Showing posts with label stonehenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stonehenge. Show all posts


Ancient Pillar and Two Pyramids Found On Recent Mars Rover Photo, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
News source:
Photo source:

This is a fantastic discovery by Christian Mace, a French UFO researcher who searches hard for the truth. He found a broken pillar and not one, but two pyramids in the background. Its been long thought that the leaders of ancient Egypt came from other planets before they came to Earth, and apparently they have also been to Mars, as this evidence points. Awesome catch by Christian Mace. Keep it up. 
Scott C. Waring

Pleiadian Seen Vanishing On Live Danish News At Airport! Video, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2016
Location of sighting: Denmark, baggage claim, airport
News source:

In this Danish News video, we see a yellow hair woman in the background trying to get her baggage, then....she vanishes. A lot of viewers of the video say you can see her walking behind the girl in front...that her hair is seen behind her, but that hair is brown and is her ponytail. It is not the yellow hair of the girl that vanishes. 

There are a lot of yellow hair aliens out there. One species that mingles a lot with humans and may have even walked past you a few times are the Pleiadians. Yellow hair seems to be a trademark of they species. She may be one of them. 

I also notice she is talking to a girl with a sports jacket. Her own jacket is different, but the other person behind them all also has this sports jacket, not to mention the Puma baggage. As her conversation ends with this sports girl, she vanishes, as if she was finished. The real question is...was she even on the plane at all, or just appear here to talk to this special someone?

Scott C. Waring 


Marshenge!!! Stonehenge Looking Area On Mars Discovered! Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 2015
Location of sighting: Mars
Source photo:

This is something remarkable found by Mister Enigma of Youtube. Its two circles of rocks and one square in its center. This is not the first time I have seen this. I have seen it many times in dozens of photos of Mars, always a circle. Sometimes with big rocks, sometimes smaller, but always on small hills only.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Alien Mysteries: Marshenge!!! Stonehenge Looking Area On Mars Discovered.

Mister Enigmas Facebooks (click here).


2nd Stonehenge discovered in Kent, England Aug 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 2014
Location of discovery: Sittingbourne, Kent, England

News states: 
A ‘sacred' path that may have led to a 6,000-year-old henge has been discovered on a building site in Kent. The ceremonial gathering place in Iwade measures 98ft (30 metres) in diameter and is formed of a pair of ring ditches. Evidence suggests the outer ditch may have originated in the Neolithic period, and been later transformed in the Bronze Age into a funerary monument, with the addition of the inner ring. The discovery was made by Dr Paul Wilkinson and his team from Swat Archaeology. It is part of a larger, ongoing investigation on the site, ahead of development by Persimmon Homes at Iwade Meadows just to the west of Sittingbourne in Kent. (More at source).