
This Day In UFO History: June 24, 1947 Kenneth Arnold Spots 9 UFO At Mt. Rainier, Washington, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 24, 1947
Location of sighting: Near Mt. Rainier, Washington, United States

Type of Case/Report: MajorCase 
Hynek Classification: DD 
Special Features/Characteristics: Pilot/Aircrew, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo, Multiple UFOs 

Source: Loy Lawhon, About.com
[go to original source]

Funny how your life can get turned upside down just because you see something. Kenneth Arnold's story is the story of a pretty straight guy. He was an Eagle Scout when he was a teen-ager. He worked for the Red Cross. He was an All-State football player in high school, with hopes of being a college star until a knee injury cut his football career short.

After college, Arnold became a salesman and learned to fly, combining the two by flying from small town to small town selling fire control equipment, eventually owning the Great Western Fire Control Supply Company. He was a member of the Sheriff's "aerial posse"of Ada County, Idaho, he was a relief U.S. Marshall, and he sometimes flew prisoners to the Federal Penitentiary. Flying his light plane, a Callair, was the basis of his livelihood.

In other words, he was the perfect UFO witness: a solid citizen, honest and trustworthy, married, with two daughters.

On June 24, 1947, he was returning home from a business trip when he made a detour into the Yakima, Washington area to help in an aerial search for a missing C-46 marine transport plane that was believed to have gone down in the area.

At around 3:00 in the afternoon, he was flying at about 9,000 feet, near Mount Rainier, when a flash of light caught his eye. He turned and saw a procession of nine very strange objects flying from north to south in front of his plane. They were flat and rather heel-shaped, very shiny, and they moved erratically, like a "saucer would if you skipped it across water." You can see Arnold's drawing of what he saw here. Arnold estimated their size at about two-thirds that of a DC-4, and he calculated their speed at over 1500 mph by timing their travel between two mountain peaks of known distance.

When he arrived at Yakima, Washington, Arnold told several other pilots about his sighting. The consensus among them was that it was some type of military "secret weapon". However, Arnold would later find that the U.S. military was as mystified by the objects as he himself was.

In Pendleton, Oregon, Arnold went to make a report to the FBI, but the local office was closed, so he talked to the editor of the East Oregonian newspaper instead and it was the editor who put the story on the newswires. Because of Arnold's background and reliability as a witness, the story got wide circulation. Here's Arnold's report in his own words.

What did Arnold see? Skeptics said everything from clouds to blowing snow on the mountain, to droplets of water on his airplane window. Here Martin Kottmeter shoots down some of the early theories of what Arnold saw. More recent explanations include Phil Klass' meteorite fragments and James Easton's white pelicans.

The June sighting and the resulting hoopla were not the end of Arnold's association with UFOs. On July 5th, 1947, Arnold was introduced to Captain E. J. Smith, who, along with his co-pilot and a stewardess, had seen a formation of UFOs over Emmett, Idaho. They hit it off well and became good friends.

In the middle of July, Arnold received a letter from Raymond Palmer, editor of the pulp magazine Amazing Stories. Arnold didn't know who Palmer was, since he didn't read the pulps. Palmer wanted Arnold to write down his experiences for publication in the magazine and he offered to pay. Arnold didn't particularly care about the money and sent Palmer a copy of what he had already told the newspapers and the Army Air Corps.

Later in July, a couple of Army Air Force intelligence officers named Lt. Frank M. Brown and Capt. William Davidson had a friendly meeting with Arnold. He gave them an account of his sighting and they asked him to report any further incidents to them. Lt. Brown filed a report giving his impression of Arnold's story. 


Mariner 7 finds writing on Mars surface, June 23, 2015, UFO Sightings Daily.

