
Updated: Alien Building Found On Mars Surface In HIRISE photo, July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Updated, on July 28, 2015: Added new photos and there is also a massive transport ship in it!

Date of discovery: July 14, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://viewer.mars.asu.edu/planetview/inst/hirise/PSP_009760_2650_RED#P=PSP_009760_2650_RED&T=2

Look at this amazing discovery of a massive structure on Mars. This object looks like a wall, but understand that it is hundreds of meters thick, and that would make it a building. It also look like the building is the side of the entrance to an underground base. Did you notice the rectangle dark shadow to its right...thats the entrance. SCW
 Do you notice the ship in the screenshot above? Its very cool looking and a white in color. I've seen other white ones on the moon. 

Two UFOs In Super Fast Flight At Lightning Show! Bensenville Illinois July 13th 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 13, 2015
Location of sighting: Bensenville, Illinois, USA

News states:
Now its answer time! UFODI - I have to give my opinion on this impressive sighting! Its no airborne aircraft from earth, its no lanterns speeded up 100x, its no supersonic flares, NASA videos show UFOs over and around lightning storms "YES THEY DO" also maybe they appear under lightning storms! another explanation is ball lightning, a rare phenomena but rarely caught, yet NASA debunk hovering orb UFOs not moving at all as ball lightning "Fact" So this one is for you to decide. Subscribe to UFODI and follow www.ufodi.net for all your UFO news and videos.


UFO Caught Flying Over Police Riot In Canada! 7/6/2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 6, 2015
Location of sighting:  Canada
News Source: http://www.tbnewswatch.com/News/372767/200_people_riot_in_Pikangikum;_police_vehicles_and_headquarters_damaged

When a UFO photo is taken is very important. You see, often people find UFOs in the photo after they go home, because they were looking through a window and the lights behind them make a reflection on the window...which looks like orange disks in the sky. This is dark and what bothers me the most about it is that the UFO is in the same place the rear view mirror would be sticking to the window. So I wonder...is this the black glue that holds the mirror on the windshield or not. Also it could be a chip in the windshield or a dead bug or worse...bird poop. Your guess is as good as mine, but never take a photo through a window hunting for UFOs, its a fast way to create evidence against yourself. SCW

UFO Hovering Over Wright-Patterson Military Base, Dayton, Ohio On July 11, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 11, 2015
Location of sighting: Dayton, Ohio, USA

Now this may be an incredible video full of evidence, but one thing is clear, its not CGI. You see, most people who make CGI know it takes hours just to make a 20 second video, thats why most are only 12-20 seconds long. This one is much longer. However there is not statement from the person who saw it. Without a statement from an eyewitness, this sighting is not as strong of evidence that it could be. If you live in Dayton and have seen or not seen this UFO, please let us know in the comments below. SCW


UFO Disk Hidden In Crater On Mars, July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://viewer.mars.asu.edu/planetview/inst/ctx/B19_016974_2190_XN_39N020W#P=B19_016974_2190_XN_39N020W&T=2&start=

I have seen such ships parked in craters before, it was on Earths moon. This is on Mars and we see a very large disk shaped UFO that has long ago landed in the crater. They take refuge in the crater to protect it in case they need to salvage anything from it later. You see, the walls of the crater give it a lot of added protection from both meteorites and aliens who wish to salvage parts or all of it. In any case, this ship is to old to fly any more and probably has been here for thousands of years. SCW


Terrace townsfolk creeped out by ‘UFO cloud’ On July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 7, 2015
Location of sighting: Terrace, British Colombia, Canada
News Source: http://blogs.theprovince.com/2015/07/08/what-in-the-what-terrace-townsfolk-creeped-out-by-ufo-cloud/

