
UFO Orbs Glowing Over England On June 2012, VIDEO.

Location of Sighting: St Ives Cambridgeshire
Date of Sighting: 26th June 2012
Time: 23.40
Witness Name: Stephen F.
Witness Statement: I went into the back garden at 11.30pm for a smoke, when a bright orange object caught my eye passing over a house. About a minute later another came into view following the same heading, speed and altitude as the first. Itwas a bright orange globe, like a naked flame without the flicker. I would hazard a guess that it was approx half a mile away, and the first thing that struck me was that it was completely silent- a jet or prop would make some descernable noise! There were no navllights and the light emitted did not change regardless of viewing angle. There was no airframe that I could see.
I watched about ten of these objects pass at about a minute each, all again on the same heading, speed, altitude etc.... very strange!!
I know my aircraft and they were not like anything I\'ve seen before. No waya Chinese lantern (used to make them as kids) as the ground windspeed was approx 5mph, and I would estimate these were travelling in excess of 200mph given my approx distance and time to travel across the sky. No way meteors as the altitude did not decay and they passed with uncanny regularity.
I tried my best to take a video from my phone- very poor quality, out of focus with no zoom!. For those that are interested the bright light at the bottom center of the vid is a neighbours kitchen light, and you can just make out the orange object passing above from left to right.

Unusual UFO Seen During Day Over Sydney, Australia June 2012.

Date of sighting: June 2, 2012
Location of sighting: Sydney, Australia 

Eyewitness states: 
Very shiny cigar shaped UFO over Sydney, Australia June 2 2012
This was hovering over the street for 5 minutes and was witnessed by 4 others while they were on vacation.

UFO June 2012 over Ireland Caught on Cam

Date of sighting: June 29, 2012
Location of sighting: Ireland

Eyewitness states: 
On the 29th of June 2012, My Brother noticed this Strange apparent Orb/ U.F.O hovering in the Twilight sky above Ireland, I Decided to Capture This Anomaly and upload it to Youtube!


UFO Over East Valley, Arizona Near Clouds In Daytime, June 2012.

Date of sighting: June 26, 2012
Location of sighting: East Valley, Arizona, USA

Eyewitness states: 
UFO :12 second in? I was filming a time lapse video of the ha boob or dirt storm coming into the East Valley in Phoenix Arizona when I grabbed my SLR to take some photographs. The clouds were so awesome that I shot about 30 seconds of video and low and behold a small black dot appeared to come out of the cloud. Could it be a UFO or a Bird or an Airplane? You be the judge. It was good catch though. June 26, 2012. Could this be a real UFO.

Five UFOs hovering over Nogales AZ 19 June 2012

Date of sighting: June 19, 2012
Location of sighting: Nogales, Arizona, USA

As I have said before, if you really want to see a UFO, go out during a sunset and take you camcorder. This is when their shields are most vulnerable and the odd angle of the sun causes the cloaked ship to reflect light. SCW


Alien Orb Near Plane Over Sydney, Australia-Infrared day time footage.

Date of sighting: June 25, 2012
Location of sighting: Sydney, Australia 

Eyewitness states: "I have filming the airplane, then 3 spheres UFO appeared, one flying under the airplane."


Biological UFO object filmed in night vision over Denver Colorado

Date of sighting: June 20, 2012
Location of sighting: Denver, Colorado, USA

Eyewitness states: 
Looks like a biological object that is about 8000 feet high, as my optical lens is at eight times magnification. This object hovers and changes direction three times and then moves on. I think that it may be a huge hovering bird, or a gigantic humming bird. Your guess is good too !! This was recorded over Denver Colorado at 2.20 am June 20 2112.

UFO Fleet Sighting in Moscow - 23 June 2012 09:50PM

Date of sighting: June 23, 2012
Location of sighting: Moscow, Russia

Eyewitness states: 
And here we go again...Just came back two months ago to Moscow and a fleet of UFOs hovered on the southern suburbs of the Russian capital last Saturday, moving from south to north. The video shows only the final part of the "parade": the approximate total number of the objects spotted is 15-20. For some unknown reasons the supposed HD video is lower quality (distress signal or interference?).


