
Four Alien Faces Found In NASA Mars Photo, Sept 2012.

Date of discovery: September 30, 2012
Location of discovery: Mars

I was looking over Mars photos and came across one in Sol 116A that happened to have not one but multiple faces in it (four or more). These faces look like they were cut from stone and left there long ago. The first face is of a round faced person with very curly hair. And if you look very carefully right above this one and touching it is a bearded face of a species I have never seen before in stone. Then on the far lower right there was another faces…highly unusual with a long hat or crown. Above it is a half face. I took the half face and flipped it over so you could see what the whole face would look like. 

I am not just looking for faces…but using these faces to identify the different species of aliens out there.   There are many, Bob Lazar a nuclear physicist in Area 51 said that when they were training him one of the papers he had to read told him there were 56 different alien species known to the USAF. Oh have you seen the most amazing of all of them? I found Yoda's face on the moon. He is real, I would bet my life on it. (Click here to view Yoda.) SCW

Source photo: http://pancam.astro.cornell.edu/pancam_instrument/images/False/Sol617A_P2291_1_False_L257_pos_14.jpg 


Two UFOs Seen Over Central London, Sept 21, 2012 VIDEO.

Location of Sighting: Lambeth, Central London
Date of Sighting: Friday 21st September
Time: 4.15pm approx
Witness Name: Psybes
Witness Statement: "Having just picked up a client in Kennington I was making my way across an open space known as Doorstep Green, heading North towards the Thames. I walk dogs, this was my normal route taking in a number of green spaces.
My attention was drawn to a small dark object hanging in the sky to the North. It looked pretty much circular, not shiney, just dark, and i at first thought it to be a child’s ballon as i often see these, usually getting excited at first that i’ve spotted something out-of-the-ordinary. I quickly concluded that this was not a ballon, it was moving almost imperceptably in a southerly direction and the quite low clouds in the area were moving very obviously towards the east, a balloon would have drifted the same direction as the clouds and would not have stayed a such a persistent altitude. There was the ocassional gust of wind but this did not affect the object’s height or path of travel. The object neither rose nor fell, just carried on moving very gently to the south, towards my position although it was a little to the north-east. If i was to guess i would say it was about a third of a mile away, probably about over the Thames to the West of Lambeth Bridge at a mid-way point between the Houses of Parliament and the MI6 building at Vauxhall, pretty much in line with Millbank Tower and probably a little bit higher than Millbank. I watched the object for a good 5 minutes as i walked across Doorstep Green and then tried to get to a better position by moving onto Lambeth High Street Rec. The walk takes about 5 minutes with a slow labrador and involves going under a railway bridge and behind trees and buildings so i lost sight of the object. By the time i got to the rec the object had gone. If it was a balloon and had continued to travel at the same slow speed i would have surely still been able to see it in the sky. I tried videoing the object earlier on but it didn’t show up in the small viewscreen and the sky was very bright so i couldn’t see what i was aiming at although the footage i did get is intriguing to say the least…Today i mentioned the sighting to a coffee vendor on the embankment next to Lambeth Bridge and he said other people had seen it too."

Diamond Shaped UFO Parks Next To Famous Italy Hotel, Sept 29, 2012.

Date of sighting: September 29, 2012 
Location of sighting: Santa Cesarea, Italy

This is a live cam image that was recently seen in Santa Cesarea, Italy.  A glowing white diamond was seen of late hovering just inches over the water. In comparison of the diamond and the famous hotel next to it, it can be estimated that the UFO is two floors high from tip to tip. This is an infrared camera at night allowing it to see only things that reflect its IR led lights. The human eye cannot see Infrared light. More proof of this being a UFO…its parked next to a world famous hotel "Terme Di Santa Cesarea." Remember the the first rule of parking a camouflaged ship…rule one…remember where you parked. Parking next a famous hotel in the water certainly falls into an unforgettable area. SCW

Source live cam: http://www.webcams.travel/webcam/1240496975-Weather-Santa-cesarea-Terrme-2-Santa-Cesarea-Terme


UFO Discovered On Google Street View of Charlotte, North Carolina Sept 2012.

Date of discovery: Sept 26, 2012 
Date of sighting: Unknown
Location of sighting: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

News States: 
A strange thing appears when you search for Jacksonville, Texas on Google Maps. If you select street view and pan around you'll see an unusual floating object with a familiar shape.
It was pointed out to us in an email from Andrea Dove. She lives near Houston and was getting directions to visit her aunt in Jacksonville when she stumbled on the image.
You don't even have to put in a street; just Jacksonville, TX., and go to  street view, then pan around, and there it is: a thing that I don't know what it is. It looks like something from a low-budget 1950s flick.
"And this, this is the bridge where Google Maps captured an image no one can explain. Not even the people of Jacksonville," I said, pointing at the overpass.
WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC

Cosmosphere Builds UFO for International Exhibit, Its First Stop, Taipei, Taiwan.

This company is designing the universal UFO...meaning the typical shape seen in most UFO photos and ancient art. They say it will be displayed in Taipei, Taiwan on Nov 9, 2012. Since I live near there, I will be there and get some new shots of the finished product for you. It already seems to mimic the Bob Lazar Style UFO but until we see the finished product its hard to say. Very exciting. SCW

Cosmo.org states: 

HUTCHINSON, Kan. -  SpaceWorks, the Cosmosphere division internationally recognized for space artifact restoration and replication, has just completed design and fabrication of its first Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) for an exhibit, "The Science of Aliens," opening Nov. 9 at the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, Republic of China.  Not only is the design/build project unique, its transportation to Taipei is allowing the Cosmosphere to, once again, broaden its reach to a global level.The 3,000-pound UFO is 20 feet wide by 9 feet tall, constructed with steel tube framing and aluminum sheeting, complete with uplights, downlights, circulating beam lights and sound. The project was commissioned by Universal Impression, a Taipei-based exhibit promotion company that designs traveling exhibits for museums throughout Asia. Universal's recent exhibitions have featured subjects as diverse as Monet, Van Gogh and the science of robotics.

