Showing posts with label cloud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cloud. Show all posts


Giant Skull Seen On CNN Hurricane Warning! Oct 4, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 4, 2016
Location of sighting: Bahamas
News source:

This face may be a warning from aliens of the death to come and the death its caused. Hurricane Matthew has already killed over 10 people in several countries and now its headed toward the East US coast. Often UFOs are seen around thunder storms, tornados and even hurricanes, and this one seems to have been made by a UFO too. The shape of the skull and eye of the hurricane are amazingly scary. Clouds are the easiest substance to bend with thought control, this is an example of that. Trust me I know, we got hit here in Taiwan by 3 hurricanes (typhoons) in ten days. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Just in time for Halloween. A spooky satellite image of Hurricane Matthew resembled a human skull, which, naturally, sent the internet into a frenzy.

The infrared image (captured by NASA) was shared on Twitter by the Weather Channel's senior director of weather communications, Stu Ostro, as the devastating storm made landfall in Haiti Tuesday, October 4.

The post has since been retweeted more than 1,500 times, with many users freaking out over the devilish sight. "Good grief! Thats creepy!" one user wrote. Another added, "Looks like he was smiling for the photo shoot.. Creepy."

NASA Earth Science Office's Paul Meyer, an atmospheric scientist, told CNN that the sinister picture looks like a skull because of the way the colors have been tweaked to focus on the eye of the hurricane. The skull's teeth are cold convective clouds, he told the news outlet Wednesday, October 5.

Hurricane Matthew is currently a category 3 storm and is bearing down on the Bahamas. A hurricane warning has been issued along the east coast of Florida, where evacuations are already under way.


Huge Jellyfish UFO Over Caribbean Caught By NASA, Sept 18, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Above is original, below is negative. 

Date of sighting: Sept 18, 2016
Location of sighting: Caribbean

Its plain to see there is a giant jellyfish UFO hiding inside this could, and its soaking in the power of the electricity causing lightning all around it. Some ships deliberately create these storms just so they can feed off of them, regardless of the damage they may cause the public. 

NASA is trying to call these sprites, but its a new field especially created to deliberately misinform the public about these UFOs so they can keep them secret. NASA was created not to find alien life, but to appease the publics curiosity, but giving them crumbs of information. Thus they can say they are doing their job, when in all reality, they are holding the public back. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
This is a copy and paste from the Nasa website 'A-BOMB' SPRITE OVER THE CARIBBEAN: On Sept. 18th, Frankie Lucena of Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, photographed an enormous sprite over the Caribbean Sea. For a split-second, the sky was illuminated by a mushroom-shaped flash:Oscar van der Velde, a member of the Lightning Research Group at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, explains what Lucena photographed: "This type of sprite is often called 'jellyfish' or 'A-bomb,' and ranks as the largest type of sprite in both horizontal and vertical dimensions," he says. "It consists of a bright halo approximately 85 km above Earth's surface surrounding sprite elements with long tendrils reaching down as low as ~30 km above ground level." "This kind of sprite tends to be triggered by a very impulsive positive cloud-to-ground flash," van der Velde adds. The curious thing is, Lucena did not observe an instigating lightning bolt. Instead, just before the sprite appeared, he recorded a bright point-like flash of light. "Was it a cosmic ray hitting the camera?" wonders Lucena. Play the entire video to see the flash. Another possibility: The point-like flash could have been a cloud-to-ground strike mostly eclipsed by intervening clouds. If Lucena did photograph something new triggering a sprite, perhaps it shouldn't come as a big surprise. The field is relatively new. Although sprites have been seen for at least a century, most scientists did not believe they existed until after 1989 when sprites were photographed by cameras onboard the space shuttle. There is still much to learn.


