Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts


CONFIRMED! NASA Did Drop The Nuke In Oct 2009 On An Alien Base. April 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Up till now, NASA dropping the nuke on a moon base to destroy the alien base found was always theory. Today I have proved that its 100% fact. I'm not sure why I didn't see it before. I mean, I watched the moon bombing on live Internet NASA cam with my junior high students live about 7-9pm Taiwan time...that would be about 3-5am in California time, but at the time I missed it.

I matched the two faces from the live video footage at AMES with those of the two AMES employees in the moon base photo. Anthony Colaprete (Click for his bio) and Karen Gundy-Burlet are the ones in the HD photo with the moon base and in the live nuking of the moon video. 

At 3:59 until 4:04 into the video we see the two of them rubbing their heads, as if wondering WTF just happened, since the explosion didn't destroy the building at all nor did it create a upraised cloud of dust. As if the base had a shield around it stoping the blast from harming it. 

The base...and I'm saying this for every country in the world to know that they may be able to claim in the crater Cabius. America gave the order to destroy it because it was seen by Chinese and Russian satellites. Apparently its still there and DGAF what nukes America throws at it. Thats...what alien technology can do. I'm going to tweet this to @SecGen of the UN a dozen times...even if he doesn't see it, one of the generals of the UN does follow me and has tweeted to me once, so he will at least see it. 

This base is occupied...not abandoned. It protected itself from the nuke and the world needs to know that America would rather destroy it, than let it fall into the hands of Russia or China.

Scott C. Waring 

Location of discovery: Mars
Coordinates:  44°22'16.95"S  100° 3'31.39"W
Updated: On Dec 9, 2014 added photo with arrows to point out eye, nose and such for those who have perception trouble and cannot see it. 

Was checking out Google Mars...a free program to download and use, when I found this face. I have never reported on it before and it looks really big. Its hidden inside a crater and has a lot of similarities to the ancient China statues from thousands of years ago. 
If you know the name of the crater this is in, please tell us in comments. Google Mars ruler which is not extremely reliable, says that the diameter of the crater is 18.9km or 11.7 miles. The face itself is 8.9 miles (13km) by 5.9 miles (9.5 miles). That is one monumental undertaking to make, even making Mount Rushmore look like child's play. 

This face is highly detailed. No doubt is the face of a very notable historical figure in their culture. 
Scott C. Waring 

Alien Technology Discovered On Mars by Spirit Rover in 13 photos! UFO Sighting News.


UFO Exits Ground Below Chinese Fish Farm, Causing 25 Tonnes of Fish To Disappear! March 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 2016
Location of discovery:  Guangxi Zhuang, China
News source:

The question I present to you is, if this is a sink hole, then why does it have straight, 90 degree angle edges? It should have a slopped angle down. The fish should have filled a small cavern, but for all that water to disappear, there is something very big...very hollow down there with room to a base. I do believe that this is the entrance or exit of a UFO. UFO often leave their underground bases, and when they do the ground is separated and them pushed back together, however, the water prevented the ground from going back into place, thus creating a hole, probably several km deep to the alien base itself. I would really like to see the look on their faces when a rain of farm fish falls from the base sky onto them. 
Scott C. Waring 

Alien Technology Discovered On Mars by Spirit Rover in 13 photos! UFO Sighting News.


City Appears To Float On Water As UFO Reflects Distant City, March 19, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 19, 2016
Location of sighting: Port of Dalian, Northeast China.
Source: CCTV China

These flying buildings were seen over the ocean at Port of Dalian, China. There is nothing out there but water, yet these buildings hover in the distance, clearly sinking down from the sky into the ocean. Did aliens construct a mothership that looks just like a Chinese city? Probably not, but I will tell you this, its a reflection off of a cloaked mothership. Yes, sometimes the cloak of a UFO can reflect like a mirror, and here it is doing just that. I have seen a UFO in the blue sky near a white cloud, but the UFO looked white, because its cloak was reflecting the color of the cloud. Mystery solved. Humans 1, aliens 0.
Scott C. Waring 

CCTV China News states:
A stunning mirage depicting a group of buildings was seen above the sea along the port of Dalian in northeast China’s Liaoning Province on Friday. Seen from the land, it appeared as though the buildings were looming in the fog, resembling a fairy city on the sea. Take a look at this splendid scene.

