
Glowing UFOs Over Ocean Isle, North Carolina, TV News VIDEO, Aug 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 16 or 17, 2014
Location of sighting: Ocean Isle, Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
Source: http://www.wwaytv3.com/2014/08/20/ufo-over-ocean-isle
Total time of sighting: 17 minutes

WWAY New3 States:
OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC (WWAY) -- What was in the sky over Ocean Isle Beach this weekend? "I thought that's a strange light. Maybe it's a helicopter light, and I was watching them go, and they sorta did like a half circle," said Woozy Dell, who is vacationing for the week out on Ocean Isle Beach. "And then I saw another one come, and then I thought this is bizarre, and it got a little interesting."
What she says she saw were a series of dots in the sky. They appeared to be glowing orbs, changing in color and multiplying in number. "So I saw two, and then I started seeing three, and then I started seeing four, and then I started counting them, because I thought, 'My gosh. What is this?" Dell said. "What I saw was an orangish red, and when it went back around it was white." She saw it all late Saturday night. She said it lasted just 17 minutes. "It was in the sky, and then went away, and it was, the lights, were so unusual that it was something you don't forget," Dell said. We got an e-mail from someone in Wilmington seeing strange lights in the Wrightsville Beach sky, too, that night. Problem is no one knows what it was. "I have to admit," Dell laughed, "I did go out the next night looking. And tonight looks like a clear night, so..."


Alien Craft Being Transported On Public Highway, Aug 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2014
Location of sighting: Highway in Cornwall, England

This saucer craft was seen this week on the highway in Cornwall. The shape and size are perfect for being a crashed UFO or even a new military disk. This is amazing footing and I only wish the person continued to follow them so that we can see where they were going. Perhaps a military base nearby. SCW


Angelic UFO Returns To Our Sun Again, SOHO photos, Aug 22, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 22, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This video was made by Myunhauzen74 of Youtube. I have been following him for years, and he only post real UFOs seen in SOHO/NASA photos. I checked it out and yes, the angelic ship is there. This is not the first time this angelic UFO has been seen. Its been seen every few months (click here) for the last two years. Our sun has something that makes them continue to come back. SCW

Eyewitness states:
You need to know and remember that objects and anomalies near the Sun are not recording errors are not noisy equipment and are not coronal mass ejections from the sun, or the solar wind. This is a real giant unidentified objects, which have correct geometrical shape and different sizes. 


Wolf Picture Found On Mars, Aug 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 2014
Location of discovery: Deuteronilus Colles, Mars
Method Used: Google Mars

Wow, so young and already finding cool things on Mars! I am impressed. I couldn't outline it, so I colored it in. Hope thats okay. Keep up the great work! There also is a face behind its tail. SCW

Email Report:
Hi, I am in the fourth grade. I tried Google Mars and found this wolf. Can you outline it for me please?

Glowing UFO Caught During Sunset In Houston, Texas On Aug 18, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 18, 2014
Location of sighting: Houston, Texas, USA

Email Report states:
I was scrolling through my instagram feed and noticed someone was just posting a picture of a sunset, but I noticed a UFO on the right side of the picture not being able to keep its cloak due to the sunset. I might be wrong but check it out. The date of the sighting as far as I know is 8/18/2014 in Houston, Texas

Glowing UFO caught during sunset in Cottonwood, CA On aug 10, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 10, 2014
Location of  sighting: Cottonwood, California, USA
This came in the email today and if you have seen this UFO in Cottonwood, CA, please let us know about it in comments below. At first I believed this to be a reflection, but the beam of light coming from the UFO says its not. This looks very similar to the UFO seen over China that closed an airport. SCW

Eyewitness email report states:
My Mom and I were headed home from Red Bluff Ca headed north on I-5. We were almost to the Bowman road exit at the time the photo was taken. My Mom asked me to take a picture of the sunset. It was Aug 10, 2014 around 8:30 p.m. After turning on to Bowman Rd. heading west, I saw a bright light in the sky, but quickly lost track of it. I noticed the dates said Aug 11 on the pictures that i took on the way home. The rest of the photos that I took earlier that day were dated Aug 10. I notice it while tranfering pics from phone to pc. I checked the phone and the pc, they both had the right date and time on them.