UFO Cloaked In Clouds Hover Over Mount Fuji, Japan During Sunset, Sept 2, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 2, 2016
Location of sighting: Mount Fuji, Japan

UFOs often try to cloak in plain site by making themselves appear as clouds...which some are...but then...others are not. Its possible that these UFOs came from within the mouth of Fuji volcano and began forming a disk cloud around them to wait for other UFOs to exit Fuji. Once all UFOs have exited and all are cloaked, they will slowly move off and up until out of sight. The UFO themselves are not as big as the cloud around them...instead they are usually about 5-10% the size of these large clouds, but the clouds sometimes continue to expand around them until they decide the comfortable size to hide within. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
A baby cloud had born at dawn. The baby cloud had grown bigger and bigger than before. When it came the time of the morning glow, It had grown to many huge lenticular clouds. It looked like UFO formation.


UFO Hiding In Cloud Shoots Out Smaller UFOs Over Belgium, July 28, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 28, 2016
Location of sighting: Belgium

UFOs are often seen during sunsets, as you see in the video below. In the video we see a long UFO stick out from the top of the cloud and shoot out smaller orbs that move away in pairs. I have seen this exact same thing happen with a giant UFO cloud over a Russia freeway about 5 years ago. It also had several orbs shoot out, but no one else noticed it but me back then. 

This cloud is glowing too much, more than a normal cloud, which shows that there is some reflective metallic material inside the cloud that causes it to light up from inside. 
Scott C. Waring 


Explaining the Great Flood, Atlantis, and humans in North America Using Science, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: June 17, 2016

I really like his ideas in this video. It does make a great hypothesis about what could have caused such floods and changes with the Earth long ago. The Earth is continually moving and so are other things in space, like clouds. Particularly interesting is his thoughts about Plato. 
Scott C. Waring 
Video states:
I’ll set the ground work for each scenario. I am pretty sure the Great Flood did happen. While it is popularized as a Christian story in English speaking countries, the Great Flood transcends almost every single culture around the world. So I don’t doubt it happened. But the main issue is where did the water come from? Most of theories I have seen require bending the rules of the observable reality that we live in. Next is the Firmament. The firmament is something in the book of Genesis that talks about a body of water surrounding the Earth. There is also some interpretation that while the firmament was in place it did not rain much if at all on Earth. After the flood the firmament is gone and today we get lots of rain. Atlantis is a fabled city written about by Plato in the 300BC time frame. It’s really a tale about an advanced civilization that existed at one time, but vanished at some point. The idea I like about this, is is it possible that humans were more advanced that we thought and something reset us…akin to the saying “send us back to the stone age”. I do not think this is baseless idea, because even today in our current world we have humans that have gone to Moon and sent probes into space, yet there are humans on this planet that still are in the foraging phase. And finally my last topic is that of humans getting to the Americas. It is believed that humans started in the middle east somewhere around Mesopotamia which is in modern day Iraq. The narrative I was taught as a child was the humans crossed from Russia to North America over a land bridge made of ice during an Ice Age. But there is some disagreement about the earliest humans in the America’s versus when Ice Ages happened. I think this land bridge route is still valid, but I do not require an ice age to cross it. So lets start with the idea that the world we observe today is the same as the way the world was in pre-historic times. The physics and all the other rules are still the same. The water cycle still holds true. So we can assume that amount of the water on the planet today is the amount of water that was on the planet after the Great Flood. And we can assume that if we do not see a sphere of water surrounding the Earth now, there probably wasn’t one in the past. So that would mean the only way that all this water could be here now, is if it wasn’t here to begin with. With less water that would mean that there could have easily been a real land bridge between Alaska and Russia. They did not have to cross during an ice age. The bridge would have accessible at all times. The Bering Strait is only about 160 feet deep. If we lowered the Earths oceans by 160 feet, that means that much more land would be available throughout the world. For as long as history has been written, water passages have always been the most important places for humans to live. Even today we see that on the coasts there are metropolitan areas, while deep in the inland the people are much less advanced in terms of quality of life. That has changed in the last 100 years due to motor travel. But up until that point living on the coast or a river was the only way to have successful trade or strategic military advantage. So here is the idea. Back in 2011 I saw this article about how scientists had discovered a massive cloud of water deep in space. What if as one point one of these clouds passed through our solar system? It would probably take while to get here maybe a couple hundred years. But during that time a couple hundred years 6-7 generations word of mouth was the only real way to pass history. So for them 2 or 3 generations is all it would take to be “forever”. During that time the Suns reflection and heat in the atmosphere would make it appear to be sparkling water in the sky, which could explain the firmament. Once the cloud got near Earth and we started passing through it, the frozen water would melt in the atmosphere and completely saturate the air, it would then start raining. And it would not be localized like what we see now, it would be entire Earth being rained on for an extended period of time. All that water would rush out to the ocean and anything near rivers or oceans, like a human population for example, would be washed out to sea and buried by all the sediments picked up from higher elevation. Think of the world as one big mud slide. The people living in the higher elevations would not be as threatened by the flooding. And so the more advanced civilization would be destroyed and only the more simple societies in the highlands would be left, hence a reset. Once this space cloud passed, things would settle down and Earth would have a lot more water content.


