Showing posts with label ship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ship. Show all posts


Three UFOs Seen By Eyewitness From Passenger Jet, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 7-9-2018
Location of sighting: LAX, USA

This is a fantastic recording of several white craft seen following a passenger jet over LAX. Its amazing at how close UFOs come and how frequently they are seen. This video is going to blow your mind. Absolutely incredible evidence. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states:
New York - 07-09-18 - Flying to LAX, I noticed the bright lights out the window. Did a second take cause I first thought it must be a reflection. Used my Iphone 10 to record it and could tell almost immediately it was in fact an actual object(s). The lights would go in and out of the clouds, change elevation and location from my particular viewpoint. I’m assuming it took place over Nevada based on the time. If you look closely, a white blinking light appears randomly both in front and behind the object. This object when viewed by human eyes was white and glowing. Lost sight of it after 5 or 6 minutes as it slowly went behind the wing. In a commercial airline so was traveling at least 500mph. I felt beyond excited because I knew then I was seeing something strange and was grateful to have the foresight to record it.

Did this plane hit an alien drone over Siberia, July 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July  2018
Location of sighting: Siberia

Did this aircraft over Siberia hit an alien orb that shot past too close? It appears it did and if this can happen once, then it could happen more often that ever believed. This frightening occurrence shows how close UFOs come and how outdated radar systems are that cannot see and warn pilots about these high tech stealth craft. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Researcher Finds Two Shipwrecks When Searching For Amelia Earhart Plane, July 25, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 25, 2018
Google Earth coordinates: 3°35'41.48"S 174° 7'8.85"W
Island name: Mckean Island 

I was looking for Amelia Earhart Electra silver plane on Google Earth map and accidentally came across two shipwrecks. I have found planes before and even found 65% of the Flight MH370 off Cape of Good Hope, South Africa last year, but no one took me seriously because I am just a blogger. 

I have found  several shipwrecks and made videos of three of them, but had found around 20 using Google Earth map, just not all were high enough quality to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. 

I will keep searching for Amelia Earharts plane. Her achievements in history demand it. 
Scott C. Waring


Earth Size UFO Exits Our Sun In NASA Photo, July 10, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 10, 2018 13:06
Location of sighting: Earths sun
Source: SOHO image EIT 284 

A UFO left the sun yesterday and the object is huge, how huge? Its bigger than earth. The UFO is black metallic and round and has a tail behind it from dragging some of the suns material with it. The UFO is 1.5 the size of earth and to have been inside the sun, must be able to withstand heat of up to 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Thats 15,000,000 degrees Celsius. An alien species that is millions of years old could easily be able to have technology to stay cool in hot situations. 
Scott C. Waring


Hunter Records UFO Over Missouri River On Nov 20, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 20, 2017
Location of sighting: Missouri River, Missouri, USA
Source: MUFON #88240

I have reported a UFO like this before, it was a UFO photoed over the ocean near a very rich diamond mine in the arctic. That 2012 sighting was forcibly taken down from my site by unknown hackers, but I soon replaced it again. (Click here to see that old post). This again is 100% the same type of UFO, again over the water, again with the beams of light below it. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I received this pic from a friend of a friend that was deer hunting up on the Missouri River. The attached pic I received from my friend was so intriguing I felt compelled to post it to MUFON to see if anyone else witnessed these objects. According to the person I received the pic from, his friend and another guy were making their way back to the boat ramp after a day of deer hunting along the Missouri River. The sun had set approx. 15 mins. earlier. Looking at the bottom of the clouds in the pic you can tell that the sun is reflecting off the bottom of the cloud. This may be just a very cool sun dog-type reflection, but I was having a hard time explaining the chevron shaped group of lights above the cloud, and the 'way too evenly spaced' beams of light coming off what appears to be the sun shining down from the cloud. Notice that the beams are apparently reflecting off the River. Apparently the event only lasted seconds and was gone, but I haven't talked to the person that took the pic personally. The "orange orb" events I mentioned earlier were witnessed by multiple people, but are not documented with pictures, and a completely different event[s]. I'm unsure if the person that took the pic would be willing to talk to anyone about it, but I could ask if you'd like to get more details about the event.
Above photo has added darkness to see the detail better, below are all normal untouched. 


