Showing posts with label Warrier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warrier. Show all posts


Explaining the Great Flood, Atlantis, and humans in North America Using Science, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: June 17, 2016

I really like his ideas in this video. It does make a great hypothesis about what could have caused such floods and changes with the Earth long ago. The Earth is continually moving and so are other things in space, like clouds. Particularly interesting is his thoughts about Plato. 
Scott C. Waring 
Video states:
I’ll set the ground work for each scenario. I am pretty sure the Great Flood did happen. While it is popularized as a Christian story in English speaking countries, the Great Flood transcends almost every single culture around the world. So I don’t doubt it happened. But the main issue is where did the water come from? Most of theories I have seen require bending the rules of the observable reality that we live in. Next is the Firmament. The firmament is something in the book of Genesis that talks about a body of water surrounding the Earth. There is also some interpretation that while the firmament was in place it did not rain much if at all on Earth. After the flood the firmament is gone and today we get lots of rain. Atlantis is a fabled city written about by Plato in the 300BC time frame. It’s really a tale about an advanced civilization that existed at one time, but vanished at some point. The idea I like about this, is is it possible that humans were more advanced that we thought and something reset us…akin to the saying “send us back to the stone age”. I do not think this is baseless idea, because even today in our current world we have humans that have gone to Moon and sent probes into space, yet there are humans on this planet that still are in the foraging phase. And finally my last topic is that of humans getting to the Americas. It is believed that humans started in the middle east somewhere around Mesopotamia which is in modern day Iraq. The narrative I was taught as a child was the humans crossed from Russia to North America over a land bridge made of ice during an Ice Age. But there is some disagreement about the earliest humans in the America’s versus when Ice Ages happened. I think this land bridge route is still valid, but I do not require an ice age to cross it. So lets start with the idea that the world we observe today is the same as the way the world was in pre-historic times. The physics and all the other rules are still the same. The water cycle still holds true. So we can assume that amount of the water on the planet today is the amount of water that was on the planet after the Great Flood. And we can assume that if we do not see a sphere of water surrounding the Earth now, there probably wasn’t one in the past. So that would mean the only way that all this water could be here now, is if it wasn’t here to begin with. With less water that would mean that there could have easily been a real land bridge between Alaska and Russia. They did not have to cross during an ice age. The bridge would have accessible at all times. The Bering Strait is only about 160 feet deep. If we lowered the Earths oceans by 160 feet, that means that much more land would be available throughout the world. For as long as history has been written, water passages have always been the most important places for humans to live. Even today we see that on the coasts there are metropolitan areas, while deep in the inland the people are much less advanced in terms of quality of life. That has changed in the last 100 years due to motor travel. But up until that point living on the coast or a river was the only way to have successful trade or strategic military advantage. So here is the idea. Back in 2011 I saw this article about how scientists had discovered a massive cloud of water deep in space. What if as one point one of these clouds passed through our solar system? It would probably take while to get here maybe a couple hundred years. But during that time a couple hundred years 6-7 generations word of mouth was the only real way to pass history. So for them 2 or 3 generations is all it would take to be “forever”. During that time the Suns reflection and heat in the atmosphere would make it appear to be sparkling water in the sky, which could explain the firmament. Once the cloud got near Earth and we started passing through it, the frozen water would melt in the atmosphere and completely saturate the air, it would then start raining. And it would not be localized like what we see now, it would be entire Earth being rained on for an extended period of time. All that water would rush out to the ocean and anything near rivers or oceans, like a human population for example, would be washed out to sea and buried by all the sediments picked up from higher elevation. Think of the world as one big mud slide. The people living in the higher elevations would not be as threatened by the flooding. And so the more advanced civilization would be destroyed and only the more simple societies in the highlands would be left, hence a reset. Once this space cloud passed, things would settle down and Earth would have a lot more water content.


