Showing posts with label ocean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ocean. Show all posts


UFO Fleet Taking Military Formation Over Memphis, Tennessee On Aug 7, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 7, 2016
Location of sighting: Memphis, Tennessee, USA

This UFO was captured by Chris Potter of Youtube this week. The video clearly shows three or more UFOs in triangle formation, flashing and moving about. It does look like these UFOs are in a military protective position to watch out for one another. The UFOs are all around this area. If you look at the video in full screen you will notice another to the lower right and more to the upper left. Amazing footage. 
Scott C. Waring 


Bus Size Spider Found On Google Earth Island Awaiting Fishermen That Come Too Close, July 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2016
Location of discovery: Unknown, will update

This is the famous Google Earth map which is free for anyone to download and use. MexicoGeek of Youtube found a giant crab or spider on a tiny island in the ocean. The crab itself looks enormous,   about the size of a bus (using the road as measurement at the end of the video). This is an awesome discovery and just goes to prove that scientist don't have the slightest clues about the hidden giant species that exist in the oceans of the world. At this size it would devour an entire person to satisfy its watch out for this giant spider when you are on your next fishing trip, and be aware, you may be the next catch. 
Scott C. Waring


60 Meter Giant Squid Found On Google Earth, The Legends Are Real! June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 9, 2016
Location of sighting: Near Deception Island

This looks like the Kraken. I used Google ruler and it says this is 30 meters (100 feet) from head to end, but the end looks like just the mid area of a giant squid, which means it could be 60+ meters long with tentacles. That sounds like a Kraken to me. Maybe the stories about the giant monster of the deep are all true. A lot of storers are based on truths. I think we found the Kraken. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
No idea what this is but it's circulating a few places right now and when I saw it, it IMMEDIATELY made me think of a Plesiosaur fin. Was hard to see from the images I was seeing so I went there on my own, to Google Earth. Here's what I found and how you get there. That's one massive disturbance in the ocean down there and who knows what really caused it. Maybe now we know the source of The Bloop! Go there on Google Earth and form your own opinion

Coords below if you don't want to follow in vid. nav: 63° 2'56.73"S 60°57'32.38"W


1910-1930 Battleship or submarine found that is 100 meters long on island, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Farquhar island
Google Earth Coordinates:  10° 9'12.13"S 51° 3'5.36"E

Yeah, I know, its not a UFO, but it is really cool. I was teaching for more wreckage form the flight MH370 and stumbled upon this old ship or sub. 

Google ruler says its 95+ meters across, but since one side looks split open, its closer to 100 meters. There is a visible metal railing all around the edge of the craft so that tells me the ship has a metal outside hull. The floor of the craft is hard to make out, so I can't really tell if its metal or wood, which would help narrow down the date of the sinking and the type of craft. 

I did notice that the ship has a heart shape large fin, like a submarine would have in the back, but it may be just part of the reef its sitting on. 

If you know what kind of craft this is, what the name of this ship or sub is, or when it sank, please let me know in the comments below. Its driving me nuts not knowing. 
Scott C. Waring 


Curiosity Rover Examines Water Leaking From Rocks, But Will NASA Tell Us? April 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photos:

On this site I have reported water on Mars, in lakes, ponds, and even rivers, but today its just a patch of wet dirt I want to report. This area of rocks has water streaming down from it, which is absorbed by the dry sand. Only, many of my posts about water on Mars just vanished. I guess I will focus on this and try to put them up again soon.

There are eight close up photos of the water...just half a meter away. There are also another eight photo of the water from about 4-6 meters away. 

This is similar to some color photos I found with water leaking down from the rocks, some lakes, and such. Click below to view those old photos and posts. 

So...will NASA come out and admit that they used the rover to examine streams of water from rocks on Mars? I think not. Its a matter of National no. They will never say a word about it. Legally, they are bound to follow the US governments rules about such discoveries.
Scott C. Waring 

Updated: Water 2 Meters From Mars Rover In Gale Crater, Oct 2015, UFO Sighting News. 

Hot Spring Lake Found On Mars, Sept 2014, UFO Sighting News. 


UFO Over Sea Spotted In Turkey Has Returned Again After 9 Years, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 3, 2016
Location of sighting: Sea Antalya, Turkey
News source: MUFON #75759

This UFO was seen over Turkey last week and strangly enough, I have been looking in that area on Google Earth to see if I can find the underwater base near Turkey. Sadly Google blacks out 95% of the water so its an impossible task, however its there. I have reported UFOs for many years and an old 2007 Turkey sighting recorded on many nights for many hours by a security guard had the most amazing footage ever. I will place that video below to looks similar to this MUFON report.
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states:
We were at the hotel in Kemer- ANTALYA. Sitting and talking with the family. Shiny object with strange move. We thought it was a helium filled metallic balloon. It moved North first and then came back and hovered above the sea. I suprised and then took 5 shot with my canon 450d with zoom lens. When you look at the pictures it was like a door opened at the end of the photos it becomes the known ufo shape and vanished. I said vanished because when I try to take 6th photo I could not find it anymore.