"When the Cosmosphere was approached by Universal Impression about the possibility of fabricating a replica UFO, one of the first things we did was to research what a UFO might look like," said Cosmosphere President and COO Jim Remar.  "Unexplained aerial observations have been reported throughout history, but there is one common theme: the apparent shape of a UFO is generally reported as a saucer or disk.  Based on the descriptions and drawings of UFOs we found - some dating back to ancient times - we ultimately developed this design." According to the Cosmosphere's research, the earliest UFO sightings in recorded history can be found in 4th century Chinese texts claiming that a "moon boat" hovered above China every 12 years. The most well-known sighting was by American businessman Kenneth Arnold in 1947.  Arnold described what he saw as being "flat, like a pie pan."  This sighting lead to a series of investigations conducted by the U.S Air Force from 1948 - 1969. Two SpaceWorks staff members will be traveling to Taipei to install the exhibit. "When it comes to exhibit design, this project is but one example of how well recognized the Cosmosphere and SpaceWorks has become internationally," Remar said.  "We will be discussing the prospect of designing future exhibits for Universal Impression.  We will also meet with officials from Hsinchu province, a community that is developing a new air and space museum.  Obviously, we hope to be part of their design team and anticipate bidding on projects for their new facility." The UFO is scheduled to leave the Cosmosphere October 5. It will be taken apart to travel by truck to Los Angeles, Cal., be shipped by freighter across the Pacific Ocean to Taiwan, and then take another truck ride to its final destination of Taipei. Once it reaches Taipei, SpaceWorks crew will reassemble it and make sure it is ready for the exhibit.

Source: http://www.cosmo.org/newsroom/ne_nw_article.cfm?id=143


Four Faces On Mars Surface Found Using Google Mars Map Sept 27, 2012.

Date of discovery: Sept 27, 2012
Location of discovery: Mars

I was looking over Google Mars map and found these four faces not far from each other. They look worn down from wind and sand over millions of years, but they are still clearly faces. I don't think everyone has the ability to discern such details, but many will. All you have to do is put the coordinates into the search box of Google Earth...switch the button to Mars and you have it. Why am I always looking for faces? Because I want to know how they look. SCW

Coordinates: 45°49'37.62"S  141°32'2.48"E

Below photo is low detail. You must go to google map to see the faces in high detail. You cannot see faces in below photo, its just to show you locations.

UFOs Seen A Second After Lightning Strikes SUV In Russia, Sept 2012 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: September 17, 2012
Location of sighting: Russia

This week a dashboard cam was lucky enough to catch a lighting strike as it hit an SUV driving down the street. As the lighting dissipates, three glowing UFOs are seen at the top of the screen for a split second. UFOs have been tied to lighting storms a lot this year and this video is no exception. I circled the UFOs in red so you can see them better.

Another curious theory by one viewer of the video commented, "Thor is now in the vehicle." This response got 20 thumbs up already, but by the time I was finished writing this it was 34, five min later. Although they were probably referring to the comic character…interesting enough Val Valiant Thor is the name of an alien that looks human and who landed his ship in Virginia in 1957 and was escorted by police to the Pentagon where he later talked to President Eisenhower. What I'm saying is the comment could be 100% correct. He could be back and among us once again.

UFO Approaches Japan Volcano As It Erupts, Sept 2012 VIDEO.

Click Photo To Enlarge

Date of sighting: September 26, 2012
Location of sighting: Sakurajima Volcano, Japan

This is a discovery by "Streetcap1" of Youtube. Here he has recorded live cam that shows a volcano with smoke coming out…however something disk-like in shape is approaching the mouth of the volcano and as it gets right over the mouth…it disappears. Fantastic capture and compounds the massive amounts of similar evidence that exists of UFOs near volcanos all pointing to one final conclusion, there are underground bases below some volcanos. SCW

ROBERT BINGHAM Summons A UFO To Appear Over Los Angeles, California SEPT 15, 2012

Date of sighting: September 15, 2012
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

Robert Bingham was demonstrating his summoning skills to prove that he can summon UFOs when one UFO appeared overhead. He uses the power of the mind to communicate with them…projecting his thoughts outward like a radar sending out its signal. He estimates the glowing white UFO to be over 100 feet across or 30 meters. This is not the first time he has done this. He has done it on TV news and several paranormal TV shows not to mention he has practiced this for many years. All we know is when he calls them, they always come…always. SCW

For more of Videos by Robert…check out his Youtube Channel (Click Here).


Many UFOs Seen Around Sun In SOHO/NASA Data, Sept 24, 2012.

Date of sighting: September 24, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

Eyewitness states:
(Translated from Russian)
Aliens, UFOs and anomalies near the Sun - Review of real NASA photos for September 25, 2012. On this day, the data from the satellite SOHO, vanished in 15-45. People ask NASA - What is it? Some people, NASA says it spoiled pixels others, NASA says it is the effect of radiation from the sun, to third persons, NASA says that this comet and asteroydy. NASA keeps saying different! NASA is deceiving people! Objects that have a regular geometric shape and moving on the right path, can not be the explanation that gives NASA. It's a UFO! Image of unidentified flying objects in very high quality, with no pixelation. Facilities are located near the Sun. Review for September 25, 2012.