Argentina: Army Sergeant Sees a Train-Shaped UFO (1977), Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  October 1977
Location of sighting: Argentina
News source:

Here is a really fascinating story about a UFO that looks like a train. Honestly, alien tech propulsion systems could make a mountain fly if you strapped enough of the alien tech to it, so yes, its possible. 
Scott C. Waring 

Inexplicata states: 
Argentina: Army Sergeant Sees a Train-Shaped UFO By Andrea Pérez Simondini Investigation conducted by Carlos Iurchuk Material by Osvaldo Sánchez In October 2010, researcher Carlos Iurchuck made a trip to the Chaco following the trail of cases experienced by military personnel. On October 9, he held a meeting with Osvaldo Sánchez, a researcher and broadcaster who is unquestionably the greatest compiler of case histories in that province. Osvaldo is a retired policeman who once held the rank of commissioner. He became interested in the UFO phenomenon as a result of the stories told by members of the police force, involving experiences in various parts of the Chaco. He has hosted the "Encuentros Cercanos con el Mas Alla" radio show for over 35 years, and after a personal interview, he was kind enough to give Carlos some material, including pages he had written years ago, describing local events as they were told to him. Thus, we share with you an even from the 1970s: "In the early morning hours of 1977 or 1978, perhaps during the months of October or November, the eyewitness, Army sergeant [name withheld], in the company of Mr. [name withheld], a well-known businessman in the province, were travelling along National Route 11 in a Ford Fairlane heading toward Resistencia. When they were north of Santa Fe, both men saw something resembling an "illuminated train" that crossed the road in complete silence and lost itself in the fields. "He said the object looked like "an arrow" and moved flush to the ground. The ghostly apparition startled them greatly. The person telling the story exclaimed - "look out for the train", although his companion replied that he was already aware of it. Once the moment was over, they stopped the car to remark on their sighting, realizing only then that no railroad tracks existed in that area. To this very day in 1993, the witnesses still wonder: "what was that?" 

 [Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales IHU with thanks to Andrea Pérez Simondini and Guillermo Giménez]

A Waring To Humanity? Crop Circle Formation At Castle Hill, UK On June 6, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 6, 2016
Location of discovery: Castle Hill, Wiltshire, UK

Many of us believe that some crop circles were made by aliens trying to communicate a message to humanity though space and time. That even an attempt could change future events and save humanity. Its my personal believer that each one found in the same area is a word, and each word will appear at an evenly spaced moment of time from the last...just as we see at Castle Hill over the last few years. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states:
The June 06, 2016 Castle Hill Crop Circle is in my opinion, a key crop circle, that affirms the return to and the continued focus on the future ritual dates of 9-23 and 9-24. By viewing the crop circle in a negative view, I was able to observe a subtle created and hidden sphere image, created within the image of the Castle Hill Crop Circle. It was this hidden sphere that allowed me to observe and to once again confirm the future intention of using two each 911 false flag events to create the needed time line, needed by the NWO Supercomputer, to ensure their future one world govt and one world domination of the world. The Castle Hill UK Crop Circle for me, marks a key set of dates in time, regarding the mega ritual of time manipulation, that I have been following and pursuing for many year.

Floating orb caught on IR Cam in basement In Colorado, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 25, 2016
Location of sighting: Colorado

This is an infrared camera which can catch entity orbs or cloaked UFOs because it can see IR light, something the human eye cannot. This is a great orb and its in Colorado, a place were giant glowing orbs are often seen over the Rocky mountains. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: "I've caught this about five times floating in my basement. It only happens early in the mornings, between 3am - 6am. Does anyone know what this is?" 


Face Found On Mars In Curiosity Rover Photo This week, June 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 25, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1376

I found this face today on the side of a hill in a recent Curiosity rover photo. The face does look human, but due to its eroded detail, its difficult to be sure about that. Sometimes its a bit difficult, especially with these black and white photos NASA gives us. 
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Civilization Beneath Death Valley Of 8 Foot Beings, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Is this just a crazy story? I don't think so. That area is hot, and nothing is out there but rocks, dirt and hills mixed with some jack rabbits and scorpions. But, could a species live below the ground? That is possible. A whole town? Yes. Especially if the people there were 8+ feet tall, because they were probably aliens living in their accustomed way...below the ground for safety. The gold and treasure sounds a bit fairy tailish, but the rest does sound like it could be true. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states: 
Bourke Lee, in his book 'Death Valley Men' chapter: "Old Gold", describes a conversation which he had several years ago with a small group of Death valley residents. The conversation had eventually turned to the subject of Paihute Indian legends. At one point two of the men, Jack and Bill, described their experience with an 'underground city' which they claimed to have discovered after one of them had fallen through the bottom of an old mine shaft near Wingate Pass. They found themselves in a natural underground cavern which they claimed to have followed about 20 miles north into the heart of the Panamint Mountains.