Alien Technology Discovered On Mars by Spirit Rover in 13 photos! UFO Sighting News.


UFO Over Hsinchu, Taiwan On Sept 15, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 15, 2015
Location of sighting: Hsinchu, Taiwan

This UFO was seen in a city just 20 minutes away from me here in Taiwan. They caught a glowing orb moving about over the rooftops. It probably investigating the neighborhood. Cool capture and surprised someone saw it. Usually here in Taiwan, people don't look up. Its a big city thing. Very exciting that someone did. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: 
9/15 Location in Hsinchu Oh ~ friends should shoot again asked her to give me fill information.


‘UFO’ which looks like a cloud but flies like a plane captured above Philadelphia, July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 2015
Location of sighting: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
News Source:

For the longest time I have tried to teach people that some UFOs can form clouds around them and that some of these clouds are like a hologram. Here we have an example of a UFO using a holographic cloak to make it appear as a cloud. This appears real and I cannot detect any CGI in the video. I did test some screenshots, but it came out negative. Looks real and if so, may be the most significant UFO footage this year. SCW

News states:
A MAN has captured the moment a ‘cloud looking’ formation with lights hovered over his home before flying away. But others claim it is a UFO. Hector Garcia said that the cloud, filled with flashing lights, flew off like a spacecraft as he filmed it from a window. “Looking out my window this morning there was a cloud coming down from the sky with sparkling lights in it was moving weird so I pulled my phone out,” he wrote on his YouTube post.

Social media users were quick to react. ‘It looks like a large mass of soap suds to me and not a cloud. Not sure how this would’ve become air born. Perhaps it blew off of some industrial site?’ one person wrote. ‘This is a UFO... its unidentified, it’s flying, and it is indeed an object,’ another added.


Russian Official Proposes International Investigation Into U.S. Moon Landings, June 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of announcement: June 16, 2015
Location of announcement: Moscow, Russia
News source:

The question eats at me always, did they fake the Apollo moon missions in order to cause China and Russia to believe that America was far more advanced than they were? I myself have found that the Apollo 11 and 12 moon landing photos appear to have to perfect of a smoothness of the ground, as if its pure ash. There were very few rocks visible and those were always far away. So yes, the Apollo 11 and 12 landing photos appear to be fake. However I do believe the rest of the Apollo missions were legit. Also, Apollo 18-20 were not canceled, but made covert. I am sure Vladimir Markin has the old KGB files about Russia and America working together to retrieve alien tech at Deporte crater on the moon in Apollo 20. It was real. Just because one or two missions were faked, don't assume all were faked. SCW

Moscow Times states:
An international probe should be launched into various murky details surrounding the U.S. moon landings between 1969 and 1972, Russia's Investigative Committee spokesman said Tuesday.

Vladimir Markin penned a column for the Izvestia newspaper arguing that U.S. authorities had crossed a line by launching a large-scale corruption probe targeting nine FIFA officials. The scandal surrounding the case prompted the June 2 resignation of longtime FIFA president Sepp Blatter, and sparked a heated debate about Russia's role as host of the 2018 World Cup.

Venting his frustration with what he viewed as "U.S. prosecutors having declared themselves the supreme arbiters of international football affairs," Markin proposed that international investigators could likewise examine some of the murkier elements of America's past.

An international investigation could help solve the mystery of the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969, or explain where the nearly 400 kilograms of lunar rock reportedly obtained during several such missions between 1969 and 1972 have been spirited away to, Markin suggested.

"We are not contending that they did not fly [to the moon], and simply made a film about it. But all of these scientific — or perhaps cultural — artifacts are part of the legacy of humanity, and their disappearance without a trace is our common loss. An investigation will reveal what happened," Markin wrote.