Old 2007 footage of UFO over ocean at Turkey recorded by security guard. 

Alien Technology Discovered On Mars by Spirit Rover in 13 photos! UFO Sighting News.


City Appears To Float On Water As UFO Reflects Distant City, March 19, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 19, 2016
Location of sighting: Port of Dalian, Northeast China.
Source: CCTV China

These flying buildings were seen over the ocean at Port of Dalian, China. There is nothing out there but water, yet these buildings hover in the distance, clearly sinking down from the sky into the ocean. Did aliens construct a mothership that looks just like a Chinese city? Probably not, but I will tell you this, its a reflection off of a cloaked mothership. Yes, sometimes the cloak of a UFO can reflect like a mirror, and here it is doing just that. I have seen a UFO in the blue sky near a white cloud, but the UFO looked white, because its cloak was reflecting the color of the cloud. Mystery solved. Humans 1, aliens 0.
Scott C. Waring 

CCTV China News states:
A stunning mirage depicting a group of buildings was seen above the sea along the port of Dalian in northeast China’s Liaoning Province on Friday. Seen from the land, it appeared as though the buildings were looming in the fog, resembling a fairy city on the sea. Take a look at this splendid scene.

Alien Technology Discovered On Mars by Spirit Rover in 13 photos! UFO Sighting News.


Crashed Alien Ship Found On Mars By NASA Rover, Sign Of Ancient War, Nov 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 13, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

This is a cool one found by WhatsUpInTheSky37 of Youtube. He found an alien craft. He is one great UFO researcher to have found this one. Something that closely resembles that of a submarine with its periscope sticking out of its top and its triangle fins along its side. I don't believe its a water craft. It seems that this craft crashed during the final battle on Mars. Something bigger than a solar wind (NASA said last week) hit Mars long ago. Solar wind would not cause the destruction of so many structures, it would only steal the air and water away. That is why after seeing so many broken structures and faces, I came to the conclusion that there was a massive war. The planet lost. Lets hope the species that did this to Mars doesn't one day turn their attention on Earth. That may be the biggest secret that aliens themselves don't want us to know...that a planet near us was wiped out by one of their species. Knowing that may cause humans to fear all aliens. But...humans show the same fierceness during times of war. I think we should fear ourselves more. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
This goes hand in hand with my video from the other day where we looked at the eight equally spaced out objects. I am wondering if this has something to do with those. It is in the same area and crater where they were heading to. Check out the links below and let us know what you think!! We had lots of good comments on feedback on the last one! Thank you all so much..


UFO Caught Close Up Over Ocean In Yucatan, Mexico On Sept 12, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 12, 2015
Location of sighting: Yucatan coast, Mexico
News source:

A UFO researcher in Mexico caught his first UFO and its detail is one of the best I've seen this year. We can see that its a half disk with a larger lower area. At the bottom there is a clear, white distortion, which looks like its caused by the propulsion of the craft, mixed with the UFO exiting the water and the water dripping off of it. The UFO was caught over the ocean, because it came from the water. Its a well known fact that aliens have bases not below the ocean, but several km below the floor of the ocean. And notice the dark bronze color...extraordinary. 
Scott C. Waring

News states (Translated from Spanish):
An amateur, with 20 years as a student of the phenomenon, but it was not until Friday that for the first time, had a sighting. 

Jorge Moreno / SIPSE MERIDA, Yuc.- A new report from the presence of an unidentified flying object (UFO) came to me from the port of Progreso: say strange lights appeared two days ago; The odd thing is that for the same dates (September 12), but last year there was also a sighting, allowing speculate on a possible motive for which is given in the same place and date but with a year difference. According to information provided by Manuel Loría Alejos, UFO enthusiast for over 20 years, he says that he went to the port to spend the weekend at his family home is there: "For nearly two decades I have been reading everything about the UFO issue, but until that day I had never seen one until last Friday, when in the company of my dad, my wife, my brothers and my children we could see a strange light on the horizon. "But there was not any light, because I have seen many documentaries and I know when it comes to reflections, aircraft or other logical phenomena to which they can be attributed unidentified label. "It was a strong blue light, which was moving in a straight line first and then making zigzag movements. I was the first to discover it, while we were on the beach, near Yucatan. I immediately called my family to see him because I had the feeling it was not a normal light, which we found moments later, it started making faster movements until after two minutes was up to disappear completely; yes, to an even greater speed. "We were six witnesses and indeed I much excited, because although I believe in life on other planets, it was the first time I saw this, unlike my father, who lived his third experience of this type. "For this reason I decided to immediately send them this report and share it with readers, and so that if someone saw it and report it to give more information that further research be done," he concluded. It notes that in the Yucatan coast has also reported a significant number of UFO sightings, most (80 percent) and Progress stations (Chuburna and Chelem Chicxulub). 