Date of discovery: June 23, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Mission: Mariner 7
Photo source: http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/mars/map-composed-of-mariner-7s.html

I found the number 9 or 6 on Mars. This is a Mariner 7 photo. I have heard legends of these photos not being shown to the public when they were first taken.  Even now, its difficult to find them. NASA employees said Mariner 7 photos contained many alien cities and structures, so they could not allow the public to see them. In this photo, 75% of it has a blur mask put over it. I would really love to see the detil of this city in the shape of a 6 at 100% focus, but that will be a few more years before that software gets into the publics hands. Until then, I will search for evidence of alien existence and report to you as soon as I find something. I believer the lines, oval and the 6 are all alien structures, not just writing. 
Scott C. Waring 

Crop Circle In Italy May Be Warning That Nibiru Is On Its Way To Earth, June 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 21, 2015
Location of discovery: Cervia, Italy

This recent crop formation in Italy appears to show the summer solstice. That is when when the tilt of a planet's semi-axis, in either the northern or the southern hemisphere, is most inclined toward the star that it orbits. Also it could be planet X or Nibiru as some call it, which is suppose to be an massive planet that makes a wide orbit taking thousands of years to orbit our sun once. Then again it could just be an up coming eclipse when the moon passes in front of the sun. Can you decode its messages. Tell us in the comments below. SCW


UFO Orb Spotted 20th June 2015 Spilsby, Lincolnshire , England, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 20, 2015
Location of sighting: Spilsby, Lincolnshire, England

Eyewitness states:
UFO Orange Orb Spotted at Spilsby, Lincolnshire , England 20th June 2015 9:50 pm to 10:10 pm "Spotted Last Night by Myself, Sorry for the quality of the Video & bad language also, I wanted it to come closer as I knew my mobile was crap at picking up the light as well as the quality, it is all I had to film it quickly though.. The UFO was seen Twice in the space of 30 mins, the first time rose into the air & Vanished, before coming back minutes later but much closer. The UFO then hovered into the air and became stationary, it then went into a cloud and slowly dimmed.. It Created a massive Lightning storm without thunder for 3 hours. Only The tops of the Clouds where the UFO had gone were lit up in powerful bursts of electrical lightning energy.. Very Weird Evening to say the least."

Large mystery face found carved into remote Canadian island, June 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Unknown
Location of discovery: Reeks Island, Canada

This face is just one of many large faces around Canada. Often people say it was the ancient indians in the area that made them, but one massive face found is hundreds of meters long and only visible from the sky. This is a beautiful example kept in pristine condition. Ancient aliens, pirates  or indians? Its a well known fact, aliens create faces near their bases.  SCW

News states:
A mysterious face carved in a remote rock wall in the Vancouver Islands has been found again after years of searching for the feature of unknown origins.

The beachkeeper from the Tseshaht tribe that owns the land, Hank Gus, has been searching for the rock face for two years after it was first spotted in 2008 hidden on Reeks Island in the Broken Group Islands by a kayaker.

Mr Gus said he is not sure whether the almost 2m-tall face is an optical illusion created by Mother Nature or a message from his ancestors, Ha-Shilth-Sa reports.

There are no recorded or oral histories in Tseshaht lore that refer to a carved rock face, but the hidden face bears a resemblance to a carving on the modern Tseshaht Administration building showing a wind spirit.

Tseshaht artist Gordon Dick said the carving is "Carrying the words of our Ancestors, yu'i sends the voice of encouragement and love urging us to preserve our culture, which anchors our language, songs, and our identity."


UFOs Leaving Earths Orbit Caught On Live Cam, NASA Cuts Feed, June 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 2015
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit

Someone going by the name of Mister Enigma on Youtube has recently posted a video of UFO leaving the Earth and it was recorded from the NASA space station live cam. The UFOs are flashing, which gives a flapping appearance to them. Sorry the person that recorded them didn't give a statement about it, but the video speaks for itself. NASA also cuts the live feed when they notice the UFOs. SCW

Alien Faces Near Pyramid On Mars, Rover Photo, June 2015, UFO Sighting Daily.

