Showing posts with label meteorite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meteorite. Show all posts


NASA Scientist Tells About Find Life In Mars Rocks During NASA Mission! VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Astrobiologist Richard Hoover and his colleagues at the Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham have been making worldwide headlines for years due to their proof that scientist have already obtained valid evidence of extraterrestrial life. However, other NASA scientists who still work for NASA and fear for losing their jobs remained skeptical. SCW


Asteroid Will Buzz Between Earth And The Moon, Sept 18, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

News states:
A tiny asteroid discovered just last week is set to zip by Earth on Wednesday (Sept. 18), passing between our planet and the moon. It is small enough and distant enough that it poses no threat to people, scientists say.

Astronomers first observed the space rock, named 2013 RZ53, on Friday (Sept. 13), according to data from the Minor Planet Center, a clearinghouse of information on comets and asteroids based in Cambridge, Mass.

The asteroid measures only 4 to 12 feet (1.6 to 3.6 meters) across, and it is expected to pass at a safe distance of more than 148,000 miles (230,800 kilometers) away from Earth when it makes its closest approach on Wednesday at 6:20 p.m. EDT (22:20 GMT). (The moon orbits Earth at an average distance of 239,000 miles, or 384,600 km.)

Even if it were aimed directly at our planet, the newly discovered space rock is so small that it would likely burn up in the atmosphere before it could hit the ground.


UFOs Caught Near Falling Meteorite Over Virginia On Aug 20, 2013.

Date of sighting: August 20, 2013
Location of sighting: Hampton, Virginia, USA

August 20, 2013 8:20 pm. The images that we present have been recorded in the city of Hampton, Virginia, August 20, 2013 at 20.20, when in the sky appeared a long trail and fragments of what is certainly a meteor. One of the many witnesses was able to document the incident and publish images on the Web. Spectacular is the fact that among the fragments of the meteorite and the drag created by the impact with the atmosphere, you can see the UFO light balls that constantly follow the track of the fireball and debris. Some ufologists, the balls of light shot the meteorite, while others believe that the pictures may show the remains of a large alien spaceship.


Iron beads necklace in Egyptian tomb were forged from meteorite iron, two thousand years before the Iron Age began!

Now take a look at this, iron beads made from meteorites found in an Egyptian tomb, and over 5,000 years old. That should be impossible since scientists say no iron items were made before the Iron Age, which started 3,000 years ago, but as we see...scientists are wrong again. These items are evidence of ancient aliens in Egypt who passed on some of their iron making techniques to the locals. SCW

News states: 
Ancient Egyptian beads found in a 5,000-year-old tomb were made from iron meteorites that fell to Earth from space, according to a new study. The beads, which are the oldest known iron artifacts in the world, were crafted roughly 2,000 years before Egypt's Iron Age. In 1911, nine tube-shaped beads were excavated from an ancient cemetary   near the village of el-Gerzeh, which is located south of Cairo, said study lead author Thilo Rehren, a professor at UCL Qatar, a Western Asian outpost of the University College London's Institute of Archaeology. The tomb dates back to approximately 3200 B.C., the researchers said. Inside the tomb, which belonged to a teenage boy, the iron beads were strung together into a necklace alongside other exotic materials, including gold and gemstones. Early tests of the beads' composition revealed curiously high concentrations of nickel, a telltale signature of iron meteorites.



50 Pound Ice Ball Drops From UFO As Sudden Crop Circle In Shape Of Two Moons Appears in Gray, Tennessee On May 3, 2013.

Date of sighting: Crop Circle, May 13, 2013
Date of sighting: Ice ball, May 10, 2013
Location of sighting: Gray, Tennessee, USA

It doesn't take a genius to add two and two. Its more than obvious both these amazing phenomenons are directly related since they happened within 72 hours of each other. A giant mass of ice fell from the sky near some playing children in a field and less than a mile away a crop formation was discovered in a farmers field in the shape of several moons tied together.

Both those things alone are great evidence that UFOs are doing some kind of mission over the city of Gray, but add into this that the city has a minuscule population of only 1,222 (Wikipedia) and then you notice that the chances that a UFO would be noticed has also dropped dramatically compared to say the city of Los Angeles, CA which has a population of 3,792,621 (Wiki). Less people means less chances that aliens or UFOs would be noticed in the area. Its the perfect location for them to do their experiments or what have you and not be seen.

Also, the news believes that this was a presumptive as they always are. Notice the depth of the hole? The truth of the matter is (I am an collector of meteorites) that any ice meteor would have burned up in the atmosphere and also NO MEGACRYOMETEORITE FALLING FROM 150 MILES UP AND TRAVELING AT A SPEED OF 11-70KM PER SECOND WOULD MAKE A SHALLOW HOLE! That being said, if it hit near the kids the impact would have created an explosion from the speed alone that would have decimated the kids and their home not to mention make an incredibly deep and wide crater...big enough to give the kids a new swimming pool...sorry, neighbours kids since these kids would be dead. 