Giant UFO is Hiding In The Great Cloud Rectangle, May 12, 2016 Evening, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 12, 2016
Location of sighting: unknown

Its a well known fact that not only do UFOs hide in clouds, but they actually create the cloud around them. For instance the 1957 Fort Belvoir, Virgina incident is an example of this. Back then a soldier took photos of a black UFO ring that headed over the base, but changed from a ring to a disk cloud in just under a minute. But his amazing set of photos while it was changing was groundbreaking for all to prove that UFOs do make clouds. 
Scott C. Waring 


UFO Cloud Over Harrison, Arkansas On May 8, 2016 Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  May 8, 2016, 11:20 am
Location of sighting:  Harrison, Arkansas, USA
Source:  Reader sent to UFO Sightings Daily

This is a mail in report that came in last week. The eyewitness caught this awesome disk cloud moving over Arkansas. When I altered the contrast, I noticed that the front of the disk (right side) had a large space between it and the normal clouds around it. Its actually pushing through the clouds, but not touching the other cloud. Also in the far back there is a small UFO coming out of the big one. Really cool catch and thank you for sending this into us here. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: 
I was out riding my motorcycle and was heading back to my house and I looked up and seen this cloud. I hurried up and went to my house grabbed my Nikon D3300 digital camera and shot this picture. What do you think ?


Glowing Entities In Storm Cloud Over Castle, Scotland, March 5, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 5, 2016
Location of sighting: Linlithgow, Scotland
Source: MUFON #74981

I have seen this before, a few years ago. UFOs often appear in storm clouds, and when they do, their speed is incredibly fast. So fast, the human eye usually wont see it. The digital eye however will often catch it, depending on the shutter speed. It is thought that some energy entities feed off of the static electricity in these storm clouds and that is why they gather. When they feed, its alway in groups, so there has to be at least a dozen more around that the camera didn't see. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Visiting Blackness Castle near Linlithgow in Scotland on the 5th March 2016. Taking many photos with the sun setting behind me. The shutter rate on my camera was very high 2500th of a second on F9 stop. On one of my photos i noticed 2 glowing objects taken at 17:25 Greenwich Mean Time. These objects only showed in one of my photos. Blackness Castle is near Bonnybridge and the Falkirk Triangle a hot spot for UfO sightings.


Giant Disk Caught At Eastbourne Along Beach, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 2012
Location of sighting: Eastbourne, England

This UFO cloud was posted this week by Bob Hayes of Youtube and shows what looks like a UFO shrouded in a self made cloud. UFOs do create their own clouds. Even the US military has recorded UFOs creating clouds, for instance...the US Army Fort Belvoir incident. This sighting is a few years old, but just posted this week. When you are still thinking about it two years later, then its significant, and he was, so he posted it for us. Thats passion. Stop by (click here) to give him a thumbs up of support please. It really encourages people to talk about their sightings. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Strange cloud formation over Eastbourne sea front 2012. Second of three videos. Never seen anything quite like this before. Way to big to photograph the whole thing. Enjoy...