Date of discovery: June 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source Mars photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00978/mcam/0978MR0043250040502821E01_DXXX.jpg

The news was reporting a pyramid on Mars, but I do believe that this was just the pinnacle structure of a much larger building that was buried below the dirt or destroyed.  There is also a face near the pyramid and two other not far away. The news didn't report about the faces, so I decided to make my own video to let you know. I hope you find this interesting and please help me by subscribing and liking the video. Thanks everyone, Scott C. Waring


Russian Official Proposes International Investigation Into U.S. Moon Landings, June 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of announcement: June 16, 2015
Location of announcement: Moscow, Russia
News source: http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/russian-official-proposes-international-investigation-into-us-moon-landings/523799.html

The question eats at me always, did they fake the Apollo moon missions in order to cause China and Russia to believe that America was far more advanced than they were? I myself have found that the Apollo 11 and 12 moon landing photos appear to have to perfect of a smoothness of the ground, as if its pure ash. There were very few rocks visible and those were always far away. So yes, the Apollo 11 and 12 landing photos appear to be fake. However I do believe the rest of the Apollo missions were legit. Also, Apollo 18-20 were not canceled, but made covert. I am sure Vladimir Markin has the old KGB files about Russia and America working together to retrieve alien tech at Deporte crater on the moon in Apollo 20. It was real. Just because one or two missions were faked, don't assume all were faked. SCW

Moscow Times states:
An international probe should be launched into various murky details surrounding the U.S. moon landings between 1969 and 1972, Russia's Investigative Committee spokesman said Tuesday.

Vladimir Markin penned a column for the Izvestia newspaper arguing that U.S. authorities had crossed a line by launching a large-scale corruption probe targeting nine FIFA officials. The scandal surrounding the case prompted the June 2 resignation of longtime FIFA president Sepp Blatter, and sparked a heated debate about Russia's role as host of the 2018 World Cup.

Venting his frustration with what he viewed as "U.S. prosecutors having declared themselves the supreme arbiters of international football affairs," Markin proposed that international investigators could likewise examine some of the murkier elements of America's past.

An international investigation could help solve the mystery of the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969, or explain where the nearly 400 kilograms of lunar rock reportedly obtained during several such missions between 1969 and 1972 have been spirited away to, Markin suggested.

"We are not contending that they did not fly [to the moon], and simply made a film about it. But all of these scientific — or perhaps cultural — artifacts are part of the legacy of humanity, and their disappearance without a trace is our common loss. An investigation will reveal what happened," Markin wrote.

U.S. space agency NASA admitted in 2009 that the original recordings of the first moon landing had been erased, but said they had managed to remaster the original television broadcast of the landing, Reuters reported at the time.

Of the approximately 380 kilograms of moon rock said to have been obtained during manned U.S. moon landings, the bulk is stored in the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Texas, though samples can be seen on display in various museums around the world.


UFO Seen By Thousands At Soccer Stadium In Chile, June 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 12, 2015
Location of sighting: National Statium, Chile
Source: http://www.inexplicata.blogspot.ca

News states:
Source: Radioagricultura (Chile)
Date: 06.12.2015

Chile: UFO Recorded During Soccer Match

A luminous objct startled fans of "La Roja" who were enjoying the game at the National Stadium.

It was crossed the skies ove Nuñoa for nearly 3 minutes. It was gone in the same way it appeared. The alleged UFO during the opening ceremonies of the Copa America at the National Stadium was swift and fleeting,

The fireworks launched at the sports arena drew the attention of one supporter, who took out his cell phone quickly to capture the moment. However, he never thought he'd find a luminous object moving strangely, from side to side - a movement far from what one would expect of an aircraft.

Could it be a UFO? The images are eloquent. The conclusions are yours to draw.

Cloaked UFO Is Visible For Few Seconds During Sunset, June 2015, Indiana, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 12, 2015
Location of sighting: Greenwood, Indiana, USA

This UFO was having some fun at the top of the cloud. Perhaps it was by accident or on purpose, but the light seems to be bending around a disk at the top of the cloud. As I have said before, sunsets cause a cloaked UFO to be visible for a short period. The UFO cloak bends light 180 degrees around it so below it, it appears invisible. When the sun is at a 90 degree angle, this now makes one side of the UFO visible, because not light must travel 180+90 around the UFO...which it often cannot do. Thus, revealing itself. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
I was out riding my bicycle and a storm was approaching, then this strange light caught my eye so I pulled out my phone and shot this video.

I had no idea what it was untill I did some research when I got home and found out that it's called haarp, a government research program (They Say)!! Take a closer look at the beginning of the video right when the beam disappears for a second it moves part of the cloud upwards then comes back. 