UFO Fleet Over Kentucky On June 22, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: June 22, 2012
Location of sighting: Kentucky And Indiana, USA

Eyewitness states: 
Look, I don't know why some folks have to be sarcastic when they view others video's. I am most awake I can assure you. But since I am disabled, I rarely get out in the world, however I was letting me dog back in the house when I noticed a couple of them, then I look,saw the TRAIL of them. Hence I uploaded 4, catching those that were passing over my neighbors house in the front yard, and backyard. I feel they are mere halograms. You decide for yourself, I'm just showing what I caught, that's all. UFO's coming from the north, across the Ohio River from Indiana towards western Kentucky southbound. 30 or 35 just kept coming. Zooming in, they look like Orbs, couldn't see a solid body, but you make your assumptions.

Large UFO Caught On Live Cam At NASA's International Space Station, Video June 21, 2012.

Date of sighting: June 21, 2012
Location of sighting: International Space Station

Eyewitness states: 
"Caught this last night and thought it was kinda weird. At one point in the video the object/ufo looks like a number of faces, maybe thats just my mind trying to make sense of the strange 
objects. Whatever it is, its weird to say the least."


UFO's filmed in Night Vision in the United Kingdom 19th June 2012

Date of sighting: June 19, 2012
Location of sighting: England

Fleet Of Orbs Over Redford, Michigan on June, 2012.

Date of sighting: June 9, 2012
Location of sighting: Redford, Michigan, USA

Eyewitness states:
I was turning off my street on to Plymouth Rd. I looked up and seen at least 20 glowing objects in the sky! I immediately 
pulled over and started recording!!


ABC4 News UFOS over Highland, Utah June 19, 2012

Date of sighting: June 19, 2012
Location of sighting: Highland, Utah, USA

A very amazing capture of some UFOs at night in Utah shooting objects from its sides as if the UFOs were shooting out drones or probes to monitor human activity. 

UFV/UFO Activity over the Woods of Bawsey Tuesday 19th June 2012

Date of sighting: June 19, 2012
Location of sighting: Bawsey Kings Lynn, England

Eyewitness states: 
Updated video footage caught last night over the woods of Bawsey Kings Lynn UK 19th June 2012
As you will see I missed allot of the UFV/UFO craft using my naked eye as there was actually more of them caught on film.
Check out at the end of the film, as the 2 ships move left across the screen, a very small ship traveling very fast moves into their path moving across the screen from left to right.


UFO Caught On IR Video Shooting Past China Shenzhou-9 Rocket, June 2012.

Date of sighting: June 16, 2012
Location of sighting: exiting Earths atmosphere

Several unidentified objects with light were seen about four minutes after the Shenzhou-9 launch on Monday. Although some might say the two UFOs in the back have to be rocket tanks being dropped, the UFO that shots from the opposite direction was undeniable. Clearly aliens did a flyby to check out this China rocket as it made its way to its single room space station in orbit. This is a big step for China and their space history.  


White UFO Seen Over Buffalo, New York On June 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: June 2012
Location of sighting: Buffalo, New York, USA

Eyewitness states: 
"An HD video I shot that happened to catch some anomaly in the background. After further examination and editing software manipulation (zoom and slomo), this thing appears stranger than I originally thought. Had this uploaded in original format and someone suggested a bolide. But after a closer look it seems to have a diamond shape with a light or reflective material in the middle. Could be round as well, Thoughts?"

UFO Recorded Over Vichy, France On June 16, 2012.

Date of sighting: June 16, 2012
Location of sighting: Vichy, France

Eyewitness states: 
"Is this a UFO that is on the film? I know it's not, but what is this "object" that appeared there, and it advanced slowly and whirled on itself hovering?"


Canadian Farmer Says Aliens Are Killing His Cattle - June 15, 2012

Date of sighting: June 15, 2012
Location of sighting: Eastern New Brunswick, Canada

June 15, 2012 - A Canadian farmer has lost at least 250 cows in the past 10 years. While the government has charged him and says he failed to feed them, the farmer claims death rays are killing his cattle.

Werner Bock has posted plenty of YouTube videos in recent years detailing his cattle's malnourished appearance, sunken features and hair loss. He declares that his cows were the victims of "death rays," some form of alien weapon that's been covered up by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

"At least 250 head of cattle have died from what we call a death beam," Bock said on camera in May of last year. "Where the atmospheric air is manipulated into a death beam, focused on the noses of the animals."