Megalith found on Mars moon Eros, new photo NASA source, UFO Sighting News.

Date of photo: June 10, 2000
Location of object: Asteroid Eros, crosses Mars orbit
Source URL:
Eros size: 16.8 kilometers

This is Eros, an intersecting asteroid-like moon that crosses Mars path. This building I found has been seen before, but is often confused at being on Phobos and as being the megalith that astronaut Buzz Aldrin was speaking of. This object is too small and on the wrong moon to be the object he describes. 

This white rectangle structure has another long tube striation coming out of it. Being on such a small moon with such an odd and impossible orbit, I would say that this is a radar defence station that records all incoming craft in its vicinity and reports it back to its home planet. Its clearly an area claimed by the species that built it. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Egg shaped UFO sitting on Mars moon Phobos in NASA photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of photo: January 29, 1996
Location of sighting: Phobos, a moon of Mars
NASA Source URL:

I found this egg shaped ship tilted on the surface of Phobos this week. The craft has several slit openings and two very bright round lights on its top center. The craft looks bio-engineered was grown, which if you think about it, is a smart, fast and efficient way to make technology. That is why this ship has few no right hand corners or flat panels. Cool huh? Sure it is. Even astronaut Buzz Aldrin said, "there is a giant monolith on Mars. When people find out about that, they will ask, who put that there?" This is not the monolith he describes, but still very cool. This is a really amazing discovery about an alien culture that is so advanced, they grow their ships. Can you see them growing fleets of small fighter craft, and battleships, explorers and mining vessels? Makes  you look at agriculture in a whole new way. And your parents cried about changing the genetic make up of corn, rice and other vegetables and fruit. Just wait till your parents see this.  

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Flying low above Moon's surface makes shadow below it, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 2017
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

This hovering UFO was found by Streetcap1 of Youtube. It shows a shadow on the ground below the UFO and it looks like it is docked to a building. The back part of the ship has a well made tail fin on it. The front of it looks similar to that of a blimp. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states: 
This one stands out when you find it. It seems to be gliding above the Lunar Surface.


UFO Disguised As Jet Over Newton Abbot, England On Jan 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Above is original, below is added darkness to make the UFO stand out. 

Date of sighting: Jan 3, 2017
Location of sighting: Newton Abbot, England
News source:

UFOs do make trails behind them sometimes, but they do it on purpose. UFOs make cloud tunnels for others to follow safely inside without being seen, but here its trying to look like a jet. Such antics by aliens works more often than not, so its difficult to laugh at them when the majority of the world is still in the dark about the existence aliens. When looking at the UFO, you see its bottom is in the shape of an alien face, the face of the species flying it. 

This sighting is right next to the English Channel where only a few km away is island where two planes recorded several yellow mile long disks over the area of French military airspace, which shows the French have allotted a area of ocean to the aliens. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A PROFESSIONAL UFO spotter has captured pictures of his first UFO of 2017. John Mooner, from Newton Abbot, who calls himself the chief photographer for World UFO Photos, snapped the strange object when he was 'sky watching' on Monday at around 1.30pm.

Mr Mooner said: "I decided to go out sky watching and I had my trusty Nikon P900 camera at the ready. "After about an hour of sky watching I spotted a faint contrail and began to zoom in. "At a higher magnification I could clearly see that this contrail was not coming from a plane, but was in fact coming from a round object that appeared to be glowing. "The round glowing object was at a very high altitude and I doubt that many people would be able to see this without a telephoto lens or a pair of high zoom binoculars. "The object was moving at a high rate of speed across the sky and I had real trouble stabilizing it in the camera's viewfinder. "I began taking photographs of this strange object and I managed to take six photographs that show the movement of this object."
Mr Mooner, who call himself the chief photographer for World UFO Photos, said it was a good start to the year for UFO spotters. "This is my first UFO photographs of 2017 and I can't wait to photograph more UFOs over Devon," he added.