In other words, since the depth of the hole made was that of only 2-3 inches...this fell from only about 50-60 meters up. Probably fell from a UFO that had too much ice clinging to it from space, and since they are a million or more years ahead of us in technological evolution...their ship would be cloaked. Ice clinging to spacecraft could gather through space the longer the distance traveled.

I predict that if a small UFO group was formed in Gray armed with camcorders and night vision as well as infrared cameras, we will be seeing some amazing evidence to the fact. SCW


Meteor explodes when UFO Passes In Opposite Direction, Japan Feb 2013.

Date of sighting: February 14, 2013
Location of sighting: Giappone, Japan

In this video we have many captures of the meteor as it fell over Japan, but just seconds before its explosion a UFO appears off to its left. This UFO then moves slowly for two seconds, probably shooting the meteor with something, then it increases speed and takes off upwards back into space going the opposite direction. As the meteor explodes, please notice the light around the UFO…a shield that is protecting it from the explosion. SCW


UFO Over Russia Saves Lives By Causing Meteor To Explode Early, Feb 15, 2013.

Date of sighting: February 15, 2013
Location of sighting: Central Russia

Look carefully and you will notice a dark object that hovers below the smoky trail of the meteor that exploded over Russia this week. The dark object doesn't move, but appears to be watching the fallout of the explosion and its effect on the city and people below. Could it be that this alien craft actually caused the meteor to explode before it hit the ground...saving thousands of lives? It seems like aliens do intervene when we really need them. SCW


UFO Over Same Russian City That Had Meteor Explode Over It Injuring Over 1,000 People, Feb 16, 2013.

Date of sighting: February 16, 2013, but person put 1-16-2013 by mistake.
Location of sighting: Chelyabinsk, Russia

This UFO was seen over the world most popular city on on Feb 16, 2013…Chelyabinsk, Russia, the city which had a meteor explode over it with a force of 30 Hiroshima A-Bombs. This brings up several questions about why the UFOs were there. First, did the UFO cause the meteor to explode in the sky instead of the ground which would have killed thousands? Was the UFO there to check out the damage and reaction of the people? Third, did aliens cause the explosion in the first place as some kind of warning the Russia? SCW


Extraterrestrial Life Found In Meteorite, Says Scientist Chandra Wickramasinghe, Jan 2013.

If a group of scientists are correct, tiny fossils uncovered inside a meteorite found in Sri Lanka in December are proof of extraterrestrial life.
In a detailed paper called "Fossil Diatoms In A New Carbonaceous Meteorite" that is appearing in the Journal of Cosmology, Chandra Wickramasinghe claims to have found strong evidence that life exists throughout the universe.
An electron microscope was used to study the reported remains of a large meteorite (see image below right) that fell near the Sri Lanka village of Polonnaruwa on Dec. 29.

Wickramasinghe is the director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham in the U.K. In December, he and his colleagues found "a microstructure and morphology characteristic of a wide class of terrestrial diatoms." The group concluded that "the presence of structures of this kind in any extraterrestrial setting could be construed as unequivocal proof of biology" -- in other words, proof of life outside of planet Earth.
Wickramasinghe and the late English astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle co-developed a theory known as "panspermia," which suggests that life exists throughout the universe and is distributed by meteoroids and asteroids.
"We conclude ... that the identification of fossilised diatoms [as shown in the image below] in the Polonnaruwa meteorite is firmly established and unimpeachable. Since this meteorite is considered to be an extinct cometary fragment, the idea of microbial life carried within comets and the theory of cometary panspermia is thus vindicated," Wickramasinghe wrote in the research paper.

Below is a video of this meteor as it fell over Sri Lanka in Dec of 2012.


Eyewitnesses Say Glowing Object In Sky Not A Meteor, TV NEWs Video Oct 17, 2012.

UFO, Oct 17, 2012 Bay Area, California

Actual photo of meteor taken by eyewitness. Oct 17, 2012.
Shows a UFO at the front of the glowing tail.

Date of sighting: October 17, 2012
Location of sighting: California to Nevada

In the video below you hear not one but three eyewitnesses of different locations in California all say what they saw wasn't a meteor. They say the object was way to slow to be a meteor and that the object sometimes did not have a tail. Also they say the object was flying across the sky like a jet, not falling like a meteor would. Not to mention a meteor would be pulled by gravity to bend downward, but this object never pointed downward. The above photo was one of the first looks at the UFO and here we see an object at the front of a glowing tail. This objects is a UFO, not a meteor. The media is manipulated by the US government and they are now using the word "meteor" to get you to shrug off this sighting and think nothing of it. Did they succeed? Its a UFO, end of story. It was the same exact UFO seen over the same exact location back in Sept 30, 2011, also flying horizontally. It comes and goes with passengers. SCW