The animals breath in the death beam and slowly die, the eastern New Brunswick farmer claims.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/12/werner-bock-blames-death-rays-aliens-for-cow-deaths_n_1589706.html

Triangle UFO Formation - Apple Valley, CA - June 4, 2012

Date of sighting: June 4, 2012
Location of sighing: Apple Valley, California, USA

MUFON Case #38886: My husband and I were standing on the porch which faces east at approximately 10.38pm on 4th June, 2012. We observed 2 orange orbs side by side. Within seconds there were 3 in the shape of a triangle. My husband ran into the house to get the video camera. The orbs changed from 2 to 3. Then another one appeared to the right of the original 3, and the first 3 disappeared. From the 2nd orb, 3 more appeared and he continued to film.

The video basically shows it all. The actual event lasted around 15 minutes, even though the video footage runs for just over 9 minutes. We did miss some of the first few minutes, and also edited out the focusing of the objects.

These objects appeared above the horizon in an easterly direction over Apple Valley, CA.

A similar sighting occurred withing two hours of this one in Colorado Springs, CO.


Baltic Sea UFO Is Gone! Did US Military Get It First?


It looks like the military got their hands of the Baltic Sea UFO before the slow @$$ divers did. The object was discovered on many months ago leaving the military to plenty of time to bring it up and take it a secret military base. The formation we saw on radar months ago is gone! Meaning it was taken away or flew away on its own. So the real question is…which lucky country got their hands on it first? SCW

News States: 
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, June 15, 2012

The Ocean X Team dove down to the circle-shaped object in the Baltic Sea and met something they never experienced before. First they thought it was just stone or a rock cliff, but after further observations the object appeared more as a huge mushroom, rising 3-4 meters/10-13 feet from the seabed, with rounded sides and rugged edges. The object had an egg shaped hole leading into it from the top, as an opening. On top of the object they also found strange stone circle formations, almost looking like small fireplaces. The stones were covered in something resembling soot.

"During my 20-year diving career, including 6000 dives, I have never seen anything like this. Normally stones don't burn. I can't explain what we saw, and I went down there to answer questions, but I came up with even more questions ", says Stefan Hogeborn, one of the divers at Ocean X Team.

The path to the object itself can be described as a runway or a downhill path that is flattened at the seabed with the object at the end of it.

"First we thought this was only stone, but this is something else. And since no volcanic activity has ever been reported in the Baltic Sea the find becomes even stranger. As laymen we can only speculate how this is made by nature, but this is the strangest thing I have ever experienced as a professional diver", continues Peter Lindberg, one of the founder Ocean X Team.

Right now, scientists are examining samples from the circle-shaped object, and experts in sonar imaging are processing data from the ship to hopefully shed more light over the mysterious object.

Video source: http://www.expressen.se/nyheter/sa-ser-den-mystiska-cirkeln-ut-pa-nara-hall/ 


UFO In Daytime Over Montreal, Canada On June 6, 2012.

Date of sighting: June 6, 2012
Location of sighting: Montreal, Canada

Eyewitness states: 
I was hanging out on my back balcony garden when I noticed a red shape floating in the sky. The deep red colour of the object didn't come through very well on the video for some reason, but I could definitely see it. The object was floating back and forth in roughly a north-south trajectory over a 40 minute period. It was roughly 2000-3000 feet in the sky, approximately 10 feet in diameter. The object moved both with purpose and randomly, it changed shape from spherical to a square-ish shape and back a few times and changed colour from red to black once. It was flying both against and with a northerly wind (coming from the left in the video). It flew off to the north after about 45 minutes and disappeared.

UFO Sighting over Bogota Colombia June 10, 2012

Date of sighting: June 10, 2012
Location of sighting:  Bogata, Colombia



Date of sighting: June 11, 2012
Location of sighting: Syria

This is an unusual UFO that was seen flying slowly over Syria sky this week during broad daylight. The UFO looks like a comet, but no reports of comets near earth have been reported by NASA, therefore its not a comet and its much to large to be a meteor. Its flight pattern is that of an intelligently controlled aircraft. Great capture of this UFO. Hey, this guy on Youtube got many "dislikes," it would be cool if you could take a second and like his video so more people will view it in the future. Thanks, SCW

UFOs over Burbank, WA June 10, 2012 Caught On Video.

Date of sighting: June 10, 2012
Location of sighting: Burbank, Washington, USA

Eyewitness states: 
"I walked out my back door and saw an ORB/UFO being chased by an air plane north of town. The plane came along side the ORB and eventually past the ORB. Sorry about the camera blinking out. I had it on the wrong setting. Once I put it in night vision it worked fine."