U.S. space agency NASA admitted in 2009 that the original recordings of the first moon landing had been erased, but said they had managed to remaster the original television broadcast of the landing, Reuters reported at the time.

Of the approximately 380 kilograms of moon rock said to have been obtained during manned U.S. moon landings, the bulk is stored in the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Texas, though samples can be seen on display in various museums around the world.


UFO Over clouds spotted in Guangdong, China On June 17, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 17, 2015
Location of sighting: Foshan, South China's Guangdong Province
China News Source:

One of the things that is interesting is that this UFO was seen during sunset. Some UFO cloaks are vulnerable during sunset and this causes them to become visible for anywhere between 30 seconds to 15 minutes. Sunset is the most common time of day to see a UFO. Watch a hundred sunsets and record it. You will see 4-10 UFOs during this time. 

Most people are not aware how alien technology can create clouds or cloak itself to look like a cloud, but I am here to tell you they can and do. The Sept 1957 UFO event at Army Fort Belvoir, Verging is proof of this

In these photos from China what we see is a UFO. Also, it rose up out of the cloud below it so that it could view the people below. The object is solid not gases because I see there is a shadow on the UFO that comes from the cloud below it. Scott C. Waring

China News states:
The stunning picture, taken on June 17, 2015 shows rare lenticular clouds in the sky over Foshan in South China's Guangdong province. The clouds are sometimes reported as UFOs, particularly the flying saucer, because of their lens shape.


Chinese monks spot UFO over monastery, it changes shape from apple to Buddha, June 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 2015
Location of sighting: Baita Temple, China
News Source:

Monks in China got a special treat this week. An alien craft hovered over their temple. This sightings is very similar to the Isreal sighting when a glowing ball of light came straight down out of the sky and hovered over the most sacred temple in the country...Dome of the Rock in Feb 2011. Then the UFO dis change shape somewhat, as if it were a jelly ball like craft. It is also possible that this is an alien entity, which by our standards would be looked upon as an angel. SCW

Chinese News States:
Chinese monks have spotted a mysterious flying object in the grounds of their monastery captured on surveillance footage.
The video shows a glowing object shift from the shape of an apple to that of a flying saucer, and at one point even resembles a sitting Buddha.

Monks said that they were alerted to the UFO when it flew into the hall of the temple in Anhui province, setting off security alarms on Friday night, reported People's Daily Online.

The footage shows the bright object comes down from the sky and hover above Baita Temple at 11pm, while continuously changing shape.

It briefly disappears from view a couple of times and at one point appears to fly into the hall of the temple for about 10 seconds. 

Seven minutes into the video, the UFO begins rotating increasingly quickly before disappearing out of shot amid heavy rain.

The mysterious glowing object has left monks at the temple completely baffled.

Father Shi Xingkong said: 'When I heard the alarm, I got up to turn it off before going outside to check and didn't see anything unusual. 

'It was only when I looked on the monitor that I could see the UFO.' 

He said that it is the first time he has seen a UFO.
Chen Songzheng, a member of staff at the temple, added: 'Had the UFO not entered the temple hall it would not have set off the infra-red alarms and we would not have known it was there.'


I found the lost UFO Photos On NASA Site Again (3rd time of hide and seek) UFO Sighting Daily.

Date of discovery: May 14, 2011
Original site photos 1st on:

Hey guys, last week I found the photos of the UFOs that were HD quality and 100% focused. NASA has deleted their location two other times and moved them to a new unknown location. They do this to protect themselves in a court of law. "We didn't delete it, just moved it to a new location," is what they would say to the judge to get the case dismissed. Well I found it for a third time. It was a little harder this time, but got them all. 

Many people call these the Dark Knight Satellites, maybe they are, but regardless...they are UFOs. They are of alien construction.

I also got into the original site, but not using a hack. Originally it was open to the public, but now it either locks out all foreigners outside of USA or it locks out all non NASA people. Odd...I tried it today and it let me in normal. Either way, I got into it again. :) It has about 1.7 GB of photos on that site, and only about 20mb are visible. Sure wish I could look at them all. But below are the links to the original photos I found. Record them...they will be moved again in a 1-2 months time...just like last time I reported them.

