Showing posts with label structures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label structures. Show all posts


Buzz Aldrin Monolith Finally Discovered On Mars Moon Phobos After 7 Years Of Searching, Dec 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Below, you see the simple process of just adding light to make the Phobos Monolith visible. 

Date of discovery: Dec 11, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars Moon Phobos
Source ESA Photo:

Buzz Aldrin gave a interview on C-Span about 7 years ago where he stated, "visit the moon on Mars. Theres a monolith there. A very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once every 7 hours. When people find out about that, they are going to say, who put that there? Who put that there? Well, if you choose, the universe put it there."

Needless to say, this got me and other UFO researchers excited years ago, so we have all been looking, searching for this Buzz Aldrin Monolith he speaks of. 

Last night, I decided to take a look at the ESA site and the first photo I came across was in HD...and was of the Mars moon Phobos. This ESA image was just put up for the public to see on Dec 6, 2016, so its the newest out. There was only 25% of the moon visible because there was a shadow over its other 25%. I thought I could add light to the HD photo in order to explore the other 25% and low and behold, I made a huge discovery...the Buzz Aldrin monolith. 

Its much bigger than any of us thought. We all assumed that the monolith was this tall rectangular structure that was found about 5 years ago, but it wasn't. That was nothing. This new structure is very big, and must have been smudged out using photoshop on most other Phobos photos in existence. The ESA editors must have missed this one, because its 100% evidence that aliens have constructed it and used the Mars moon as a space station...and may be controlling the moon, its orbit, speed even today. 

Phobos is 7 miles in radius, thats 11km. So if we use this full photo of Phobos and compare it to the structure, we find that the structures length is 1/5 that of Phobos, meaning the structure or ship is approximately 1.4 miles long or 2.2km. Thats huge! Buzz was right!
Scott C. Waring

Above photo from ESA has only added light. Below is original with shadow.
July 2009 Video Interview With Buzz Aldrin About Phobos. 


City Found On Mars That Could Hold Half A Million People Right Now! Dec 1, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Google Mars coordinates:  82°49'45.69"N  114°29'46.76"E

Here are some highly detailed buildings on Google Mars map. Its free to download and all you do is switch from Earth to Mars map by hitting the button at the middle top of the screen. 

These buildings were found by Luxor2012UFO of Youtube, and they are very highly detailed. The buildings are tall, about 300 meters to 800 meters tall. The city is very complex and looks like it once held a population of about half a million or more. These buildings look mostly a matter of fact, I cannot find any broken ones, which means this city, if uninhabited, is ripe for the pickings, and would make any country that gets there first, 100% colonized and ready for living, thriving and growing on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Alien Structures In Crater On Moon, Sept 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2014
Location of discovery: Aristarchus Crater, Earths Moon
Source NASA photo:

Streetcap1 of Youtube found a structure in this crater, so I had to have a closer look. I downloaded the full photo and I found a lot of fragmented structures everywhere. The moons surface looks like its been littered with ancient abandoned technology. I don't think these structures or devices left behind are used anymore, just old alien garbage. Recycling is great if you are conveniently close to such things, but what if you are many solar systems away from home? Yep, leave it where it is and head off. Here are also a few photos of structures of interest in the same crater.  SCW


Alien Buildings On Moons Surfaces Near Zhukovsky Crater, August 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 2014
Location of discovery: left of Zhukovsky crater, Earths Moon
Date of NASA photo: April 1972 (on photo)
Mission photo: Apollo 16
Photo number: AS16-P-4091
Coordinates: center photo is 8.84°,-168.52°

Updated on Aug 10, 12:30 am, 2014: Correction, the structures are in a photo labeled "High Resolution Center PNG 322.4 MB" I made a new video and uploaded it. Not sure why it was denied six times. SCW

Also have remade video and attempting to upload...SCW

Hey guys, I looked at a Apollo 16 photo for a mere five minutes and decided to check in an area of the photo that I imagined others would never check...the dark patches on the far left. There I found a tiny area of light that was only about 1-2% of the total photo. I focused on this area and found these structures in the craters there. Even some small craters had these amazing buildings. 

Example of full photo is below and shows the location of these alien buildings I found yesterday. Yes there seems to be a large face in the center of the photo, however I feel the buildings are more significant of a discovery.
Note: I have reported these structures on other planets, most recently I reported them on Mercury earlier this year. Click here to compare close up photos with those of this post. 

Notice the buildings are made up of many squares. These square buildings are linked together to form  larger structures. True the ascetic quality that humans want in buildings is not there...but out there, functionality comes first and those cube structures are doing the trick. SCW

I finally got the video up. Sorry for the lack of it for a while. Remember...if you download the 330MB size...a lot of lag will happen while looking a the photo. The 1.6GB size could freeze up your computer, but I will have a go at it in the morning. SCW


NASA Deletes Old NASA Moon Photos That I Reported Have Almost 100 Structures!

Above is original screenshot, below NASA edited new one. 

I have just been made aware by a reader that NASA has indeed not only deleted the original Moon photos that contained lots of structures but they also replaced them with an edited version. To prove it the edited version has locations marked in yellow words, and the original has white words. Now it looks like this is proof of NASA using UFO Sightings Daily site for finding the alien evidence that slipped past their photo editors and they are taking advantage of my skills and my time. I did warn the public that NASA would delete these photos once they discover them...and they did! And they cannot say they did it to update it, because the quality is so good on the originals we can more detail where the replacement has been smoothed down so we can't see detail. 