Giant UFO On Moon Seen With Telescope, Same UFO as NASA Video! June 2012. UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 10, 2012.
Location of sighting: Earth's Moon

Now before you jump to conclusions know this, this is the same pulsing UFO that was seen on Feb 1996, when hundreds of similar UFOs shot near as the STS-75 mission scientist hoped to deploy the tether to a distance of 20.7 kilometres (12.9 mi). Over 19 kilometers of the tether were deployed before the tether broke due to contact with a giant throbbing UFO. The UFO looks biological and may actually be a single living creature that lives in space. If (tardigrades) "water bears" can survive in space then so can other creatures.

Eyewitness states: I was filming the Moon when what looks like a giant transparent UFO appeared. It circled around for a few minutes before disappearing.

Jump to 2:30 min into the video to see the tether and UFOs.

UFO Over Neighborhood in South Coast, England On June 11, 2012.

Date of sighting: June 11, 2012
Location of sighting: south coast, England

Eyewitness states: 
"Poor video sorry new phone .just had to share it .i noticed it as it coasted over the house it was very high , a shiny sphere maybe metalic it stopped then after i stopped messing about with phone it vanished."

'Mysterious Truckload' Blocks Ramp on I-57 in Illinois - June 10, 2012

Date of sighting: June 10, 2012
Location of sighting: Champaign, Illinois, USA

Champaign, IL. - "A mysterious truckload moved through central Illinois this weekend. The large object spent time at a rest stop along I-57 near Pesotum in Champaign County. State Police blocked off the entrance and wouldn't let drivers pull in. Troopers wouldn't say what is behind the white wrapping. All we know is they were in charge of escorting the load, which is being carried by Diamond Heavy Haul Inc."


Crop Circle Formations Discovered In Wiltshire, England, See Photos June 2012.

Date of discovery: June 2012
Location of discovery: Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire, England

Eyewitness states: The farmer started mowing out the Woodborough Hill formation at 10am this morning and it's now effectively gone. He was polite and friendly in asking us to leave the field but his mind was made up. More photos at source.

Source: http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/

UFO Caught On Tourist Photo Over Delphi, Greece On June 3, 2012.

Date of sighting: June 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Delphi, Greece

Translation from Greek:
--- UFO IN DELPHI, 3/6/2012. --- On Sunday, June 3, 2012 in Delphi, a witness photographed a strange object crossing at high speed over the horizon of the columns of the temple. As he said in a text accompanying the photo'' the strange object plane is certainly no sign of the lens and bird do not think so.'' The analysis of photography, from our group (UFOs & ALIENS TRUTH Greek community), showed no interference or graphic manipulation, also it could not be a plane, bird or insect. UFO appearances Delphi is not an unknown phenomenon to residents and tourists, as the area is considered one of the three major UFO hotbeds where frequent crossing of unidentified flying objects are seen in our country.

Source: http://ufotruth-gr.blogspot.tw/ 

Former MOD UFO Expert Warns Of Summer Olympic UFO Sightings To Come, June 2012.

One of the UK’s top UFO experts has given his views on the likelihood of aliens suddenly appearing in our skies – and how the international community would respond.
Nick Pope, who has more than two decades under his belt at the Ministry of Defence, said mass summer events – like the Olympic Games in London – would be a prime time for crafts from other worlds to present themselves to mankind.
He warned: ‘With the summer of mass events we are all on high alert for terrorism. But we must also cast our eyes further afield and be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable.”
Pope’s duties at the MoD included investigating reports of UFOs between 1991 and 1994, and says he began his research as a sceptic, before becoming convinced that the sightings raised important defence for national security and air safety issues.
He was particularly interested in cases where the witnesses were pilots, or where UFOs were tracked on radar, and said there were other believers among his former colleagues.
He said: ‘It has been a widely held belief in Ministry of Defence circles that “aliens” have been able to detect us for decades via TV and radio broadcasts.
‘What once seemed like science fiction is steadily being realised by central governing bodies as distinctly real.
‘If aliens have studied our psychology, they may choose to appear in our skies on a significant date – the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games is one date being widely circulated by conspiracy groups.
‘The atomic bombs detonated in the 1940s, and the rocket technology since developed would unquestionably have alerted nearby alien civilisations to our existence.
‘On their arrival it is difficult to say what they would do: explore, help or destroy. Our resources make us quite a special threat.’
Hopefully, if aliens do come and introduce themselves to us, they come in a spirit of warmth, friendship and shared learning – but Pope said the government was also prepared for the worst scenarios.
He said: ‘The government must – and has planned – for the worst-case scenario: alien attack and alien invasion.