UFO In Clouds Over Ontario, Canada On Nov 4, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 4, 2015
Location of sighting: Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada
Source: MUFON #73192

I find it intriguing that the person cared more about the orb than about the hole in the clouds. You see, I learned during the O'Hare Airport UFO incident that UFOs make holes in cloud as proven by many eyewitness accounts of the event. Also the 90 page MUFON report the wrote also states this. The UFO over O'Hare (Nov 2006) hung out there for several minutes disturbing pilots and radar tower then shot up at an angle cutting an round hole through the low level clouds that remained there for over 15 minutes later.

The hole here in the clouds over Canada, thats caused by a UFO lowering itself down into the cloud low enough to allow its alien occupants a perfect view from above. The UFO at the time is probably cloaked, unlike the O'Hare UFO. Also did you notice that there were curved clouds cutting across its center? That means the UFO was still there at the time that the photo was taken. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I'm always taking sky pictures and not always but every now and then I find things that shouldn't be there. Yesterday was one of those times. I take random pictures without really focusing because I like surprises and because I like aiming at the sun and surrounding clouds and it's hard to really focus at those. I got home, connected my phone to the computer and went through my pictures. This is when I saw them. I circled them.


UFO Cloud Over Greensboro, North Carolina On Nov 29, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Above photo has added shadows only. You can even see the bottom of the ship, the dome top and the thin dome bottom.

Date of sighting: November 29, 2015
Location of sighting: Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
News source:

I wanted to see the detail of the cloud so I added some shadow to it and I began to see a domed bottom area of the UFO. The UFO itself looks gold but is covered in thick layer of cloud. The shading cut through it about 80%. Its a well known fact among UFO researches that UFOs frequently create a thin layer of cloud around their ships in order to observe humans closer without frightening them. 
Scott C. Waring News states:
GREENSBORO, N.C. – Has a “UFO cloud” been spotted in Greensboro? Check out this photo that was sent to FOX8’s Chad Tucker that features a cloud that bears a striking resemblance to a UFO. Joseph Stewart‎ sent the photo on Sunday and said the “flying saucer-looking cloud” was spotted near Brassfield Shopping Center on Battleground Avenue in Greensboro. “It may not make the news, but I thought it would bring a smile,” Stewart‎ said on Facebook. “Have a blessed Sunday.”

Above screenshot has added shadows only.


Cloud Orb Seen Over Coachella Valley, California On Oct 8, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 8, 2015
Location of sighting: Coachella Valley, California, USA

This orb was caught by Youtube user Gohstdog23, and its a nice catch of a cloud orb. The best time to look for orbs are when there is a deep blue sky. It makes seeing them much easier. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
White UFO parked for a few moments, begins to move into the clouds.


Mothership UFO Over Manipur, India On Oct 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 7, 2015
Location of sighting: Manipur, India

Now its difficult from just photos to determine if this is real, however I and my wife have seen such a white UFO about 7 years ago in Taiwan over the road, but with no camera it broke my heart. I didn't see puffs of smoke or white clouds anywhere, only a disk. 

The disk above has white spots that look like windows or designs on it, that is the only thing that makes me a bit suspicious about it. Tell me what you think about it. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
May be aliens exist or may be not. But UFO (unidentified flying object) sightings from around the world continue to stir up the debate on claims by conspiracy theorists on the existence of extraterrestrial life. And in what could spur the interest of UFO enthusiasts around the world, a huge see-through, cloud-like round object was spotted in Manipur, India. Some boys from a students' hostel at Mantripukhri locality of Manipur's capital city Imphal saw a strange transparent circular object hovering over the neighbourhood at around 1:30 pm on Wednesday (7 October), claimed Lincoln Liba. He added that pictures of the mysterious see-through object were sent to him a day later. Interestingly, the round, see-through object is seen just above the residential buildings. One of the pictures even has a rainbow in the backdrop. It appears to be a genuine photo and not photoshopped as a person is seen pointing at the object in one of the pictures. (more at source).


