFOs being recorded through windows, because windows can reflect light as you are recording and thus make a UFO appear as though its real. This looks like such an incident to me, but I could be wrong. Tell me your thoughts on this sighting in the comments below please. 
Scott C. Waring

Inexplicata states: 
An Alleged UFO Over Guayaquil On May 30, a video posted to Facebook exceeded 52,000 hits. According to the person posting (Boris Tacle Lopez), the clip showed a "flying saucer". As of this writing, the publication has been shared over 1000 times. As the image shows, the object flies next to a rainbow in the sky. No critical version of this event exists as of this moment. What do you think?


NASA Astronomer Breaks Silence About Nibiru? May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: May 11, 2016
Maker of video: Jacob Israel

Here is some deep thoughts about Nibiru. We have talked about Planet X for over 5 years here and just last month NASA admitted that there is a 9th planet out there with a 10,000 to 20,000 year orbit. They said the evidence exists to back it up that there is a ninth planet. 

This astronomer Paul Cox works for Slooh, an organization with close ties to NASA. He says there is a second sun. The truth is often stranger than fiction. Tell us your thoughts about Planet X in comments below.
Scott C. Waring

Jacob Israel of Youtube states:
The internet is buzzing about famous Slooh Observatory Astronomer Paul Cox, and his curious comments about a Second Sun, Nibiru and that NASA is covering up both... After being coincidentally/miraculously inspired or led to find out more about Nibiru months ago, and after dream after dream motivated me to take all of this "coicidence" seriously I began looking into Nibiru, the Annunaki and more... After sharing my recent video on the topic I have been blown away at all of the ACTUAL EVIDENCE pointing the world slowly to such... but these comments made by Slook http://live.slooh.com/ should not only make us all pause and take in the enormity of what this means for everyone on planet earth, but also why it feels like yet another cover up.... The TRUTH shall set us free...

Alien building found in crater on Earths moon, NASA source, June 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Source photo: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/lunarorbiter/images/preview/3107_h1.jpg
Source: UFO Sightings Daily reader, M.B.

A reader here at USD just showed me a photo of a base on the moon. Its a non reflective black material, excellent for not reflecting radio waves or radar, better for hiding. This structure is standing up on some very wide legs like a scorpion with a segmented body area. Welcome to space station Alfa. 

Also not far away over the black area is a tower structure that towers miles up. Much like ideas here on Earth for making a space elevator of sorts. There are just a few possibilities for such a tower. 
1. Its a space dock for a massive ship.
2. Its a transmitting and receiving antenna.
3. Its a weapon, a gun of such size, nothing could stop it. 

Scott C. Waring

1910-1930 Battleship or submarine found that is 100 meters long on island, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Farquhar island
Google Earth Coordinates:  10° 9'12.13"S 51° 3'5.36"E

Yeah, I know, its not a UFO, but it is really cool. I was teaching for more wreckage form the flight MH370 and stumbled upon this old ship or sub. 

Google ruler says its 95+ meters across, but since one side looks split open, its closer to 100 meters. There is a visible metal railing all around the edge of the craft so that tells me the ship has a metal outside hull. The floor of the craft is hard to make out, so I can't really tell if its metal or wood, which would help narrow down the date of the sinking and the type of craft. 

I did notice that the ship has a heart shape large fin, like a submarine would have in the back, but it may be just part of the reef its sitting on. 

If you know what kind of craft this is, what the name of this ship or sub is, or when it sank, please let me know in the comments below. Its driving me nuts not knowing. 
Scott C. Waring

Red Shot Above Earth at Space Station In June 1, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 1, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths orbit, ISS

This red shot as Streetcap1 calls it was seen at the space station. It does seem to appear to be coming from the Earth, however I think its much closer, just a few meters from the space station. This object would be about the size of a motorcycle. It is probably a living entity...an organism that lives in the depths of space and has created this glowing color, much like deep ocean creatures making a glow to help find one another. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
This is shown at real-time speed. When I turned the object in Irfanview, it resembled the shape of a craft or entity.


