
Buildings On Venus Map Show Structures Miles Tall, April 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Venus
Venus Map: http://webgis2.wr.usgs.gov/Venus_Global_GIS/

Wow! This person not only found these structures, but made a CGI duplicate so we can see what it truly looks like. I are really impressed with his video. Nice detail and it really highlights the structures on Venus well. Note, the entire...and I mean entire, surface of Venus is covered in structures. Val Valiant Thor said he lived there, but most inhabitants like himself, live below the surface. 
Scott C. Waring

President Eisenhower had three secret meetings with Captain Val Valiant Thor From Venus - 2 Witness Speak Out!

Mundodesconocido of Youtube states:
The Magellan probe sent to Venus that operated in the late 80s and 90s, collected an enormous amount of images that have finally been published by NASA in which huge cities, artificial structures and all kinds of elements that seem to obey constructions appear intelligent effected by some kind of alien race that inhabited or colonized the second planet in our solar system, in the following video, we show those buildings that we have found and their interpretations in 3 Dimensions of them.

NASA Rover Sees Tower In Distance On Mars, April 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, sol 1283
Source phtoto: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01283/soas/rdr/ccam/CR0_511399711PRC_F0531756CCAM02283L1.PNG

This is an unusual structure that looks like its been created by intelligent beings. It the far distance is a tower, and NASA has been very creative in that they have been using their micro imaging camera lately as you would a telescopic lens, to see things far away. Its actually a genius alternative use for the camera. 
Scott C. Waring


Living Creature Caught On Satellite Sun Camera, Similar To Tether Incident, April 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 22, 2016
Location of sighting: Between Earth and Sun
Source photo: http://api.helioviewer.org/

This object came close to the camera lens of the SOHO/NASA sun satellite and it may just be one of the living creatures that live in the depths of space. Usually these creatures are 90% transparent and can only be seen with infrared cameras, but the sun has so much infrared that it caused this creature to become visible. Its probably smaller than a bus, since some that size have been recorded back in the 1970s during the NASA tether incident when a metal cable was stretched out over 10 km in space, but one of these creatures flew right though it, cutting the cable in half...destroying the mission. Living creatures that exist in space...born, live, die. Its hardly a revolutionary concept, but Russians reported giant plankton living on the outside of their solar panels...so, you know where this is going.
Scott C. Waring

Similar posts: 
UFO Near Sun Similar to STS-75 "tether incident," Campare UFOs, May 2, 2012. UFO Sighting News.

Giant UFO On Moon Seen With Telescope, Same UFO as NASA Video! June 2012. UFO Sighting News.

Antartica Expedition Find Meteorites To Help Answer Questions About Solar System Evolution, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Antartica

Who hasn't dreamed about this? Walking along, and finding a hand size meter right there on top of the snow. Traveling from across the universe, over the course of billions of years. Some of these meteorites may actually be ancient alien tech, and some even contain the rare element 115, which Bob Lazar said was so powerful, a coin size piece would power a alien disk for 30+ years. Such a meteor has been found twice, both in Africa and both disappeared from the Internet within weeks. Also many rocky meteorites have been found to contain ancient signs of early life fossils.

Scott C. Waring

Meteorite Hunters In Florida Find Four Meteorites, Photos, UFO Sighting News. 

News states:
A team of eight scientists spent two-months in the frozen landscape of Antarctica as part of the Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET), a 40-year program that has helped reveal information about asteroids, other bodies of our solar system and the red planet which will assist NASA on its Journey to Mars. The team recovered nearly 570 new meteorite samples from the Miller Range of the Trans-Antarctic Mountains during the expedition. Samples recovered from recent seasons include rare and scientifically valuable pieces of Mars and Moon, as well as rocks formed very early during the formation and evolution of the solar system that hold clues to the origin of volatiles, planets and the organic compounds essential to life. The meteorites collected give us important clues about the early solar system, but even the thousands of meteorites recovered over the years represent a tiny part of the larger puzzle, including a find in the 1990s that produced evidence that sparked a vigorous debate about whether life could have existed on Mars more than 3.6 billion years ago. Meteorites are currently the only way to acquire samples from Mars as well as new samples of the moon that are different from – and originated far from – the Apollo landing sites, as well as a variety of asteroid bodies.

Orange UFO Over Ocean Along San Diego, CA On April 18, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

 Above photo has added light to see more detail.

Date of sighting: April 18, 2016
Location of sighting: San Diego, California, USA

Here is a cool lights of UFO moving together over San Diego this week. I tried to add light to them to see if there were wings or a body behind, but could find none. The lights seem to be coming from a single UFO, not a fleet. They stay together, as if attached. When I added light to the photo, it shows a UFO body behind it. Very cool and strange sighting.
Scott C. Waring

Here is a similar sighting; Glowing UFOs Seen Over Ocean At Vero Beach, Florida On Sept 25, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News. 

Austin Truitt of Youtube states:
Right above the ocean 1 object appeared, then 2, then 3 and 4. Then all the objects vanished at the same time. Then a few minutes later 10 or 11 objects all appeared back in the same spot in a strange formation. This is when I started recording. After a few more minutes they fade out 1 by 1 as my camera goes out of focus. Filmed from the beach in San Diego, California. Seen from Tijuana, Mexico also.

Two Human-like Faces Found On Mars With Google Earth, April 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Google Mars Coordinates: 10°12'53.08"N 157° 9'51.54"E

These are some great faces along a ridge in Mars. An Argentine researcher Marcelo Iranzusta sent this into me and its just mind blowing. The first face is looking left, the second smaller face is looking right. 

Why are faces important? They tell us what that particular species looks like. These two have similar facial features to humans...a nose, chin, two eyes, forehead, two nostrils, mouth under nose...protruding eyebrow ridge. What more could you ask for?
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
TWO FACES CARVED IN ROCK Mars were discovered by Argentine researcher Marcelo Irazusta. This interesting finding adds to other similar that are being discovered by leading researchers on the planet Mars. The faces have an area of approximately 26 meters in length and Google Mars coordinates to locate are: 10° 12'.53.13 "N 157 ° 9'51.53" E 

DOS ROSTROS TALLADOS EN LA ROCA DE Marte fueron descubiertos por el investigador argentino, Marcelo Irazusta. Este interesante hallazgo se suma a otros parecidos que estan siendo descubiertos por importantes investigadores del planeta Marte. Los rostros tienen una superficie aproximada de 26 metros de longitud y las coordenadas de Google Mars para ubicarlas son: 10°12'.53.13"N 157°9'51.53"E