
Ancient Sea Shell Found On Mars Suface In Yestedays Curiosity Rover Photo, July 24, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 24, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1209 taken July 23, 2016

 I found this fossilized sea shell in this photo of the Mars surface today. What you see is the original untouched photo from Curiosity Rover that was taken a yesterday. Sol 1409. This is more proof that an ocean once existed on Mars and that it did have life on it. This combined with many other sea shell finds I and others have made and the fossil fish all prove this fact. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Over Daytona Beach, Florida On July 20, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 20, 2016
Location of sighting: Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
News source: MUFON #77890

This is a strange clover shaped UFO over the beach in Florida. It has five round areas and a larger lower area. Really large, about the size of a motorcycle or car. Proof that aliens are in Florida and since its a long the beach area, it probably came from below the ocean where there may be a base.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
My wife and I were at a hotel on the beach in Daytona Beach Florida on 7/20/16. The hotel is on SR A1A about 2.0 miles south of US 92. The time was 8:52 PM and it had just turned dark. We were sitting in the lawn area overlooking the ocean when we heard several people in a parking lot next to us to the south speaking loudly and pointing to a blinking object in the sky. The object was about ½ mile south of our position, at about a 30–45 degree angle from our position, hovering over the beach at maybe 500’ (?). From our position it looked small maybe about the size of a penny held at arm’s length. It looked like a sphere with a ring around it, kind of like the planet Saturn. It had a lot of lights on it many different colors. 

Very bright white/silver, green maybe others, not sure. The white/silver lights were constant and there were others blinking. There was a violet one on the bottom that blinked a lot slower than the others, maybe once every second. The others were faster. The object hovered for about a minute that we observed. It then slowly turned west then south arcing slightly as it did. It then headed south slowly then VERY quickly picked up speed and continued south down the beach until we lost sight of it. My wife noted there was a small plane approaching the object from the north and when the plane got really close, the object turned and quickly sped away. As my wife said "it hauled butt". I had difficulty getting my phone camera to focus in the dark but managed to snap one picture as soon as I saw it, then started video recording for 30 seconds or so. I turned off video so I could snap another picture. When I turned it off the object had started its turn. I turned the video back on until I lost sight of it. We are not sure what this was. It was definitely not a plane or helicopter. It couldn’t have been a drone as the drone would have to have been a big one, at least 10-15 feet in diameter. No other logical explanation to what we saw. 


Hey everyone, please help me out on indiegogo to help me pay for a new computer.

Goal: To raise money for a computer for this site. 

Some of you have responded when you found out I was using ads to fund parts of my site (UFO Reports Section has monthly fees I pay) and to get a new computer. Many readers told me to get a donate button, which they don't allow outside of USA, but I found that at indiegogo they do allow it. So if you wish to help me, any donation you could make would be wonderful. If not, thats cool too. I understand times are tight right now.

Scott C. Waring

Tom Delonge Says He Is Very Close To Completing His UFO Documentary, July 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of Instagram: July 24, 2016

Tom Delonge of Blink-182 had been in the news a lot for his interest in UFOs and alien phenomenon. Today he made a post on Instagram about a UFO documentary that he is personally making. I can't wait to see it. It sound fantastic. 
Scott C. Waring

Tom Delonge stated: 
We are getting very close to showing you all a piece of the documentary. Been working on this for a long time. This week I flew across the country and spent 12 hours with two scientists from CIA, and a very high-level person from the Defense Department. Our Country has been doing incredible things in relation to this topic. Every decision they made, as hard as it is to comprehend now, really was in our best interest. At first, your instinct is to be angry because you feel like you were lied to, left out of something important... But once you know the facts, you'll be proud of what our country did. Very proud. #SekretMachines

DR. KEN JOHNSTON Says He Saw Structures On The Moon, July 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Jan 22, 2016
Maker of video:  Project Camelot 
Source: http://www.kenjohnstonmedia.com

Did you notice he shows a photo of a shiny dome on the moon at 24:40 into the video? I found it in an Apollo mission photo 6 years ago (click here). Very cool. I wonder how many NASA employees have seen the photo of object we have found on this site?
Scott C. Waring

Project Camelot States: 
Dr. R. Ken Johnston, Sr. one of 4 Civilian Astronaut Consultant Pilots from the Apollo Moon Program, is a retired aerospace engineer, US Marine, and “NASA Whistleblower.” He refused to strictly follow orders and destroy a nearly-complete collection of 8″ x 10″ glossy photo-prints from the Apollo program, photos that are not available from NASA at this time and are of a higher resolution than what is found online. Johnston was born at Fort Sam Houston US Army Air Base in San Antonio, TX. 1942, and studied at Oklahoma City University. He enlisted in the US Marines in August, 1962 and reported to Pensacola as a Marine Officer Cadet for flight training in September 1964. He left active duty from the Marines in August 1966.

Johnston was hired by Grumman Aircraft Corp. because of his training as a pilot with an avionics background to become a principal contractor for the Apollo Lunar Module testing. His duty was to assist with cockpit and instrument development and Astronaut training at the Manned Space Center (to be renamed JSC) in Houston, Texas, as a “civilian astronaut consultant pilot." Ken Johnston worked as a contractor from 1966 to 1972, during the Apollo Program, and he was employed by Brown & Root Northroup, principal contractors to NASA for management of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory, where all the moon rocks were stored, curated, cataloged and in some cases, distributed to scientists who had successfully applied to carry out analysis in their own labs.

An important part of Johnston‘s duty was to provide photographic and peliminary analysis of the lunar samples to the contributing scientists from around the world. The photographic documentation was to document the lunar samples exact location and orientation in situ. In addition to the photos he provided copies of the lunar sample information catalogs to the scientists. As such, he had in his office several sets of photographs taken by Apollo astronauts with their chest-mounted Hasselblad cameras. When the lunar sample distribution wound down, he was instructed by Bud Laskawa, his boss, to destroy what remained of the photo archive, but Johnston kept one set as a personal collection for a work portfolio.

Johnston applied to NASA for the 1977 astronaut selection for duty as a Space Shuttle astronaut, but was turned down because NASA wanted the astronauts to be PhD level scientists. The ideal astronaut was no longer a “jet-jock”, but men with scientific accreditation. When NASA was recruiting again, Johnston re-applied, but was considered too old. He did, however, join NASA’s educational outreach program as a “Solar System Ambassador” traveling and speaking to civic and youth groups about space exploration and careers in engineering and science.

UFO Orbs Caught on Video - Open Minds UFO Report, July 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: July 2016
Maker of video: Open Minds

Here is a very informative video from Open Minds site that tells us about many of the UFO sighting reports from July 2016 that we may have missed. I have to admit, a few surprised me. I like Open Minds a lot. They are very careful to only post investigated reports with evidence of their occurrence to back them up. 
Scott C. Waring