6 Inch Alien Seen On Mars In NASA Photo, Absolute Proof Life Exists On Mars, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

The above photo is the original on the NASA site, but NASA calls it "FALSE COLOR" and doesn't state why they put photos into a false color. The photo below is auto focused and what Mars really looks like in colors. 

Date of discovery: June 2016
Location of discovery: Mars

This human-like figure is peering around the corner of a rock wall and I can make out its head, chest, shoulders, arm, leg, knee, and foot from this one close up photo. Paranormal Crucible says its about 6 inches...I agree. This is one of the species that once lived on Mars and is still living there now, but in lower numbers. The mysteries of Mars just keep revealing themselves one by one. 
Scott C. Waring

Interesting anomolie found by the rover, which looks like a little Martian. I have colorized the image and added eyes to the head so its easier to see, but everything is there in the original image, whatever it is it looks humanoid, reminds me of the Atacama Alien, about the same size too, this one is around 6 inches.


Black UFO Near White Pyramid Cloud Over Batavia, Illinois, USA June 5, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 5, 2016
Location of sighting: Batavia, Illinois, USA

This is a recent video posted to MUFON site this week. A black UFO is seen moving around the rooftops of the area, but there are also some other mysterious things...another small UFO and a white pyramid shaped cloud. Is it a coincidence? Probably not. UFO with actual pilots often need a wingman, much like the US military demands from fighter pilots. Very cool UFO, but is this new drone technology from Bigelow Aerospace? Hmmmm...

Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states:
Unedited Witness Statement: i am sending this directly from my iphone, unedited. we just took this video of a ufo. Me and two of my kids(17,20) were leaving chili's parking lot and i begin to joke with them that it was a perfect evening to see an ufo. I believe in ufo but my kids are totally sceptical about it. We jump in the car and I looked up and saw a light. I continue to joke with them and said, "look there, a ufo....hahahaha".... but at the time it was only that, a joke. We continued to watch it as it rapidly start to approach us. then the light started to dim out and we could see a dark form over it. My son then started to literally freak out. That thing came about 300 meters from us and it was a dark squared with rounded corners thing, cruising the sky, no sound whatsoever!!!!!!! The video doesn't reflect even 10% of the clarity of the sighting. unfortunately phone camaras are horrible, specially at dark. But it was so clear to us. it seemed to be the size of a car just crusing there, with almost the same color of the background. My son is still shacking. He never believed in anything paranormal. I am available to give details if you need. tks.

Two Craft having a Rendezvous at Point L1 one million miles away from Earth, Video, June 19, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 19, 2016
Location of sighting: Near Earths Sun
Source photo:

I have to admit that its does look like one ship has turned 45 degrees and waited for the other ship to arrive. The smaller ship is about 20% that of the larger vessel. Very cool observation and catch by Streetcap1 of Youtube
Scott C. Waring 

Streetcap1 states: 
This looks like Two Craft having a Rendezvous at Point L1 one million miles away from Earth. Picture by SOHO Satellite Camera Lasco C3. Streetcap1.


Crop Circle Found On Berlin, Germany Farm, June 12, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 12, 2016
Location of discovery: Berlin, Germany

This is a fascinating crop formation. It has a flower or question mark appearance to it. It may have hidden symbols to it, but its hard to make out for sure. Today crop formations are both made by hoaxers and by aliens. Ever since the popularity in the 1990s, people noticed that all the attention was cool, and that they too could make such things. But don't be misled...aliens were the ones who started it all, but humans are making a mockery of it by trying to fool their own species. Crop formations have been recorded going way back in history. 