The news goes on to say this is a lenticular cloud...yeah, made by a freaking alien UFO hidden inside the freaking lenticular cloud. Seriously, humans wear camouflage when they go hunting, to blend into the environment and not get noticed. So why is it difficult to comprehend that aliens have rules that forbid them and their ships from being seen by humanity? Skeptics lie to themselves because if they say it might be a UFO, then their whole world and self esteem unravels and threatens everything they once believed. So, they lie to themselves, and others trying to deny the truth. It comforts the skeptics. Like a teddy bear for a child. We know the truth about skeptics and about aliens. SCW

News states:
If the spooky sounds that have haunted Terrace, B.C. aren’t enough — now we have a cloud that looks eerily similar to an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) creeping out the townsfolk. On Tuesday evening at 5:17 p.m., Terrace resident Bob Wall was in the passenger seat of a car driving down Highway 16 from Smithers to Terrace near a little aboriginal community called Gitsegukla. It was there that the 56-year-old carpenter spotted the ‘UFO cloud’ and snapped a photo through the windshield. Wall, who didn’t ask for the car to be stopped because the driver had just passed a few other vehicles, says he knows what it is — a Lenticular cloud — something commonly mistaken in the past for a UFO, or “visual cover” for a UFO.


Flying Disk Over Visitor Center In Taiwan, Caught On Google Earth Map, July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 9, 2013
Location of discovery: Tatachia Tatachia, Taiwan
Google Coordinates: 23°28'53.29”N 120°53'8.08"E

Although this UFO was found by a Taiwanese person back in 2013, I have never reported it, but have known about it. I finally found the coordinates to it today, so just copy and paste them into the Google search box, then go into street view. I live in Taiwan and try to cover all sightings in the area. Most UFOs I report on Google Earth have been deleted by Google. SCW

Eyewitness states:
A person used Google Street View and found a strange flying object in the sky near the visitor center Tatachia Tatachia segment in Xinyi Township, cross the road, and it is with other nearby birds hovering over a little different, you can easily identify them when you go forward along the road, you can find it in the sky nearby, sometimes on the left, sometimes to the right, what is this? Is a UFO? Large birds? Still what is it? ......


Alien Cities And Ships Found On Dark Side Of Moon In Apollo 11 Photo, July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

This white structure above was found recently on the moon in an old Apollo 11 photo. Streetcap1 of Youtube found it and I have to admit its pretty damn good. The white tower also has a black sphere in its top. It looks like a hole, but it is a solid black sphere. 

I looked deeper into the photo and had trouble not finding things. Yeah, you heard me right. There was just to much in this photo to easily dismiss as natural. 

 Can you see the square shaped building in the screenshots above and below? This looks similar to the base seen in the NASA publicity photo taken by the newspaper (Click here to view old post).

 The city in the screenshot below is harder to make out, but if you allow you eyes to adjust to the black and white, you will soon easily see it. 
 This unusual tower stands out among the flat grey surface of the moon. 
 The screenshot below shows a triangular mothership at dock and nearby is a city on the surface. 
 My favorite find in this photo, is the hovering mothership in the screenshot below. It has a front and back similar to ships we see on the water today. Takes a few seconds to see it clearly. Let your eyes adjust to the black/white for a few seconds. 
 In the screenshot below, there is an alien base. Each part is made of separate rectangle sections and is easy to make out. 
 Below is a structure I found that reveals part of its wall and a black shiny dome over it.

Sphere UFO Near Moons Surface On Google Moon, July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 2015
Location of discovery: Earths moon, near
Google Moon coordinates:
26° 0'14.42”N 2°52'59.52"E

Eyewitness states:
The researcher Marcelo Irazusta shows this new and stunning discovery. This time a luminous UFO flying 11 meters in diameter on the moon. As it is clearly casts a shadow on the lunar surface. In the video, the coordinates are displayed for all to see and to give its judgment. I invite you to see this new and surprising discovery.

