
AMAZING FOOTAGE UFO JAN 7, 2012 spectacular sight - Mount Bisbino, Italy.

Date of sighting: January 7, 2012
Location of sighting: Mount Bisbino, Italy

It appears that these four orbs may actually be one craft from the way they travel together, but some would argue that they are in formation and will break apart when they explore on their own. That is sometimes the case with orbs. There are two sets of 4 orbs, one disappears in front of the camera and the other moves around a bit before disappearing. You can even see the first one that disappeared as its cloak reveals itself slightly latter in the video.


UFO'S around ISS 4th January 2012, NASA Live Cam Video.

Date of sighting: January 4, 2012
Location of sighting: on ISS, orbiting Earth

Watch as a fleet of UFOs take positions around the ISS. They fade in and out because they are often cloaked, yet when the sun is at the right position, 160-170 degrees to the UFO the cloak reveals the UFOs. Much as I explained about sunset UFO sightings. 

Eyewitness states: "Ufos that you can clearly see out of one of the windows of the International Space Station. They also dissapear...VERY INTERESTING. You decide though!!!"

Alien Mumie found in Peru - Real UFO Pilot? NEWS VIDEO

If you look closely, you will see the enlarged eye sockets, and long skull. It is 19.7 inches tall, or 50 cm. It looks to have been found in an ancient Mayan burial site due to the tapestries behind it. This could be one of the greatest scientific discoveries in history. SCW

Location of Alien Body: Peru
Date of Discovery: November 2011

Anthropologist Renato Riquelme said that the mummy is 50 centimeters tall, the triangular head, large cavity of the eye and the cheek teeth is not known in humans.

"It is not human, the head is triangular and enormously long, yes, the head is the size of the body, I thought it was a child, but Spanish and Russian doctors have come and we have confirmed that this is actually an alien," said on RPP Noticias.

He said it has also split one at the front of the skull of which there are no ethnic group in the world, as only found in the Andes of Peru, the Inca bone is a triangle in mind, and exists only in the Andes of Peru.

Three UFO Videos From Hilo Airport, Hawaii Dec 25, 2011 - Pres Obama Involved?

Date of sighting: December 25, 2011
Location of sighting: Hilo Airport, Hawaii

Eyewitness states: "Just hours before President Obama arrived in Hawaii. UFO footage Dec 25, 2011."

Its an easy thing to jump to conclusions that this is fake, especially since it is such good detail and so close up, but with todays technology of zoom and quality of video, don't be expecting fuzzy UFO videos anymore.

The things that make be believe this UFO sighting is FIRST, there are three videos of this UFO over the Hilo airport, not just one. There are no strings or people under it that proves its not a kite. Also when looking at the video in slow motion, I notice that when the UFO moved behind the sign, it was not visible in front of the sign...meaning its not been altered, its raw footage and its real. SCW


Watching Live UFO Sighting NOW at LAX Cam, Jan 9 2012.

Date of sighting: January 9, 2012
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

Hi guys, I am currently recording the screenshots of the LAX live cam (for 45 min) that are have a mass of glowing orbs moving around again. I recorded this over a year ago and am happy to see them return. Note if you are curious have a look at the link below. This is a cam that takes photos every few minutes, not live video. Also NOTE...you have to renew the page every minute yourself, the cam won't do it for you, lazy cam.

I will post a video of all the screenshots put together so you can see in 2 hours, because I have a call to teach. They are not airplanes or helicopters because there are no landing red lights but only white lights that I think are only visible to the digital cam. Also aircraft towers would not line up jets so close, ruling out aircraft. It looks like they are leaving because the number of UFOs dropped to just 1 or 0 per photo. Check it out, maybe you will catch some. SCW
Update: Since I made the UFO report here, the sighting has stopped, LOL maybe they are a currently reading our site's news. Sorry I could not report it while it was happening but the time between the photos differ of 1-4 min so I didn't want to miss a single one. Will post more photos and a video of it in few hours. If you see more, please leave ur report in the comments below. SCW

Live cam at: http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/feature?

Cloaked UFO Mothership Over Mountain Sits For many hours, Jan 2012 VIDEO!!!

Date of sighting: January 2012
Location of sighting: Mt. Cook National Park, New Zealand

I love this video, it captures the UFO mothership just sitting there while the wind is blowing at high speed, notice all the other clouds around it blowing away, but not this one...because its not a cloud. This person recently posted this video of a UFO cloaked in a cloud hovering over Mt. Cook in New Zealand. The entrances to underground alien base are placed in locations where humans are very rare to visit, like a volcano mouth or tall mountain, even the ocean floor. Yes this is a UFO, how do you think they move their massive ships when so close to the ground? They usually use a cloud cloak because it works. If you have more questions about cloaked UFOs in clouds take a look at this second video where a US Army officer photographed a ring UFO in the process of making its cloak. Yeah...its 100% legit, I did a lot of research on the 1957 Fort Belvoir UFO incident. SCW

Fort Belvoir 1957 video below.