Farmers have reported finding strange circles in their fields for centuries. The earliest mention of a crop circle dates back to the 1500s. A 17th century English woodcut shows a devilish creature making a crop circle. People who lived in the area called the creature the "mowing devil."

In an 1880 issue of the journal Nature, amateur scientist John Rand Capron reported on a formation near Guildford, Surrey, in the south of England. He described his finding as "a field of standing wheat considerably knocked about, not as an entirety, but in patches forming, as viewed from a distance, circular spots." He went on to say, "... I could not trace locally any circumstances accounting for the peculiar forms of the patches in the field ... They were suggestive to me of some cyclonic wind action..."
Mentions of crop circles were sporadic until the 20th century, when circles began appearing in the 1960s and '70s in England and the United States. But the phenomenon didn't gain attention until 1980, when a farmer in Wiltshire county, England, discovered three circles, about 60 feet (18 meters) across each, in his oat crops. UFO researchers and media descended on the farm, and the world first began to learn about crop circles.

By the 1990s...crop circles had become something of a tourist attraction. In 1990 alone, more than 500 circles emerged in Europe. Within the next few years, there were thousands. Visitors came from around the world to see them. Some farmers even charged admission to their mysterious attractions.

Scott C. Waring 

UFO Lights Seen Over Rosario River, Argentina On June 12, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 12, 2016 19:48
Location of sighting: Rosario River, Argentina
News Source:

This is an interesting sighting of some glowing lights over the Rosario river in Argentina last week. It looks like we are seeing a UFO hovering over the water, hence the two long lights. However the top light is actually the UFO, the bottom light may be the reflection or the illumination from the doorway below the surface which the UFO probably came from. Hiding a doorway underwater that takes you to an underground base is a smart move.
Scott C. Waring 

News states:
Argentina: Uncanny Light Source Photographed in Argentina The following is a message from Silvia Pérez Simondini, director of Visión OVNI and CEFORA, sent to UFO groups: Dear Friends, I was truly amazed on Sunday night. For 26 years, night after night, I have observed and have come to know each spot on the island from the summit of Cerro de la Matanza. On Sunday, with my friend Checo Jaroslav, we visited the summit once more, and I was astonished to see a vast source of light in the middle of the river. The lights of the city of Rosario could be seen in the distance, which gave me the certainty that these lights we were seeing were much closer to Victoria. I'd like to clarify a few things. The bridges along the Victoria-Rosario route are not lit, much less in this manner. All along the route there is nothing I know that has such illumination. It was interesting to observe it from hilltop, but what happened later was truly fantastic. The upper part of the illumination vanished as if by magic, and since Checo was returning to Buenos Aires along that route, we agreed that he would make sure to see what it was from both sides. The fact is he saw absolutely nothing, or any area illuminated in such a way. We have no idea what it was, only that it was never in the river, and I'm sure that I'll never see it again. These are the photos. The last photo depicts how it was left after the upper section vanished, and what evidently also vanished when Checo departed. [Editor's Note: Cerro de la Matanza - Slaughter Hill - owes its name to a mass killing of natives in 1750 by Francisco Antonio de Vera y Mujica, governor of the city of Santa Fe. The name appears in official documents from 1779.] 

 [Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez and Silvia Pérez Simondini]


Man Records UFOs "Dancing" Over Massachusetts Skies! 6/18/16 Amazing Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 18, 2016
Location of sighting: Massachusetts, USA

Here is a cool video by Secureteam10 of Youtube. It shows not one, but a handful of white UFOs shooing around the sky over Massachusetts this week. To see it you really need to make it full screen. I've seen this before over Notre Dame stadium long ago when lightning struck the stadium...small white UFOs shot all around, sucking in the static electricity in the air, due to the storm. 

Scott C. Waring 

SecureTeam10 States:
Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, information on the government coverup, and the alien activity happening on and off of our planet. Send us YOUR footage by visiting the contact links below, and help us continue the good fight for disclosure!