Flaming Orange UFO Hiding In Cloud, Causes Lightning On Aug 31, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 31, 2015
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

This is a great example of a giant UFO (orange) caught during sunset and its making the white cloud below it to hide over. At the 45 second mark a small aircraft exits the lower part of the cloud on the left side of the screen. It has plane lights on, but it could also be a small UFO. I doubt that a pilot would fly into a cloud like this on purpose. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
A crazy looking cloud appeared in the sky near Phoenix, Arizona on August 31st displaying what looked like a glowing , fire orange gaseous haze above a large cloud giving it the appearance of being on fire. It was atmospheric optics at work courtesy of the sunset but it was definitely a "Kodak Moment"! However, I have never seen such a display, very unique (to me).


Terrace townsfolk creeped out by ‘UFO cloud’ On July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 7, 2015
Location of sighting: Terrace, British Colombia, Canada
News Source:

The news goes on to say this is a lenticular cloud...yeah, made by a freaking alien UFO hidden inside the freaking lenticular cloud. Seriously, humans wear camouflage when they go hunting, to blend into the environment and not get noticed. So why is it difficult to comprehend that aliens have rules that forbid them and their ships from being seen by humanity? Skeptics lie to themselves because if they say it might be a UFO, then their whole world and self esteem unravels and threatens everything they once believed. So, they lie to themselves, and others trying to deny the truth. It comforts the skeptics. Like a teddy bear for a child. We know the truth about skeptics and about aliens. SCW

News states:
If the spooky sounds that have haunted Terrace, B.C. aren’t enough — now we have a cloud that looks eerily similar to an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) creeping out the townsfolk. On Tuesday evening at 5:17 p.m., Terrace resident Bob Wall was in the passenger seat of a car driving down Highway 16 from Smithers to Terrace near a little aboriginal community called Gitsegukla. It was there that the 56-year-old carpenter spotted the ‘UFO cloud’ and snapped a photo through the windshield. Wall, who didn’t ask for the car to be stopped because the driver had just passed a few other vehicles, says he knows what it is — a Lenticular cloud — something commonly mistaken in the past for a UFO, or “visual cover” for a UFO.


‘UFO’ which looks like a cloud but flies like a plane captured above Philadelphia, July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 2015
Location of sighting: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
News Source:

For the longest time I have tried to teach people that some UFOs can form clouds around them and that some of these clouds are like a hologram. Here we have an example of a UFO using a holographic cloak to make it appear as a cloud. This appears real and I cannot detect any CGI in the video. I did test some screenshots, but it came out negative. Looks real and if so, may be the most significant UFO footage this year. SCW

News states:
A MAN has captured the moment a ‘cloud looking’ formation with lights hovered over his home before flying away. But others claim it is a UFO. Hector Garcia said that the cloud, filled with flashing lights, flew off like a spacecraft as he filmed it from a window. “Looking out my window this morning there was a cloud coming down from the sky with sparkling lights in it was moving weird so I pulled my phone out,” he wrote on his YouTube post.

Social media users were quick to react. ‘It looks like a large mass of soap suds to me and not a cloud. Not sure how this would’ve become air born. Perhaps it blew off of some industrial site?’ one person wrote. ‘This is a UFO... its unidentified, it’s flying, and it is indeed an object,’ another added.


Cloaked UFO Is Visible For Few Seconds During Sunset, June 2015, Indiana, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 12, 2015
Location of sighting: Greenwood, Indiana, USA

This UFO was having some fun at the top of the cloud. Perhaps it was by accident or on purpose, but the light seems to be bending around a disk at the top of the cloud. As I have said before, sunsets cause a cloaked UFO to be visible for a short period. The UFO cloak bends light 180 degrees around it so below it, it appears invisible. When the sun is at a 90 degree angle, this now makes one side of the UFO visible, because not light must travel 180+90 around the UFO...which it often cannot do. Thus, revealing itself. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
I was out riding my bicycle and a storm was approaching, then this strange light caught my eye so I pulled out my phone and shot this video.

I had no idea what it was untill I did some research when I got home and found out that it's called haarp, a government research program (They Say)!! Take a closer look at the beginning of the video right when the beam disappears for a second it moves part of the cloud upwards then comes back.