UFO Orb Mothership Makes Orb Drones Over France, Jan 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 2012
Location of sighting: France

I am amazed that so many people assume this UFO is flashing when actually the UFO is shooting out orbs. It's a orb maker and it will continue to make them until dozens are in the area. The little orbs shoot out at such speeds that its hard for the human eye to see.  It is even more rare to catch a orb maker in action. I have only seen about five videos of such events and hundreds of UFO photos with tiny orbs near them being shot out or collected. You see...aliens need drones too. SCW

Eyewitness states: "An Amazing Pyramid UFO filmed in France, January 2012. I often watch the sky, I'm lucky : I've found a UFO again! The UFO looks like a Pyramid UFO. When I saw it, I took immediately my camera, and shot the UFO. As if the UFO felt seen himself, he started to accelerate and hid himself behind the chemtrail. Drone, plane, alien spaceship ? Spotted by me on January 6, 2012. I cut the video just after 30 sec because the UFO did not return. Nothing happened for 2 minutes, so I stopped recording. Thank you. :)"

Paranormal Investigators In Missouri Record Alien Orbs In Cemetery, Jan 7, 2012 Video.

Date of sighting: January 7, 2012
Location of sighting: Rocky Comfort, McDonald County, Missouri, USA

In this video we see some Missouri ghost hunters orb hunting in a local cemetery. Although they believe these orbs to be spirits, UFOlogists believe them to be a species of aliens that exist. These orbs are energy based and are very different from the UFO orb probes that are often seen in the sky, but these energy orbs can be photographed around the clouds during the day. I caught a blue orb near a white cloud once...I just felt like there was something there and took one photo and there it was. These paranormal investigators in Missouri are doing a great job and I hope to see more orbs they capture in the future. SCW


Blue Orb Recorded Over Miami, Florida Near Moon, Jan 7, 2012 Photos.

Click bottom photo to enlarge.

Date of sighting: January 7, 2012.
Location of sighting: Miami, Florida, USA

Eyewitness states:

"On January 7, the at about 7:25 PM, I was exiting my home with my children, waiting on my wife to finish getting ready for a birthday dinner party of my nieces. The wife took a lot longer than expected, and the moon was full and rising over the neighborhood roof tops toward the East to slightly NE at this time of year. I decided to take a still photo of it with my I-phone 3G, with my younger 8 year old Daughter and my 5 year old Son near by. Soon as the camera function booted up and view finder engaged, I pointed it at the Moon, but imediatly noticed a bright blue glowing small orb below and toward the left about a 7:00 O clock position below the Moon. It was about 15-20 degrees out from the the Moon disc. It was only visible through the electronic view finder of the I-Phone, but not to the naked eye. It was stationary in relation to the Moon. I moved the camera around to see if it could be a lens refraction from the neighborhood lights, but it stayed put in relation to the moon. I looked around to see if anybody had blue lights around, like Christmas lights, but non observed. I kept looking at the part of the sky where it appeared in the view finder, but no orb, no bright stars, or planets were any where nearby. I then being aware that electronic cameras, can see wave lengths of light not seen by the naked eye, I proceeded to photo graph it. Upon engaging the zoom function on the still camera function, to draw the orb close in the view finder for a closer photo, I saw what appeared to be electrical, charge, or static like texture to the orb, like static on a off channel on older analog TVs, and rapid dancing Gold, silver, yellow and pinkish or rose electrical sparking or arcing around the edges of the orb disc. like those Tesla balls you would purchase at Sharper Image novelty electronic stores with the Frankenstein style electrical plasma charges dancing all around a glass globe. I then proceeded to take stills and engage my video function as well, but the video function lacks the zoom capability of the still function. Now the one neighbor, I have near by, the father of a girl my daughter plays with, and my children and Wife also came over to look at it through the view finder. I attempted to use my Wifes I-Phone to also view it, but hers, also the same make model and style, bought at the same time and place as mine didnt show the object. Even both held side by side pointing at the spot of the orb. We had to go to our party on Miami Beach. so a stopped photos and film. As we were on our way to 79th St Causeway on Miami Bch. I hit a red light at 826 and Bird Rd. I rolled the window down engaged the camera, and used it to relocate the object still in its position. Guess the time was about 8:00 or 8:20 PM. We arrived at the Trios on the Bay at 1601 79th St. Causeway, North Bay Village, Miami, Fl. 33141. at 8:50-9:00 PM. I stepped out of the car and turned on the camera again, sure enough it was still in its original position. Seemed not as bright from this location. Now I thought if I just traveled 35-40 miles and it is still in its relative original position, this thing has to be very high or outside of the planets atmosphere. I continued to take photos, using references and other sources, like passing aircraft, buildings, palm trees, etc. for references, and film clips of the object both in front of and on the dockside deck of the restaraunt till my battery got low about 10-10:30 PM. Had to shut my phone down to save. I also attempted to use other family members I-phones and other camera type phones to view the object. Only one other I_phone in the group of 4 camera phones seemed to see the object. Older Black Berry and flip phones did not see it when engaged for camera mode. Periodically through out the night till we left at 11:45-11:50 PM, I engaged the phone briefly to observe the object. It was there till till we were leaving, then upon one last view attempt with almost dead battery, I noticed it was gone!!!!! By now the moon was directly overhead to slightly toward the west. Mary Margaret Zimmer of MUFON has my complete collection of still shots and 4 video clips of the object downloaded in her computer today January, Sunday 8th at 1:45 PM, she will be following up with the video evidence!!!!"