9 Feet Tall Giants Living In Giza, Egypt Seen On Google Street, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 15, 2016
Location of discovery: Dolci, Giza, Egypt
Google Coordinates: 29°56'17.00"N 30°55'20.59"E

From the past UFO reports from the likes of Project Blue Books and MJ12 documents, there are giant size species of aliens living within bases below the surface of Earth. There are also dwarf size species (The Friendship Case). I even remember a case where the aliens landed a UFO in a park, got out...looked around...and were about 3-4 meters tall. Cool huh?
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Whoa! Two men of gigantic stature, probably in the neighborhood of 8' to 9' tall have surfaced in a community not far from the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt on Google Earth. These guys are HUGE.


This Day In UFO History; Man Meets With Aliens And Takes Photos, June 16, 1963, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 16, 1963
Location of sighting:  Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

June 16, 1963-close Albuquerque, N.M. Apolinar A. Estate, Jr., 49, a technician of 601 Niagara N.E.; Albuquerque, New Mexico, had a one of a kind benefit having prearranged gatherings with Space People for the particular reason for taking photos of their art.

Evidently, contacts of some kind with space individuals are not new to Mr. Estate. He says that he has been taught clairvoyance by extraterrestrial insight since he was five years of age. Despite the fact that he didn't finish the tenth grade of school, he appears to have a decent learning on such subjects as arithmetic, power, material science, and mechanics, and has a bizarre "blessing" for distinguishing deformities in motors, generators, and so on.

Manor says that preceding capturing his first arrangement of saucers in 1963, he had seen around five Flying Saucers in the past five years, and he had chatted with a spaceman already. He said that his first picture-taking contact was his second in-individual meeting with extraterrestrial creatures. The first was in 1953 while he was working for the Department of Water and Power in Los Angeles. While at work one day in Long Beach, he had a compelling impulse to go down to the shoreline, an inclination he didn't get it. There he met a man around 7 feet tall. At first Villa was a perplexed and needed to flee. Be that as it may, the man called him by name, and let him know numerous individual things about himself. "Manor understood that he was speaking with an extremely predominant insight, and he then got to be mindful this being was a spaceman. "He knew all that I had in my brain and let me know numerous things that had happened in my life," Villa says. " He then instructed me to watch out past the reef. I saw a metallic looking plate formed item that appeared to drift on the water. At that point the spaceman inquired as to whether I might I want to get onto the art and glance around, and I ran with him." He said the saucer inhabitants were totally humanoid in appearance, albeit preferable looking as a rule over Earth individuals, as they were certainly more refined in the face and the body. Additionally they had a propelled learning of science, as confirm by their specialty, and by their discussion with him." They advised Villa that the entire cosmic system to which our Earth has a place is a grain of sand on an immense shoreline, in connection to the unbelievable number of possessed worlds in the whole Universe. In view of their innovative progression, their spaceships can infiltrate the Earth's radar location framework, with the goal that they are gotten on our radar screens just when they point out their nearness in our skies. It appears that their art are always dynamic over our surface, and that they arrange more sightings and arrivals with a specific end goal to expand open consciousness of their presence. They said they were here on a neighborly mission to help our kin; that they have bases on our moon; that Phobos, one of the two moons of Mars is empty and is misleadingly developed; and that their is a Superior Intelligence that represents the Universe and everything in it.

For his first arrangement of pictures, Mr. Estate says his space contacts let him know, clairvoyantly, to drive his get truck on June 16, (1963), to the meeting place, alone. There he saw a landed Flying saucer which he assessed to be around 70 feet in distance across. There were nine individuals on board the boat: four men and five ladies. They landed through a hermetically fixed entryway. These creatures, he says, extended in range from seven to nine feet and were proportional. Some were light; some were red-headed; (like cleaned copper); and some had dark hair. They let him know they originated from the cosmic system of Coma Berenices, numerous light years separation. They could talk numerous dialects, and in addition to convey clairvoyantly. Manor was told the art worked as a Mothership for its nine remotely-controlled observing plates which were 14 inches in measurement, and were controlled from instrument boards in the Mothership. They could get pictures and sounds from any zone from which they were coordinated, and after that could then transfer them to TV boards on board the Mother Craft. They allowed Villa to take photograph's of their boat which postured and drifted near the surface somewhere around 2 and 4P.M. while he took different shots of the art surrounded by the trees in the frontal area. He utilized a Japanese-made Rokuoh-Sha camera with a f4.6, 75mm lens stacked with 120 Kodak film. Two of the photograph's demonstrate the boat in a vertical position, on its side, to show that the Space People have made a manufactured gravity inside the specialty, and in this way are totally agreeable regardless of what position the boat is in, with respect to a planet's surface.. By chance, in photograph #7...???, the vents in the body, thought by some to be port gaps, are not windows, but rather are openings straightforwardly worried with the drive of the boat. Manor says they let him know that the vents are opened just inside a planets environment - never in space.