Gold UFO Comes Within 100 meters of the space station, Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 5, 2016
Location of sighting:  Earths orbit, at space station

Wow! This golden cigar UFO was seen on live space station cam yesterday. It was caught by the watchful eye of Streetcap1 of Youtube. As proof to this being a real object, the UFO is slightly touching the up one end of the UFO (above photo). That is proof that this is a solid object and its shadows are due to the light from the sun. Awesome catch, and I wonder what aliens are doing up there...investigating the thoughts of the astronauts, or were they invited guests that came aboard the ISS?
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states: 
This is an unidentified flying object near the ISS. It eventually just disappears. You may notice some very fast red flashes near it. I have uploaded it just as was broadcast so many people must have seen it too. Streetcap1.


Massive Saucer Shape on COR2 Camera - Other side of the SUN. Oct 24, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 24, 2016 at 23:09:15
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source sun photo:

This photo was taken with the SOHO last week and it shows a giant UFO hovering over our sun. The object does look like a giant disk seen front the side. And did you notice, there is a explosion of energy shooting from just below it? The ship is extracting the suns material. Hopefully this won't adversely effect our sun and throw the Earth into chaos. Excellent find by Streetcap1. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states: 

At the moment Stereo Ahead COR2 is around 160 -170 million miles distant on the other side of our Sun, near Venus. Cor2 will pick up any activity passing it's camera while the shutter is open.


UFO Expert Gaurav Tiwari Dies In Mysterious Conditions In Delhi, India July 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of death: July 2016
News source:

Many UFO researchers over the past few decades were murdered by government people trying to cover up the truth. I thought it had stopped about 15 years ago, but now it seems to be starting again, but in India. This UFO and ghost researcher was killed and it was made to look like a suicide. I don't believe it because if you read up on the deaths of past UFO researchers, there are three main ways they were killed. 1st was made to look like suicide. 2nd made to look like a robbery. 3rd was radioactive poisoning, invisible, but makes you come down with cancer in just a week or less. Scary stuff guys, so to all UFO researches in India, please be careful, and keep an eye out. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
The death of Gaurav Tiwari, the CEO of Delhi-based Indian Paranormal Society, has turned the spotlight on an eccentric clan of ghostbusters that has, in the past decade, turned into an underground phenomenon. “Many of us were inspired by his work, and found our way to the field through him,” says Rahul Kumar, 28, a Bangalore-based paranormal investigator, who is dentist by the day. “Paranormal investigations are not uncommon, it has been around for over 80 years in India and abroad,” says Kumar, whose interest in paranormal forces began in 2008. “However, in the past few years interest in the field has increased. We get calls from students, IT professionals, even doctors and scientists, who are influenced by what they see and believe some things go beyond science,” he adds. But, he says, they have to look out for the majority bogus cases or incidents of psychological disturbances, and it is only one percent of the time where they cannot explain what is going on. “We investigate the property, interview the owners, and learn the history of the place. We rule out illnesses, psychological problems or drug abuse that might be the cause; sometimes, we stay the night and set up devices to pick up on any activity,” explains Rahul. The devices used are scientific and sophisticated. While many question the credibility of the devices, and the validity of parascience, the popularity of ghosts and spirits is undeniable. Delhi By Foot organises a “Night Walk” in the Capital where guests set out to explore places like Sanjay Van around twilight and discuss personal experiences of ghosts and spirits. Kolkata, however, has the more boldly titled “Ghost Walk”, but Anthony Ahatchaturian, who organises it, is surprisingly cynical about the supernatural. “For me, the ghost walks are a foolproof way of showcasing the city’s heritage. The spooky element gains instant attention,” says Ahatchaturian. “There was an incident that happened during one of our walks in Garstin Place that housed the old AIR office. Apparently, when it was functional, during the break between radio broadcasts, a British pianist would play Beethoven and Mozart. However, years after the office shifted to a different place, people who walked by the building at night claimed that they could hear music. During my walking tours, on two separate occasions, my guests insisted that they heard music in that very spot,” he says. Though Ahatchaturian doesn’t believe in ghosts, one prospect really scares him. “If, by any chance, one of my guests gets really spooked out and gets a heart attack, that will be the end of it. I am scared of the legal backlash,” he says.