UFO Over clouds spotted in Guangdong, China On June 17, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 17, 2015
Location of sighting: Foshan, South China's Guangdong Province
China News Source: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2015-06/18/content_21038807_4.htm

One of the things that is interesting is that this UFO was seen during sunset. Some UFO cloaks are vulnerable during sunset and this causes them to become visible for anywhere between 30 seconds to 15 minutes. Sunset is the most common time of day to see a UFO. Watch a hundred sunsets and record it. You will see 4-10 UFOs during this time. 

Most people are not aware how alien technology can create clouds or cloak itself to look like a cloud, but I am here to tell you they can and do. The Sept 1957 UFO event at Army Fort Belvoir, Verging is proof of this

In these photos from China what we see is a UFO. Also, it rose up out of the cloud below it so that it could view the people below. The object is solid not gases because I see there is a shadow on the UFO that comes from the cloud below it. Scott C. Waring

China News states:
The stunning picture, taken on June 17, 2015 shows rare lenticular clouds in the sky over Foshan in South China's Guangdong province. The clouds are sometimes reported as UFOs, particularly the flying saucer, because of their lens shape.

Alien Face Found On Moon In NASA Photo With Astronaut, June 18, 2015, UFO Sightings Daily.

Date of discovery: June 18, 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Hey guys, check this out. I found a face in a NASA photo and its 100% new. New meaning no one has ever reported it. However I have seen similar faces on the moon in NASA photos. I added color to it to better see it. I don't even think that the astronauts noticed the face, but I am sure that they were testing the object to see if its a rock or alien tech. 
I bet that some species are closely monitoring Earth, and looking for information about themselves to see what we have learned. I also feel that by finding the faces, we prove that humanity is more intelligent than they give us credit for. Also, it teaches us about the different species that humanity may one day meet. Aliens may live forever, but I don't, so I try to find them and learn from their faces, one by one. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan 

Exploring The Orbits Of Galaxies, And Mars Photos, June 2015, UFO Sightings Daily.

This is a really amazing URL. I was actually looking at the Mars Rover blog set up by NASA, when I decided to cut part of the URL to see where it took me. Suddenly the room rotated and psychedelic colors were everywhere. Before I knew it, I found myself flying through the universe looking at the orbital patterns of galaxies, based on the mathematical formula Barry Martins Hopalong Orbits. Its nuts, but its a ride that has been waiting for you. 

Also the Mars photos were presented in a very unique way for NASA. I have not seen them use this kind of displaying format before, so I just wanted to share it with you. SCW


Chinese monks spot UFO over monastery, it changes shape from apple to Buddha, June 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 2015
Location of sighting: Baita Temple, China
News Source: http://energy.people.com.cn/n/2015/0601/c71661-27086693.html

Monks in China got a special treat this week. An alien craft hovered over their temple. This sightings is very similar to the Isreal sighting when a glowing ball of light came straight down out of the sky and hovered over the most sacred temple in the country...Dome of the Rock in Feb 2011. Then the UFO dis change shape somewhat, as if it were a jelly ball like craft. It is also possible that this is an alien entity, which by our standards would be looked upon as an angel. SCW

Chinese News States:
Chinese monks have spotted a mysterious flying object in the grounds of their monastery captured on surveillance footage.
The video shows a glowing object shift from the shape of an apple to that of a flying saucer, and at one point even resembles a sitting Buddha.

Monks said that they were alerted to the UFO when it flew into the hall of the temple in Anhui province, setting off security alarms on Friday night, reported People's Daily Online.

The footage shows the bright object comes down from the sky and hover above Baita Temple at 11pm, while continuously changing shape.

It briefly disappears from view a couple of times and at one point appears to fly into the hall of the temple for about 10 seconds. 

Seven minutes into the video, the UFO begins rotating increasingly quickly before disappearing out of shot amid heavy rain.

The mysterious glowing object has left monks at the temple completely baffled.

Father Shi Xingkong said: 'When I heard the alarm, I got up to turn it off before going outside to check and didn't see anything unusual. 

'It was only when I looked on the monitor that I could see the UFO.' 

He said that it is the first time he has seen a UFO.
Chen Songzheng, a member of staff at the temple, added: 'Had the UFO not entered the temple hall it would not have set off the infra-red alarms and we would not have known it was there.'