El investigador Marcelo Irazusta nos muestra este nuevo e impactante descubrimiento. Esta vez un OVNI luminoso de 11 metros de diámetro volando en la luna. Se ve claramente como proyecta su sombra en la superficie lunar. En el video se muestran las coordenadas para que todos puedan verlo y emitir su apreciación. Los invito a ver este nuevo y sorprendente descubrimiento.

Nick Pope, Former Govt UFO Investigator Says Aliens Could Be Out There, July 2015 Interview, UFO Sighting News.

Date of interview: July 2, 2015
Location of interview: Tucson, Arizona, USA

I like how Nick doesn't close any answer with a definitive yes or no, but instead says the possibility exists for that to happen. He is correct, because aliens do exist and the sky is no longer the limit. SCW

Nick states:
Here's part of an interview I did for Sky News yesterday, commenting on Professor Simon Conway Morris's remarks about convergent evolution in relation to extraterrestrial life. I also cover SETI, and the MoD's UFO investigations.


Two Faces and Hexagon Writing Found On Mars Surface, July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00125/mcam/0125ML0777006000E1_DXXX.jpg

This face on Mar is of an alien species that looks nothing like humans. The first photo was discovered by a Youtube user and the face has features that resemble an insect or reptile. The face in the screenshot below I found myself in the same photo. It is a reptilian face, but different from the above face. I also found a hexagon shape on the stone very close to both faces. These three ancient artifacts all back up one another that this is an archeological site worth diving into, rather than being ignored by the NASA rover. 

The person who made the video insinuates that we...the human race once lived on Mars. Maybe, but it was a very diverse world with many species living on it, not just one. SCW

Above screenshot is a face looking to the right side of the photo with closed eyes.

Eyewitness states:
I have also pointed out two other artefacts, a car (small so possibly a childs sports type car) and the cockpit of a plane, again possibly model sized. Remember what we are seeing are not rocks as NASA would have us believe. What we are seeing are objects that have been buried in the mud and a thin sandy concretion has formed on top over hundreds of thousands of years. You can see all over the main picture that it has cracked and broken exposing artefacts. There is a whole planet there that was once inhabited by a civilisation that was much more advanced than we are now. We shouldn't be surprised at 'anything' we may find. It could be that human life originated on Mars and a small number came to Earth prior to the Martian nuclear catastrophe. If that is the case it may explain why many of us instinctively know of past life on Mars, why many of the artefacts appear so familiar to us and also, the technology we are trying to obtain to travel to and from Mars may be waiting for us right where we left it. My take on this now is that we are the Martians. That's where we came from and that is why, to some of us, artefacts there look so familiar. NASA are scratching their heads trying to figure out how they could send manned missions to Mars and what technology would be needed. Isn't it just possible that all the technology we could ever need is right there on Mars? Exactly where we left it!

UFOs Seen By US Navy Submarine In 1971 Over Atlantic Ocean, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 1971
Location of sighting: between Iceland and Jan Mayen Island, Atlantic Ocean
News Source: http://www.theblackvault.com/casefiles/arctic-ufo-photographs-uss-trepang-ssn-674-march-1971/#