Newmarket man spotted UFO at Oshawa Harbour, Canada June 22, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 22, 2016
Location of sighting: Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Check out this UFO over a ship in Canada last month. It made the Oshawa news today and its more evidence that UFOs are seen as frequently over the water as over the land. If a UFO can be air tight in space, then is should also work similarly underwater. In this photo the disk looks like its over the ship, but the ship is focused, and the UFO is blurry, so I believer the UFO is further away, far behind the ship.
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
OSHAWA - Daniel Koostachin said he had a bad feeling, like he was about to enter a haunted house when he showed up to the gates at the Oshawa Harbour on June 22 around 9:30 a.m., alone to pick up some metal rebar for a company he drives transport truck for.

“I felt very uncomfortable all of a sudden,” said the Newmarket resident. “It felt like someone was watching me.”

Mr. Koostachin said he checked his surroundings, looking left then right and that’s when he saw “the object” hovering over the waters of Lake Ontario.

He managed to snap a couple of photos with his camera before “it took off into the sky.

“After I saw it, I couldn’t sleep for two days. I had mixed feelings inside me,” he explained. “I felt dreadful.”

Mr. Koostachin described what he saw as a black object that was a disc shape.

“There were no lights, no sounds, no nothing,” he said. “That UFO was far from the harbour. It was far in distance.”

He said he has always been a believer that UFOs exist and thinks he has seen them before but this time was different.

“I’ve never been close enough to see it and get proof. I was hoping it’d take me but it didn’t that day,” he joked.

“Hopefully the Men in Black don’t show up at my door.”


Beautiful UFO Over Christchurch, New Zealand On June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

 Original below, added light altered above. 

Date of sighting: June 2016
Location of sighting: Christchurch, New Zealand
News source:

Guys, this UFO is just beautiful. When I added light to the photo, it really made the colors stand out. The green and the pink boarder are really memorizing. Christchurch is famous for its UFO sightings, and this is the best, most clearest that they have ever presented to us. This could be a UFO with an occupant, or it may be a remote drone, that allows the alien light years away to experience most senses through it...sight, sound, smell...maybe not feeling objects, but drones like that must come closer to gather such info. 

Sorry for the video below, its not on Youtube and I tried to make it bigger, but its still tiny. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states:
A brightly coloured sphere filmed in the night sky near Christchurch this week joins a tradition, of mysterious objects seen in Kiwi skies, stretching back at least a century. Oisin Lavelle reported seeing and filming one sphere on Monday night and seeing three on Tuesday night. He watched the Monday night sphere for two hours before it sped away amid bursts of bright orange light.

Alien Creature Found In Argentina Farm, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 2016
Location of discovery: Argentina
Source: Unknown

This strange creature was posted by MexicoGeek of Youtube and shows an animal that appears alien to this world. The creature has a face like a camel and a body and legs like a chicken. Its elongated neck give it a ostrich appearance, but its massive head is very similar to a camel or giraffe. This looks like alien experimentation, but whats do you guys think about this one?
Scott C. Waring


1910-1930 Battleship or submarine found that is 100 meters long on island, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Farquhar island
Google Earth Coordinates:  10° 9'12.13"S 51° 3'5.36"E

Yeah, I know, its not a UFO, but it is really cool. I was teaching for more wreckage form the flight MH370 and stumbled upon this old ship or sub. 

Google ruler says its 95+ meters across, but since one side looks split open, its closer to 100 meters. There is a visible metal railing all around the edge of the craft so that tells me the ship has a metal outside hull. The floor of the craft is hard to make out, so I can't really tell if its metal or wood, which would help narrow down the date of the sinking and the type of craft. 

I did notice that the ship has a heart shape large fin, like a submarine would have in the back, but it may be just part of the reef its sitting on. 

If you know what kind of craft this is, what the name of this ship or sub is, or when it sank, please let me know in the comments below. Its driving me nuts not knowing. 
Scott C. Waring 


Alien Ship Found On Moon In Lovelace Crater, Google Moon Map, May 11, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 11, 2016
Location of discovery: Lovelace crater, Earths moon
Google moon coordinates:  82° 3'33.88"N  111°18'19.93"W

This UFO in Lovelace crater was found by a Emerson Caruana of Youtube. He looks like a kid in elementary school, but his curiosity about the unknown has led him to find a UFO parked on Mars. 

The young man made a video the best he know how, recording his discovery with his cell phone. I have to admire him for doing this. Lots of kids are too busy playing games, but not him. He is in search for alien life. Thats unique. 

Scott C. Waring