Unfortunately there is no solid evidence (photos or videos), but a high number of witnesses claim to have seen, including municipal and state police and authorities, tourist service providers, besides the inhabitants. In Flamboyanes station (located a few kilometers before the entrance to Progreso) a couple of years ago various reports were given: neighbors, truckers and people who journeyed there often saw strange lights suddenly did not emit any noise, They are descending vertically and then lost in the sky in the same position at supersonic speed. Airline pilots interviewed say that no plane or helicopter can do these movements, so this is discarded as an explanation for what people saw. In Progreso, in the boardwalk area they have also been several ships with five lights each advancing in training and suddenly reach high speeds and disappear; the control tower Merida International Airport at the time did not report that it was a plane. Another interesting witness got was a well-known specialist in law Merida, who told me with astonishment that has seen at least three times these ships entering or leaving the sea. "I seek no explanation for what I saw, what I spotted this from my summer home in Chelem, even had binoculars, and caused me much impact, certainly the UFO phenomenon does exist," said the lawyer.


UFOs Seen By US Navy Submarine In 1971 Over Atlantic Ocean, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 1971
Location of sighting: between Iceland and Jan Mayen Island, Atlantic Ocean
News Source:

Black Vault states:
This got started when I heard from one of my sources in Europe that some pictures that I might want to take a look at were making the rounds. These turned out to be the pictures that a French Paranormal magazine called Top Secret published. They claimed that they received them from an anonymous source. That is all they have have said publicly so far. Top Secret source and mine are unrelated. I made connections in the intelligence community in Europe years ago in a project unrelated to UFOs. It was for the Congo’s Mokele-mbembe project that I was working on. They have always been reliable, but you know how these things go, you never really know. I have used them on information based on Russian UFOs in the past, and they have been very reliable with that. I’m obviously trying to directly get access to Top Secret‘s original source, so we’ll see. By the way, feel free to contact them yourself or anyone that you feel can help. Obviously, I want to stay on point with this, and be part of whatever comes out in this case, but the important thing is to get to the truth, and “The Black Vault” name is extremely well respected and that can very much help. Arctic UFO Photographs, USS Trepang, SSN 674, March 1971 Another one of the unknown objects. Here is what we know so far. The original anonymous source claims that these: 1) The photos were taken from a United State Navy submarine. 2) The location was between Iceland and Jan Mayen island in the Atlantic Ocean. (Jan Mayen belongs to Norway, and is only inhabited by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian military.) 3) They were taken in March of 1971. 4) The Submarine was the Navy’s USS Trepang (SSN 674) and the Admiral on board was Dean Reynolds Sackett. Obviously, the next step is to try and locate this Admiral Dean Reynolds, if he exists. 5) The Submarine came upon the object by “accident,” as they were in the region on a routine joint military and scientific expedition. Officer John Klika was the one who initially spotted the object with the periscope. This obviously implies that it wasn’t ours, and unfortunately doesn’t explain the different objects seen in the pictures. Top Secret claims that on one of the pictures, there were some inscriptions. I don’t have a version of this, and it is too faint to see on these photographs.
Upper left it says “Official Photograph. Not to be Released. CT.” In the bottom right corner it says (sic) “Unauthorized Disclosure Subject. Security Certificat SSN 674. Criminal Sanction” I cannot confirm these at the moment, and I don’t know if the spelling of Certificat is just a reproduction error, since these were revealed in their magazine. This is all I have so far, and I’ll keep sending you whatever additional info I have.


Plankton Found Living On The Space Station HD Cam, April 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 11, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit at ISS

This object found by a Youtube researcher has me thinking about last year when the Russians were cleaning the outside of the solar panels and found living plankton on them. They said the plankton were huge compared to normal and they either came from being blown into space from the ocean 40+ miles below or are living in space as they live in water. This discovery on the  live cam looks like a plankton has made its home on the lens on the space station HD camera. Evidence of life existing in space, thanks to the Russians discovery. Yes, Russians were 1st in the world to announce they found life in space. SCW


Giant UFO Over Ocean In NASA Photo, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2013
Location of discovery: Earths Ocean
Source NASA photo:

This UFO was discovered back in Nov 2013, but I have not seen this one before. This shows a massive stealth black disk over the ocean. The dimensions are almost perfect. Streetcap1 of Youtube found this one and I have to say its beyond words. This UFO looks to be more than 5-7 miles across. Since it is over the ocean area, the only place that it could hide without being noticed is below the ocean. Any space craft with advanced tech should have no trouble under water. Fantastic catch. SCW


UFO Buzzes Surfer At Newport Beach, California On August 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 29, 2014
Location of sighting: Newport Beach, California, USA
This UFO was caught by accident when the eyewitness was filming a surfer at Newport Beach this week. The orb is simi-cloaked and comes from the water. Notice how the cloak is given away by the reflection of the water along its right edges. SCW


Underwater Alien Base Near Saipan, April 28, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of reported: April 28, 2014
Location of discovery: Near Guam and Saipan Islands.
Coordinates: Not needed to find it.