Another contact... for his second arrangement of pictures, Villa was clairvoyantly guided, to another region close Bernalillo, New Mexico - around 15 miles north of Albuquerque. This was on Easter Sunday, April 18, 1965. The boat found in photograph's #1,2 and 3, anticipated a beam which brought about a little wildfire. The smoke from the flame is visible(more unmistakably in color)in the trees just underneath the art, and simply above and to one side of the rear end of Villa's truck.(Note: I have the photo's..Dex) In one photograph they scorched a tree top - by utilization of a beam coordinated from the boat. These things were done to exhibit some of their capacities. The boat landed and Villa passed judgment on it to be 300 feet in distance across. It had telescopic, tripod landing gear, which are distending from the base of the art in photograph's ???(Note: I don't have...Dex). The three crew member had light chestnut hair and tan skin. They gave off an impression of being around 5'8" or 5'9" tall. Estate chatted with them for almost two hours about individual and also broad matters. They let him know that our Astronauts, Edward White and James McDivitt, on their now-renowned GT-4 flight, were truly seeing a spaceship when they reported locating the Pegasus-like item. They additionally said our Government won't discharge the Mariner-4 photograph's since they indicate pumping stations for the waterway frameworks on Mars. They included, that by 1966, 17 countries will have the Atomic Bomb. Manor says they bantered both in Spanish(his local language)and in English. On their recommendation, the Contactee says, he quit smoking to upgrade his capacity to get clairvoyant interchanges.


Worm Found On Mars, Moves! @NASA Microscopic Camera, June 13, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 13, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1369

Today in the newest batch of Mars Curiosity rover photos I found a worm in the microscopic camera. This same camera took two photos just 18 minutes apart. The first camera shows no worm, but a place the worm is buried. The second photo 18 minutes later of the same location shows the worm had crawled out. 

How can this be? NASA has not yet announced any life ever found on Mars and yet this is the second worm I have found in only a few months. The funny thing about both the worms...they look the same! They do, and NASA had to have seen them, but still they haven't said a single word. So, tell me why is NASA not responding about these discoveries? Why is it so bad for the public to know that life still exists on Mars? Is NASA really afraid of a little worm on Mars causing chaotic anarchy across Earth?

Look, I will tweet to NASA about this and also Obama and the Secretary General of the United Nations. I can only make them aware of the discoveries, but they may not care. 

Scott C. Waring

Earth Size UFO Near Sun Makes Hard 45 Degree Turn, June 13, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 13, 2016, 06:42, 
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
SOHO satellite camera: LASCO C3

This looks like a boring while L shaped line, but its not. Its the needle in the hey stack. This is a giant UFO as big as Earth itself that moves toward Earths Sun, the suddenly makes a hard 45 degree turn. Thats an impossible feat in astrophysics, and yet...the SOHO satellite recorded it. As if that wasn't enough, this UFO was traveling at almost the speed of light, about 1/50th or so...that it got caught by the SOHO images for a split second and was gone. Just like that. It wasn't light speed, because I don't think the camera would catch that speed, but still this giant UFO is rocking some power. 

Below you see the full image...with a planet passing at the center of the the photo. That planet looks like Jupiter or Venus, it to the size of the UFO. If that UFO and that planet below it are the same distance away from the satellite, then yes...thats one giant UFO. 

Scott C. Waring