Glowing UFO At Space Station On Aug 21, 2014 , UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 21, 2014
Location of sighting: International Space Station

This UFO was seen yesterday and recorded by Streetcap1 of Youtube. The object is incredibly bright and easy to see. This object is seen using the live NASA public cam that NASA tried unsuccessfully to shut down two months ago. They don't want the public to have access so lately for every hour of video we see on the cam, there is one hour of blue screen. I guess this is how NASA tries to slowly shut the cam down again...bit by bit make more and more blue screen time till there is no cam anymore. As of now...blue screen takes up 45-50% of the cam time. SCW


Golden UFO Over Sacramento, California Two Days In A Row! Aug 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2014
Location of sighting: Sacramento, California, USA
 Click to enlarge photo
This golden UFO was seen this week not once, but twice by the same person. She is afraid to call it a UFO, out of fear of what people will think of her. So I will do it for her. It is a UFO. As I have said a many times...if you want to see a UFO, then look during sunset and your chances are the highest. The fact that she photographed it twice is proof that its a UFO and not a weather phenomenon. 

Let me explain. As light hits a cloaked object, it must bend around the UFO at 180 degrees, but during sunset the cloak will not function properly, because no the sun is at a 90 degree angle and the light is being directed 270 degrees, but it is designed to bend light only 180. Therefore UFOs are most vulnerable during sunset. SCW


Plankton Found Living In Space On ISS Solar Panels Says Russians, Aug 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 2014
Location of discovery: International Space Station
Country to make discovery: Russia
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2728979/Never-mind-alien-life-SEA-PLANKTON-space-Creatures-living-surface-ISS-officials-say.html

As I have said may times before, life exists in space. Animals like in our oceans can adapt though mutations and grow, live and eat in space. An example of living creatures in space is during the NASA tether incident which was filmed in infrared video (Feb 25, 1996). It caught many living creatures of mass proportions...one of which broke the many miles of tether in orbit. SCW

News states:
Traces of plankton and other microorganisms have been found living on the exterior of the International Space Station (ISS), according to Russian space officials. They claim the plankton were not carried there at launch – but are thought to have been blown there by air currents on Earth. Incredibly, the tiny organisms were found to be able to survive in the vacuum of space despite the freezing temperatures, lack of oxygen and cosmic radiation. (more at source).

Glowing UFO Over Volcano Makes Hole In Cloud In Mexico, August 18, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 18, 2014
Location of sighting: Popocatepetl, Mexico
Source: http://www.webcamsdemexico.com/popocatepetl.html

I was looking though the archive of the Popocatepetl volcano and found a glowing object half way down from the volcanos mouth.  This object is flying and made up of 2-3 large orange orbs. Also there is a hole in the cloud where it came from with white streaks leading to the UFO. If you read the O'Hare Airport UFO investigation by MUFON, you will learn how many eyewitnesses describe the UFO shooting upward through the clouds, cutting a hole in the clouds. That is also what we see here. SCW


Buildings On Mars Google Map, August 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

 Notice the above screenshot has buildings and the shadow matches the buildings. This is 100% proof these structures on Mars are real.

Date of discovery: August 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
URL Source: http://www.google.com/mars/#lat=-2.253334&lon=-84.257239&zoom=10&map=infrared

I was looking over the on-line Google Mars map and found an area of interest. In this location the photo is color and not infrared, and also NASA has not edited this area of the map very well. There are a lot of structures near the shadows of mountains and along the tops of craters. These structures are so well lit up that we can see they are solid objects on the surface. 

One such crater with a structure on the side shows a shadow that matches the buildings. This particular crater is 100% proof that these buildings are actually there and not mistakes in the photo development process. I open the video with that crater, so you will see it right away if you are interested in it. 

Remember this is not the downloaded Google Mars map, but the on-line smaller version. You must hit the infrared button on the far upper right of the screen to see it. SCW

Feel free to use any post, photos, videos from this site for your own sites, articles or TV shows. This info belongs to the world. SCW


Glowing White UFO Over Perry Hall, Maryland On Aug 2, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2, 2014
Location of sighting: Perry Hall, Maryland, USA
Source: MUFON

Eyewitness states:
In Perry Hall, I was working on laptop from my car. I saw this object out of the corner of my eye. There was a big lightning storm moving in from west when it appeared in clear skies of the east.

I thought maybe it was a remote-control airplane, but it would have been very large at the apparent distance it was at, and it climbed straight up at the end. 