Hey guys, was looking over Google Earth and came across this remarkable looking underwater anomaly. The massive walls seem to go for about 50 miles, but long ways is about 250 miles. Sure these anomalies could be an ancient Asian civilization that sank under the ocean long ago, but it also could be an underwater alien base. Its size and location would insure millions could use it and since its in such a secluded area, few humans will ever see their UFOs leaving/entering the water. SCW


This Day In UFO History: Multiple pilots witness large object near Guernsey, United Kingdom, April 23, 2007.

Date of sighting: April 23, 2007
Location of sighting: Guernsey, England
Source: The Guernsey Press & Star - St Saviour, Jersey, - April 26, 2007
[go to original source]

Pilot’s UFO shock

by Joel de Woolfson

UFO sightings are being investigated by the Ministry of Defence.

Two experienced airline pilots on separate flights saw something up to a mile wide off the coast of Alderney on Monday afternoon.

Surprisingly, Jersey radar equipment did not pick up the object, although an air traffic controller said he had received simultaneous reports from the Aurigny and Blue Islands pilots.

Aurigny’s Captain Ray Bowyer, 50, said he saw the strange object during a flight from Southampton.

He spotted a bright-yellow light 10 miles west of Alderney while his plane was about 30 miles from the island and at 4,000ft.

‘It was a very sharp, thin yellow object with a green area. It was 2,000ft up and stationary,’ he said.

‘I thought it was about 10 miles away, although I later realised it was approximately 40 miles from us. At first, I thought it was the size of a 737.’

A 737 is slightly smaller than a jumbo jet.

‘But it must have been much bigger because of how far away it was. It could have been as much as a mile wide.’

As he continued his approach to Alderney, Capt. Bowyer saw a second identical object further to the west.

‘It was exactly the same but looked smaller because it was further away. It was closer to Guernsey.’

The sightings come days after reports that scientists have discovered outside our solar system an Earth-like planet capable of supporting extraterrestrial life.

‘I can’t explain it. At first, I thought it might have been a reflection from a vinery in Guernsey, but that would have disappeared quickly. This was clearly visual for about nine minutes.’

The sightings happened at about 3pm. Capt. Bowyer, who has flown commercial planes for about 20 years, said he had described the objects to air traffic control and filled in an incident report.

‘As I got closer to it, it became clear to me that it was tangible. I was in two minds about going towards it to have a closer look but decided against it because of the size of it. I had to think of the safety of the passengers first.’

He added that the experience had been quite scary.

‘I’m certainly not saying that it was something of another world. All I’m saying is that I have never seen anything like it before in all my years of flying.’

Paul Kelly, 31, the air traffic controller who was on duty, said the Blue Islands pilot had made a similar report, but nothing had appeared on his radar.

‘The pilot from Blue Islands was en route to Jersey at the same time and as he went past Sark he described an object behind him to his left,’ he said.

‘The description was very similar to Captain Bowyer’s and they described it as being in exactly the same place. But they were looking at it from opposite sides.’

The pilot told him the object had been 1,500ft beneath his plane.

‘The Blue Islands plane was at 3,500ft at the time so, again, both pilots placed it at the same altitude.

‘If the object was stationary, our equipment would not have picked it up because the radar would have screened it out.’ 


Commercial Pilot Take Photo Of UFO Over Australia, April 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Actual photo taken by pilot, April 2014. Click to enlarge. 

Date of sighting: April 2014
Location of sighting: Caloundra, Queensland, Australia

Sunshine Coast Daily News States:
A COMMERCIAL pilot with more than 30 years' experience has been left scratching his head over mysterious lights he saw over Caloundra on Good Friday. The pilot, who does not want to be identified, said he had never seen anything through the cockpit window that compared to the experience. It has the self-confessed "world's greatest sceptic" questioning everything he believes about UFOs. The Pelican Waters man was admiring the sky with friends about 8pm last Friday when they first saw two coloured lights in the sky. He said they reminded him of Chinese lanterns, rising high into the sky and heading south and then east. Then a third warm-orange glow appeared and suddenly changed direction, tracked north-east and quickly disappeared. "We were looking for an identifier; a beacon or strobe light but there wasn't any," he said. "I thought it had the characteristics of an object that could fly and I was curious as to what the lights were." (more at source).