Source: MUFON


UFO probe, Norway the 8th of Jan. 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 8, 2012
Location of sighting: Samnanger, Norway

Watch this orb as it mimics an aircraft as many do to disguise itself. I can't wait to get a close up video of this. Amazing catch, usually these UFOs have only a solid color with tiny rotating orbs when higher up in the sky, however this one is lower and changed its camouflage to mimic an aircraft. Funny but if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes on my video…I would never have believed it. SCW

Eyewitness states: (Translated) "These objects have a fixed route as you can see on the video. I have seen them stand still and even turn around and go back to where they came from. From what we hear from others in the area, there have been many sightings of black unmarked helicopters in the area investigating the UFOs. You never know when they will show up, but when we are outside they often do."

UFO Shaped Like Star Fish Over Syria, Jan 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 2012
Location of sighting: Dier Simbel, Syria

Now don't be fooled by the video special effects making it look more professional. This UFO in the video does exist. I have seen it last summer here in Taiwan when I myself was recording the clouds. What I saw was only for about 3 seconds and it was 70-80% transparent, but it looked like a starfish. I didn't see it until I went to put it on the computer. I tried to upload it but when transferred to Youtube it lost its quality so was not so visible. What I'm saying is its real, I saw it once and I believe this is a legit video of it close up. Oh...it didn't look like a ship to me, because it rotated (slowly) like a wheel on end. Perhaps a probe or some undiscovered life form in the clouds. I can't find the video but this photo below from an old sighting I reported is close to what it looked like, but rotating. SCW

Eyewitness states: "The Assad Regime Reports to see in the village of Dier Simbel in Syria about 25 miles from Idib, Jericho and Ma'Arrat Naman a U.F.O. Sighting that entered the atmosphere."


Alien Face On Mars, using Google Mars Maps. Jan 8, 2012.

Date of discovery: January 7, 2011
Location of discovery: Mars

I was playing around using Google Mars when I noticed this alien face hidden on a mountain. It is very unusual and may actually be two faces (right and left side) in one. The fact is a lot of faces of aliens have been discovered on Mars and other planets and moons. This one I (SCW) discovered but if you took all the discoveries of me and the Italian UFOlogist Matteo Ianneo, it would sum up to about 80-85% of all the alien faces discover to date. This face is now number 43 in our tabs at the top of this page called "Alien Faces."

If you get curious if you can find a face, start out on Google Moon or Mars because its fast, no downloads and you may surprise yourself.  http://www.google.com/mars/

Alien Base On Moon Surface Discovered on Jan 8, 2012, Photos.

Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge.
Above photo shows full view of crater and its name in orange letters. 

Date of discovery: January 8, 2012
Location of discovery: Earth's Moon
Google Moon:  49°54'5.25"N  142°37'43.85"E

Since the diameter of De Moraes crater (orange words near base in photo) is about 45-46 km across, we can assume since the alien structure covers 1/3 of that crater, then the alien base is 15-15.3 km across or 9.32 miles or 564.1 yards across.

I was looking over some moon maps as many of you know I like to do and I came across an unusual building near De Moraes crater. This crater is located on the northern part of the moon's far side. This object looks like a moon base of some sorts and has definite shapes that tell us it was designed by aliens. Most likely this object could also move from place to place, landing where convenient. I took three screenshots on my Galaxy Note and the moon map program is downloadable for free called "Moon Maps." It is a 2D atlas that uses Clementine mission photos and Lunar Orbiter mission photos. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Over Beijing, China On Jan 6, 2012 Video Taken From Bus Passenger.