Oh, and a note to NASA: You are deceiving the public and I and others will help reveal that you deliberately edited out and altered the true images that are placed on your NASA sites. You are stealing the work I have done and using it to alter your photos! You are the lowest scum on this planet, con artists and I will reveal all that to the public! SCW


New link to my copy of the photos here March 31, 2013, Sip File below.
Zip file here: Normal size photos=25MB, 216 photos below.
Zip file here: Large size photos=55MB, 216 photos at below link.

The original location of the Moon map photos that NASA edited here: 


Can Someone Do Me A Favor Please? Involving A Moon Book In The Library.

Above photo from Clementine NASA Database, but also in the book I describe.

Hey everyone,
I need a favor. I need someone to photograph the structures in an old moon book. I don't remember the name but the whole book was filled with moon surface photos close up. The book was published in the 1970-80 range. I live outside the US in Taiwan so I cannot do it myself, however no one has ever used the photos of the blurred out buildings to make a Youtube video. This is important and the book might be a Clementine Atlas of the moon or something like that. Above I put two photos that are similar to whats in the book, but in the book there may be 30-50 such structures. The cool thing about the book is that even though most the structures are blurred out, about 1-6% of the structures are not blurred out. So  this is great evidence of alien structures on the moon. Yes there are photo databases on the internet but these have been mostly edited or altered to hide the buildings. The book may be the last original photos of most of these structures. Even if the building is 100% blurred out…that needs to be recorded with its location (what crater is closest or degrees) so we know where it exists.

If you make a video please upload it to Youtube with the words, "UFO Sighting News," in its title so UFO researchers can find it and please leave the URL to find it in the comments of this post. If you posted it at your blog or site with screenshots, please leave the URL here. Thanks for your help and good luck. SCW


Five Mars Structures Created By Aliens - Photos, UFO Sighting And Paranormal News.

Click on photos to enlarge.

Crenulations are underground tubes: Ground fissures seem to expose a network of glassy or translucent underground tubes. The bright spot might be a specular reflection of the Sun, consistent with a glassy or plastic skin. The magnified view shows that the white lines are bands that appear to wrap completely around the tubes. Source: M0400291.gif.

'Dolphin': A second familiar shape from the aquatic area of cydonia. The shape just below the 'dolphin' image shown may be a companion dolphin.

'Nefertiti face': One needs to study this image with an excellent monitor and good imaging software to see the amazing degree of detail present. For example, even features as small as the eyelashes over the eye, visible in the artist’s inset, come from the actual Mars image, and involve no artistic license. Source:

'Profile face': With forehead, eye, nose, mouth, chin, neck, and ear, this profile of a face (also in the Cydonia area) shows that his nearby, more famous cousin is by no means the only significant face portrayal on Mars, or even in the Cydonia region.

'Crowned face': While not near the Cydonia area, this face portrayal is again striking for the richness of its detail, far better than the typical face arising in clouds or geological formations on Earth. The latter tend to be distorted and grotesque when they are more than simply impressionistic. Source:M0203051a.gif

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, Dragons of Asgard, West's Time Machine, George's Pond at all on-line bookstores. ☯


Many Alien Structures & Faces on Mars Close Up In ONE Spirit Rover PHOTO, UFO Sighting News.

All The Below Photos are from the Same NASA Spirit Rover Photo, PIA10216.
Updated on March 16, 2015: I found another copy of this photo, but this time is massive in size and very easy to use. Try will blow your mind. Link at gigapan below. SCW

Original NASA Photo:

Download full NASA photos with red circles at 

NASA posted a photograph (PIA10216, Google it-same photo as the woman figure was found!) taken by the Mars Spirit Rover on their web site that I began to look over to see if I could find any evidence of ancient aliens. To my amazement I found some figure and posted it, news called me "some guy in Asia." I posted it on the Internet causing widespread excitement over the possibilities of life existing on Mars. This led me to other new discoveries in the same photo of a male and a possible child figure near the female figure. I also found a statue like faces (head only), in high detail of a reptilian looking skyward and wearing a crown with a jewel in it. I found a three carved faces in the side of the mountain of three unknown species, which can only be compared to Mt. Rushmore. Some buildings, crashed disks, giant caterpillar creature and cave, and entrances to structures. SCW

Click on images to enlarge.

A Real Alien Life Form in Below Photo, like a giant caterpillar creature.

UFO Below.

Pyramid and Egyptian Style Building
This photo below is small size of full panoramic, for full large size, download at link below.

Download full NASA photos with red circles at 



Buildings and Structures Discovered on Moons Surface, using ipad app, Amazing Video and Photos!

Note: This is much more clear on ipad, iphone or itouch than in this video!

I Scott C. Waring, author of UFO Sightings of 2006-2009 have written about this in my book. This is actually an Apple app for iphone, itouch & ipad. I used the app called "MoonMapPro." This app has genuine Lunar Orbiter images directly from NASA archives. The cool thing about these photos is that they were taken before photoshop so their techniques of covering up items had not yet been perfected. In these photos they actually appear to be raw and untouched by the NASA airbrushing room.

These are long black structures and often they curve into or around the craters and mold into the ground. This is definitive proof that they are real structures and they are really there on the moon. Who made them and how they made them, we can only guess at.

The names of the craters and the degrees of longitude and latitude are included in the app which makes location of the structures much easier to determine.

If you get the time please check out my books, "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" or "Dragons of Asgard," (Based on Real UFO FACTS). Found at online bookstores.
Or visit my UFO Blog for daily updates at

Click to enlarge or copy.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯


Strange structures on the moon, UFO sighting news.

I found these structures using iPad app "Moon Map Pro." NASA made the photos so take it up with them. Lunar Orbiter Mission.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