Black Vault states:
This got started when I heard from one of my sources in Europe that some pictures that I might want to take a look at were making the rounds. These turned out to be the pictures that a French Paranormal magazine called Top Secret published. They claimed that they received them from an anonymous source. That is all they have have said publicly so far. Top Secret source and mine are unrelated. I made connections in the intelligence community in Europe years ago in a project unrelated to UFOs. It was for the Congo’s Mokele-mbembe project that I was working on. They have always been reliable, but you know how these things go, you never really know. I have used them on information based on Russian UFOs in the past, and they have been very reliable with that. I’m obviously trying to directly get access to Top Secret‘s original source, so we’ll see. By the way, feel free to contact them yourself or anyone that you feel can help. Obviously, I want to stay on point with this, and be part of whatever comes out in this case, but the important thing is to get to the truth, and “The Black Vault” name is extremely well respected and that can very much help. Arctic UFO Photographs, USS Trepang, SSN 674, March 1971 Another one of the unknown objects. Here is what we know so far. The original anonymous source claims that these: 1) The photos were taken from a United State Navy submarine. 2) The location was between Iceland and Jan Mayen island in the Atlantic Ocean. (Jan Mayen belongs to Norway, and is only inhabited by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian military.) 3) They were taken in March of 1971. 4) The Submarine was the Navy’s USS Trepang (SSN 674) and the Admiral on board was Dean Reynolds Sackett. Obviously, the next step is to try and locate this Admiral Dean Reynolds, if he exists. 5) The Submarine came upon the object by “accident,” as they were in the region on a routine joint military and scientific expedition. Officer John Klika was the one who initially spotted the object with the periscope. This obviously implies that it wasn’t ours, and unfortunately doesn’t explain the different objects seen in the pictures. Top Secret claims that on one of the pictures, there were some inscriptions. I don’t have a version of this, and it is too faint to see on these photographs.
Upper left it says “Official Photograph. Not to be Released. CT.” In the bottom right corner it says (sic) “Unauthorized Disclosure Subject. Security Certificat SSN 674. Criminal Sanction” I cannot confirm these at the moment, and I don’t know if the spelling of Certificat is just a reproduction error, since these were revealed in their magazine. This is all I have so far, and I’ll keep sending you whatever additional info I have.


‘UFO’ which looks like a cloud but flies like a plane captured above Philadelphia, July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 2015
Location of sighting: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
News Source: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/ufo-which-looks-like-a-cloud-but-flies-like-a-plane-captured-above-new-york-city/story-e6frflri-1227433516771

For the longest time I have tried to teach people that some UFOs can form clouds around them and that some of these clouds are like a hologram. Here we have an example of a UFO using a holographic cloak to make it appear as a cloud. This appears real and I cannot detect any CGI in the video. I did test some screenshots, but it came out negative. Looks real and if so, may be the most significant UFO footage this year. SCW

News states:
A MAN has captured the moment a ‘cloud looking’ formation with lights hovered over his home before flying away. But others claim it is a UFO. Hector Garcia said that the cloud, filled with flashing lights, flew off like a spacecraft as he filmed it from a window. “Looking out my window this morning there was a cloud coming down from the sky with sparkling lights in it was moving weird so I pulled my phone out,” he wrote on his YouTube post.

Social media users were quick to react. ‘It looks like a large mass of soap suds to me and not a cloud. Not sure how this would’ve become air born. Perhaps it blew off of some industrial site?’ one person wrote. ‘This is a UFO... its unidentified, it’s flying, and it is indeed an object,’ another added.


Streetcap1 Catches A Beautiful UFO Disk Seen From Top Down At Space Station On July 6, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 6, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS

Orbs are not uncommon at the space station. They actually stop by frequently. I would estimate that there are about 2-6 orbs per day, but watching 24 hours of ISS footage is hard to do. Streetcap1 kept his eyes on the prize and caught this orb near the station yesterday. It doesn't have a hole in its center, but does have an indention, or it may be the upper dome of a disk seen from above it (looking at it top down). SCW

UFOs Recorded Over Aztec Volcano Colima On July 4, 2015, -video- UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 4, 2015
Location of sighting: Colima Volcano, Mexico
Cam Source: http://www.webcamsdemexico.com/webcam-volcan-de-colima.html

UFOs are not uncommon around Colima. They are actually found weekly on the live cam, which takes still photos every so often. This long glowing UFO was seen shooting in front of the volcano as another darker UFO shots below it. The darker craft looks like the side view of a disk. 

Similar glowing long UFOs have been seen flying in and out of a nearby volcano called Popocatepetl, near Mexico city. Both volcanos were named by the ancient Aztecs.  It has look been believed by the people of the area that the ancient Aztecs were descendants of the local aliens that live in the volcanos. SCW