I wasn't sure if an RC airplane could do that. I videotaped it on my cellphone, but didn't realize it was still in view when I stopped recording.

Later when showing the footage to a military friend of mine, I noticed it reappeared at the end going straight up behind a tree - hadn't noticed at the time. 

Military friend said it didn't look like a drone. Just curious what it was - it was interesting to watch.

Black UFO Over Joshua Tree, California On Aug 10, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 10, 2014
Location of sighting: Joshua Tree, California, USA
Source:  MUFON
Eyewitness states:
While attending the Contact in the Desert event I left around 6:15 pm on Sunday night to get some dinner from the local Sonic drive-thru. I ordered my food and paid the woman at the window. As she handed me my change I noticed this dark ball in the sky straight ahead of me. At this point it was 6:38 pm. Watching it for only a moment I inferred that it wasn't any kind of bird or aircraft that I'm familiar with, so I grabbed my cell phone and immediately started filming. I zoomed in to catch the object on film, and the girl at Sonic opened her window to inform me they were just waiting on my sandwich to be done. I dropped the phone as she talked to me, but focused in on the flying object as soon as she left again. I watched this small spherical object fly just over the power lines, slowly, but consistently. I noticed a slight aura or field of sorts around the craft with my own eyes, and the object seemed to be rotating. When I was watching it I felt a great sense of calm, despite the unknown nature of its appearance. I followed this object with my cell phone just until that Sonic girl handed me my food. After I left the drive thru window I tried finding the object again to record its path some more, and then I noticed it had greatly descended in altitude. When it dropped below where the power lines were, the color of it became camouflaged against the valley's mountain line and I could no longer follow it.


Mass UFO Sighting Over Houston Texas, August 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2014
Location of sighting: Houston, Texas, USA
News source: http://www.wtsp.com/story/news/weird/2014/08/15/ufo-spotted-in-houston/14132471/

News states:
Houston, Texas (KPRC/CNN) -- Pictures posted on Twitter earlier this week show something floating through the skies over the Houston area.

In one, a circular "thing" appears to hover. In another, it appears in front of impressive clouds. In yet another, the circle appears to stand on its side with an impressive light show.

You can find a lot of things flying through the halls of the Houston Museum of Natural Science, but a real answer to just what appears in these Twitter pictures is a mystery. (More at source).

Gold Disk At Space Station On August 15, 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 15, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths orbit, space station
ISS live cam: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-iss-stream

This amazing capture was by Streetcap1 of Youtube. He was watching the live ISS cam as many of us do, and caught this golden UFO. This UFO looks like a golden disk standing on end with a bulge in its center. This is a classic disk. In the past decades, astronauts have reported metallic yellow gold orbs while in space...this looks to be from the same alien species. SCW

UFO Sightings Daily Gets On CNN Int Ed On August 16, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

CNN site: http://edition.cnn.com/2014/08/15/tech/innovation/ufo-fun-with-iss-cameras/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

I am recording this for my readers, who may not have seen that we were on CNN again this week. Absolutely awesome that UFO sightings are getting into the media more and more each year. Sure the article is not flattering, but its not about good or bad, its about getting the attention of the public so that they are aware that UFO sightings can be seen and recorded using NASA space station live cam. 


Alien Figure Found On Google Mars Map, August 16, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 16, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source Map:  http://www.google.com/mars/#lat=22.662491&lon=-132.809085&zoom=9&map=infrared

Guys I found this today and I am still amazed at what it is. The face alone is an incredible find, but this one has 70% of a figure to it. This guy looks like a warrior with his massive shoulders and arms. The other leg and arm look faded and warn, not by time, but by an ancient lake area. I have to say, I see a lot of resemblance between this and the ancient Greek gods. Perhaps a story that has lasted thousands of years has more truth to it than once thought. SCW


British Police Search For Holy Grail in Pub, August 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of search: August 2014
Location of search: Herefordshire, England
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/07/us-britain-holygrail-idUSKBN0G71X120140807

Why do I put up the Holy Grail? Because I believe a man who can heal with a touch and create miracles would have to be an alien. Yes, you heard me right. Aliens who are millions of years ahead of us in tech would of course, appear as gods. An alien that wanted to install morals and ethics in a chaotic humanity. SCW

News states:
(Reuters) - British police raided an English country pub this week in search of a stolen wooden relic believed by some to be the Holy Grail - a cup from which, according to the Bible, Jesus is said to have drunk at his final meal before crucifixion.