UFO Sightings Daily


UFO In Orbit Near International Space Station, March 4, 2015, Video from NASA Live Feed, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 4, 2015
Location of sighting: International Space Station

This UFO was seen this week at the International Space Station, which its name itself is a contradictory of terms, since the Chinese were not invited, but the USA just hands over 100% controlled to communist Russia. 

Streetcap1 of Youtube caught this UFO. The light reflection off of its surface is indication that this is a solid craft that we are looking at. As the suns light diminishes, so does the light reflecting off of this UFO. If I had to make a guess at its distance, I would say 75-150 meters away. If I'm wrong, then its bigger than any of us could imagine. SCW


Chinese and Koreans Working With NASA On Rover, Photos Say Yes, Sep 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: September 20, 2014
Date photo was taken: Sept 19, 2014, 19:18:57 UTC
Photo set: Sol 745
Location of discovery: 
NASA photo 1:
NASA photo 2:

Just when you thought you knew everything about the Mars Curiosity Rover, something like this shows up on the NASA blog. Yesterday I checked out the Curiosity blog...yeah they have one, and found these two photo close ups using the "remote micro-imager." Chinese and Korean writing shows up on the image as clear as day. Now this is not a simple word that got there by mistake like the infamous "made in China," but this instead says "Mars." 
It was written specifically for the Curiosity and is 100% proof that Chinese scientists were working on it. To top it off we find two Korean worlds above the Chinese...lets hope south. I cannot read Korean, but I assume it also says "Mars." Sure having scientists from around the world work on the rover is fun, however when a rover scientist returns to their country, surly they are asked by their governments to reveal all the information they have learned about the 2.5 billion dollar US project. Why has NASA never announced that there were scientists from China and Korea working on this project? Why are the American people kept in the dark while China and Korea is kept in the loop? It sounds like China and Korea have a strong hand over NASA...and if thats true, then that explains a lot. SCW


Giant UFO Caught During Sunset Over China On Aug 4, 2014, -PHOTOS- UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 4, 2014
Location of sighting: Xiamen city in Fujian province

This UFO was seen over Xiamen city, southeastern China in Fujian Province. I report this because most UFO researchers that are worth their salt knows that there have been thousands of reports of UFOs coming out of clouds and UFOs making clouds around them. This my friends, is a UFO with a thin cloud cloak around it. This was taken during sunset, a moment when the cloak of the UFO becomes...vulnerable. Let me explain briefly. When light is bent around the UFO, it comes from above it from the sun. This light has to bend 180 degrees around the UFO to make it look invisible. However if the sun is setting (at 90 degrees to UFO), one side of the UFO shield must now bend the light 260 degrees which it cannot do and thus the UFOs are revealed for 1-15 minutes during sunset. SCW


Faces On Moon In China Lunar Map, July 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 7, 2014
Location of discovery: -166.77761   ,   -76.83666
China Map:

I was looking over the Chinese lunar map and found a few faces that stood out well. When you find faces, buildings are always in the area and yes, there are a lot of rectangular structures nearby. This is a unique map that NASA has not been able to edit, so are a lot of anomalies that China has missed during the editing of the map. 


UFO Following Two Jets Over China On Google Earth, -VIDEO- May 30, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 30, 201
Location of discovery: Xiang Dao, Zheng Yang Xian, Zhumadian, Henan, China
Coordinates: 32°24'14.46”N  114°32'57.39”E

Now Google has deleted every UFO I have ever reported on their map within 3-6 months of making the video. This will also disappear soon, so please confirm  in the video comments on Youtube that it is there, otherwise lots of people will just say its fake without even checking. 

This glowing orb is most likely a disk. The trail behind it is more of a mist than a contrail. The UFO causes a distortion of space around it and that is the trail we see it leaving. We can tell that the UFO is lower than the bigger jet and higher than the lowest jet. Because of that we have a size comparison that makes it a little bigger than a 747. SCW