Date of sighting: January 6, 2012
Location of sighting: Beijing, China

This is interesting footage of a person recording a UFO from a bus. I myself live in Taiwan and the bus windows are always dirty. I too tried to film through them at some mountains and it didn't work. This video looks legit. SCW

This 2nd UFO was captured on Film by Li Xiu Ying less than one week after he captured a UFO on the first day of January 2012. He nervously struggled to focus on the object the best he could, but it it was just too smoggy and the windows were disgustingly filthy in Beijing, China. He states he was very spooked by this second sighting. Seeing something once is frightening enough, but the second time got to him. He states there were two objects hovering over the city that were round in shape. One was smaller than the other, but a third arrived, which was smaller in size. After trying several times to focus on the object, he gave up because it was just too polluted. The object disappeared just as fast as they appeared.


UFO Breaks Up Into Two And Goes Two Directions On Camera! Dec 29, 2011.

Date of sighting: December 29, 2011
Location of sighting:  Cooloongup, Australia 

Eyewitness states: "Filmed in Cooloongup. One orb and another apears next to it! Filmed in the south east using a yukon Spirit Night Vision attached to a JVC Everio. Monocular was kinda out of focus a bit. To focus the whole thing I need to twist the front barrel of the scope and the back eye piece and then adjust the cameras manual focus with tele-macro."

Many UFOs in orbit around Sun - Jan 2, 2012 (SOHO STEREO Ahead + Behind EUVI 195)

Date of sighting: January 2, 2012
Location of sighting: Earth's Sun

Eyewitness states: "Throughout the day, January 2, with both satellites observing many large UFOs  maneuvering. They are comparable to the size of the Earth and more! Review carried out with both satellites SOHO STEREO Ahead and Behind."

UFO Over New Zealand Mountains On Jan 5, 2012, Video.

Date of sighting: January 5, 2011
Location of sighting: New Zealand

Eyewitness states: "Jan 5,2012 Video Exclusive to THIRDPHASEOFMOON Video location New Zealand caught while driving the passenger recording the landscape captures an Amazing UFO Sighting! The eyewitness describes a flying saucer in the foreground then it begins to release UFO drones, Hovers and takes of at amazing speeds!"


UFO Metalic Disk Hovers Over Germany, Jan 3, 2012 Video.

I added contrast + exposure to the screenshot to better see the UFOs. SCW

Date of sighting: January 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Germany

Watch this video as a guy records one grey disk UFO in the sky in Germany. The man tells some girls that he believes the object to be a UFO and the girls panic.

UFO Over Buildings In Buenos Aires, Argentina on Jan 4, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 4, 2012
Location of sighting: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Eyewitness states in Spanish: "UFO Filmed on 1/4/2012 at 20:35 pm. At the Capital Federal of Argentina. I used a Sony TRV-510 camera with nightspot set to 0. The video also shows footage using the filter patch."

Two UFOs Over Tijuana, Mexico on 1-1-2012, Video.

Date of sighting: January 1, 2012
Location of sighting: Tijuana, Mexico

In the video sunset is beginning and this is the most common moment of the day when UFOs become visible to our eyes. This person is lucky enough to catch two glowing yellow orbs and you will also see the sun, which is huge compared to them. These are not stars, because it is an overcast day and the blue sky is not visible. SCW


UFO Over Council Bluffs, Iowa Neighborhood, Jan 3, 2012 PHOTOS.

Below photo is full view, click to enlarge.

Date of sighting: January 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA

Eyewitness states: "I looked out my window and saw a red, blue, yellow and green light but it was really far away. At first glance I thought it was a helicopter or airplane. but when I looked out the window a few minutes later it was still there. I focused on the lights for a few minutes trying to see if it was a helicopter. I couldn't tell so I got my telescope and tried viewing it. I noticed it looked like it was spinning in one spot so I grabbed my camera and went outside to take some pictures. The light did look like an object but was not circular. But since it was spinning it looked like a circle. When I snapped the pictures a bunch of lights formed around it as if it was more than one object leaving a trail of lights all over. So I believe this was a UFO sighting."

Source: MUFON Case #34609

http://www.mufoncms.com/files/34609_submitter_file1__DSCN1572.JPG External Link
http://www.mufoncms.com/files/34609_submitter_file2__DSCN1565.JPG External Link
http://www.mufoncms.com/files/34609_submitter_file3__DSCN1566.JPG External Link

Over 150 Reports of UFO Shooting Over Finland, Jan 3, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Finland

Eyewitness states: "Tuesday evening, above Finland showed a significant fireball. Impressive bright phenomenon lasted for a total of over 10 seconds. Ursaan were reported as soon as the ball came to a lot of sightings from all over the South-Finnish. " Over 155 reported sightings of the same fireball have been reported. 

Source: http://www.taivaanvahti.fi/observations/browse/pics/8760/observation_id/desc/
Source 2: http://www.avaruus.fi/uutiset/tahtiharrastus-ja-taivaanilmiot/suuri-tulipallo-nakyi-tiistai-iltana-etela-suomen-ylla.html