The object of the police search, which was unsuccessful, was a frail wooden bowl known as the Nanteos Cup that has been attributed with healing powers since the 19th century, attracting pilgrims and others who believe it may be the Holy Grail itself.

After receiving a tip-off, a team of eight officers and a police dog arrived on Sunday morning at the Crown Inn, a village pub in the rural English county of Herefordshire.

"They turned the place upside down. They came with fiber optic cameras to look in all the corners and nooks and crannies, and under the floorboards ... they were clearly serious about it," the pub's landlady, Di Franklyn, said. More at source.

2nd Stonehenge discovered in Kent, England Aug 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 2014
Location of discovery: Sittingbourne, Kent, England
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2725043/Stonehenge-discovered-KENT-Sacred-path-leads-Neolithic-circular-ditch-discovered-Sittingbourne.html

News states: 
A ‘sacred' path that may have led to a 6,000-year-old henge has been discovered on a building site in Kent. The ceremonial gathering place in Iwade measures 98ft (30 metres) in diameter and is formed of a pair of ring ditches. Evidence suggests the outer ditch may have originated in the Neolithic period, and been later transformed in the Bronze Age into a funerary monument, with the addition of the inner ring. The discovery was made by Dr Paul Wilkinson and his team from Swat Archaeology. It is part of a larger, ongoing investigation on the site, ahead of development by Persimmon Homes at Iwade Meadows just to the west of Sittingbourne in Kent. (More at source).


Life Found By Curiosity Rover Micro Camera! Cocoon Found, August 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 14, 2014
Date of photos: Taken Oct 8, 2012 but received on Aug 14, 2014.
Location of discovery: 
URL 1: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/ods/surface/sol/00062/soas/rdr/ccam/CR0_402995770PRC_F0050104CCAM01062L1.JPG
URL 2: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/ods/surface/sol/00062/soas/rdr/ccam/CR0_403005421PRC_F0050104CCAM01062L1.JPG
Photos: Sol 62

I was looking over Curiosity Rovers recent photos and found these two photos with a shaded skin in them. Its nice there are two. It make more evidence. The shaded skin is being looked at by a micro camera designed to see grains of sand and tiny details that a normal camera would of course over look. The images show a skin of some kind of tiny organism...insect size. At the bottom of the cocoon, there is an opening where the tiny creature crawled out. This cocoon looks to be about 2-3mm in length, but that is a best guess. 

A similar cocoon was found a while back and was found in a color photo. This may be the same creature, because the photos was taken in 2012, but sent to NASA on 2014. The real question is...if this photo was taken by the rover in 2012, why did the rover send it this week to NASA? Storage of photos for two years seems like a waste of Curiosity Rovers memory, when it can just send the photos to NASA. SCW

Oct 2012 discovery...same cocoon. 

Mass UFO Sighting Over Martigues, France On July 2, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 2, 2014
Location of sighting: Martigues, France
This UFO sighting was recorded last month and was just put up this week for the public to see. It shows a mass of UFOs over Martigues, France. This is not the first time such a sighting in Martigues has been recorded. Back in July 2, 2008 (Video at bottom of post.) a similar UFO sighting was recorded and shows identical craft in the sky. Clearly this means there has to be a alien base below this city...for it to have so much attention by aliens. Same day (July 2nd) the sightings occurred..this not a coincidence. The day must have special meaning for aliens in France. SCW

Click photo to enlarge.

Video From July 2, 2008 France.


Face In Clouds Appears Over Crimea, Ukraine On July 7, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 7, 2014
Location of sighting: Crimea, Ukraine

This face in the sky does appear like that of Jesus, however, knowledge of aliens masking as gods on Earth to create a more moral society is a popular belief. Its a remarkable discovery and yes...a deliberate message of peace, but from who? Aliens or Jesus...it's your choice. SCW

News states:
Awesome peace sign appears in Crimea, Ukraine / Awesome peace sign Appears Crimea, Ukraine

The July 7, 2014 on the coast of Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine appeared in heaven another sign, a figure of clouds that formed to detail the face of Jesus Christ as a ground of peace in the region signal.