UFO Disk Recorded By Drone Over Palatine, Illinois On May 19, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  May 19, 2016
Location of sighting:  Palatine, Illinois, USA

I really like this photo sent into us at UFO Sightings Daily. It appears it was taken from a drone with a camera and it recorded a disk if the distance. This UFO is defiantly a disk and and seems to blend in with the color of the cloudy overcast sky. If its gone in 2 minutes as the eyewitness described, then we know its not a cloud. This is a great catch by one of our readers here at USD. I just want to say thanks so much for sending it into us. Its a beautiful example of a classic disk UFO. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
After reviewing photos taken from the evening I zoomed in and can't decide what the object floating in the sky on the right hand side just above the horizon was. It does not appear to be a plane and a photo taken 2 minutes after shows nothing floating or flying in the sky. When zooming in it appears to be disc shaped and have lights.

Full photo below.

UFO Caught Over San Antonio, Texas On May 30, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 30, 2016
Location of sighting: San Antonio, Texas, USA

This is the most common way to catch a UFO, to sit a camcorder out and let it record for a few hours. Then go through the footage to see if you got lucky. Its hard, and its a lot of time, but when you get one...it feels great. I have done this before, but it will often take days to catch something, then many hours of going over the video. Excellent video by SAUFOTX of Youtube. 

Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
May-30-2016 a pulsating U.F.O was captured Materializing over the Skies of San Antonio,Tx Using SKYFISHING Technique.. ... SKYFISHING Technique...Which It involves setting a camera on a fix point with some kind of reference point..(example top of a building,tree tops,telephone pole ect..)..And wait to capture some kind of Unknown Anomaly... ...Camera was left recording for 15 min..At one point a U.F.O Materializing over the Skies of San Antonio,Tx ..You can see it come into view travel in a control manner..This orb was captured only for a couple of seconds as it slowly faded away..You will clearly see this U.F.O traveling low in altitude with some reference points such as tree top's..Using filters such as 0.6xSpeed/sharpen/saturation a U.F.O can be observed .....After reviewing the footage several times in my opinion this Orb is clearly not an aircraft or weather balloon/satellite.Orb was traveling low in altitude and on its own power not blown by the wind...

UFO Sightings Daily Will Hit 40 Million Viewer Mark In Few Days! June 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Photo from above is Googles states for my site. Also understand the stats for today page views...today is only 40% over, so thats why its 14,000.

Hey everyone. I want to say that we are about to hit 40 million readers on this site sometime in the next two day. Thats one hell of a milestone for us and I could not have done it without a lot of loyal readers out there. 

I have always tried my best to deliver the news to you ASAP and at the quality you deserve. 

I have never tried nor wanted to have people know my name or face, but it just turned out that way. Lots of UFO guys out there are buying fake CGI from video selling sites and posting them as real, but I have learned to recognise 90% of them and not post them. 

I do have a technique that helps tell if a UFO video is real or not, and it works most the time, but certainly can be perfected by others. 

1. Take a screenshot of the video.
2. Alter the lighting on the screenshot.
    a. if the screenshot turns dark or abnormal...its a fake.
    b. if the screenshot turns light or acts normal...its real.
3. Alter the contrast on the screenshot.
    a. if the screenshot instead adds light...its fake.
    b. if the screenshot has abnormal behaviour for altering the contrast, then its fake.
    c. if the screenshot gets darker normally, then its real.
Thanks for making us what we are today. Its all you, the viewers that made this site so popular. 
Scott C. Waring

Awesome UFO over Lunar Surface Watching Apollo 17 Mission, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source Photo: http://tothemoon.ser.asu.edu/data_a70/AS17/processed/AS17-134-20416.png

Another cool discovery by Streetcap1 of Youtube. This is a great shot of a disk over the moon watching the NASA Apollo 17 mission taking place. These ships can fly faster than the speed of light so if you watch any moon footage, you need to put it into slow motion to catch them. This above photo is unaltered. 
Scott C. Waring