
UFO Sighting over Moscow, Russia of large glowing orb, July 28, 2011, video.

Date of sighting: July 28, 2011
Location of sighting: Moscow, Russia

This video was taken during a big thunderstorm in Moscow. What I like most about this video is he zooms in nicely on this glowing orb, however a tripod to hold the camera steady does wonders, or just lean against an object like a wall or tree to steady yourself.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO Sighting over Lake Huron, Michigan of Pulsing Orb on July 24, 2011, Video.

Date of sighting: July 24, 2011
Location of sighting: Lake Huron at Port Huron, Michigan, USA

This is an amazing sighting and the person recorded the orb for 28 minutes!!! Fantastic!

Eyewitness states:
"This is the same orb Jimmy and I have been recording for the past few months; however, I have my new camera! This is an actual camcorder!! Yeah...I'm so excited. Its not a professional one or anything but its pretty nice. No more crappy camera videos for my subscribers. We also got "Jimmy's" orb...you know, the one he keeps talking about all the time. I was never able to capture it on the old Canon Powershot."

"Now I just have to save up for a nice tripod. I've been using an old wooden spindle that my dad is using for a table. I have to prop the front up with rocks to get the angle I need, lol."

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

The Examiner: UFO Sighting over Vancouver, BC of low flying orb, but NASA cannot explain it, July 27, 2011

Date of sighting: July 27, 2011
Location of sighting: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Eyewitness states:
"Wednesday's night sky over Vancouver, BC played host to a pulsating UFO that was captured on video during skywatching activities from Burnaby Mountain Park on July 27, 2011. The UFO was detected by a night vision camera and tracked for nearly five minutes as it travelled SE to NW before disappearing behind a stand of trees. During this period, the UFO was first seen being overtaken by a second, faster-moving object before amplifying its luminous output in what veteran skywatchers describe as a "power-up" incident. While in flight, the UFO performed multiple power-ups, inviting comparison with another object recorded four nights earlier near Vancouver City Hall."

Source: http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-vancouver/jon-kelly

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO on fire falls into the ocean at Flagler Beach, Florida on July 27, 2011, UFO Sighting news.

Date of sighting: July 27, 2011
Location of sighting: Flagler Beach, Florida, USA

Many eyewitnesses believe they saw a glowing UFO on fire with a long burning trail fall slowly into the ocean over Flagler Beach, Florida. This object was described as the size of a plane on fire falling into the ocean. At the end of the report they say it might have been a Chinese lantern, but I personally have sent of many lanterns here in Taiwan where I live and they do not catch on fire but instead the candle inside will burn out and everything goes black and you can no longer see it. The eyewitnesses describe something that had a fiery trail far behind it…lanterns never do. The object is still a mystery as to what it was, perhaps a UFO slowing down to enter the ocean depths.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


NASA gets caught covering alien buildings on Google Earth, UFO Sighting News.

Look at this guys video. He found some locations on Google Mars where NASA covered up some objects. These objects are large black structures or entrances into underground bases, yet NASA chose to cover them up. It really pisses me off to see and catch NASA lying to our faces, but time and time again someone catches them. This is why NASA is losing the publics trust, but understand I want to trust them, but how can I when I post evidence almost daily about NASA's lies? See what you think after this video.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO sighting over Sequim, Washington of two objects one red one purple, TV News Video, July 23, 2011.

Date of sighting: July 23, 2011
Location of sighting: Sequim, Washington, USA

This UFO sighting could be a kite with LEDs on it, but just because it could be, does not mean it is. I will let you decide in comments please.

A Washington State man isn't sure what was flying over his home last Friday night. His wife and then his neighbour called him out to see the purple and red lights. Ed Evans, a retired broadcast and current pastor, took video and still pictures of the UFOs.

Alex Zohar, the owner of Victoria's Mini Land, says he can identify the UFOs. Zohar says the flying lights are two kites with LED lights strung along their tails.

A UVIC astronomer says none of the university's space activity data collectors reported any cosmic event at the time of Evans' sighting. Evans hopes, if the lights were simply attached to kites, to hear from the people who put on such an awe-inspiring light show.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO sighting of metal orb near NASA ISS in orbit, July 27, 2011 video, paranormal news.

Date of sighting: July 27, 2011
Location of sighting: Orbit around Earth on ISS


Now I have posted videos here on UFO Sightings Daily of these grey metallic like orbs near the ISS (international space station). Some are much closer than this and some are further away. Perhaps you remember back in 2009 when CNN aired NASA live and stated 3-6 UFO orbs following the space shuttle. I will put the video below for you to see. NASA tries to down play it to stop people from being scared. NASA lies and tries to call the objects a piece of foil and two rings. LOL thats the best these eye heads can thing up? Give me a break!

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

NBC Fort Worth, Texas cam catches UFO that does fast U-turn, July 25, 2011, UFO Sighting news.

Date of sighting: July 25, 2011
Location of sighting: Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Watch this NBC live sky cam that catches a UFO that almost hits the ground then does a U turn and shoot back where it came from. To see it with more light, please jump to 1:02 of the video. This will make it easier to see as it turns a horseshoe u-turn! Absolutely amazing catch.

"Station management, contacted UFO investigators to review the video and offer an opinion on the nature — or unnatural source — of the light. That should be interesting."

Me? I think it was intelligent extraterrestrial life who approached and realized, nope, no advanced life-forms here, then took a hard right to go look elsewhere.

Source: Fort Worth/Dallas, Texas http://eastdallastimes.com/

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


Amazing Photos Taken in this old 1993 UFO Sighting at Maslin Beach, Australia.

Date of sighting: March 1993
Location of sighting: Maslin Beach, South Australia

Never ignore UFO history, but instead learn from it.

This is an important UFO sighting because of his unique close ups of the UFO. I like this one and found it to be real because in many UFO sighting reports of people seeing these UFOs close up, they often say that the openings are not windows but instead are air vents that are open while the UFO in in our atmosphere, but these vents close when entering space or water.

According to a witness, a UFO emerged from the sea near Maslin Beach, South Australia in March of 1993. And he managed to photograph his alleged encounter.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO Sighting of orb fleet over Copenhagen, Denmark on July 3, 2011 Awesome video.


Date of sighting: July 3, 2011, Saturday
Location of sighting: Copenhagen, Denmark

It wasn't easy but I tracked down the person who loaded this video, Oleksandr Pshenychnyy and discovered the date and location. He is speaking Russian but he says he filmed this in Copenhagen, Denmark during a storm. Watch the orbs carefully, they seem to rise up and wait for the others to follow. These orbs are often seen over lakes, because below the lakes are entrances into alien bases, or so I have been told. You decide, tell us in the comments what you think they are.

Oleksandr (Alexander) states, "I have filmed it last Saturday from my balcony, right after the crazy storm ended."

Waiting for the storm to end UFO??? from Oleksandr Pshenychnyy on Vimeo.

Source: http://vimeo.com/25925028

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

Crop Circle at Wiltshire, England AGAIN! 9th Crop Circle We Reported at Wiltshire UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 13, 2011
Location of discovery: Windmill Hill, Averbury, Wiltshire, England

Click to enlarge.

Wow! Another crop circle at Wiltshire. This is the 9th crop circle we have reported from Wiltshire, England here at UFO Sightings Daily. I will put the last two crop circle below to see what you make of this. So many crop circle in one location in one year could mean one of two things. First…there is an alien underground base near. Second…humans are making them. Unless we catch these crop circles being made on video, there is no way of telling for sure, but I'm shoot for the first answer.



☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO Sighting mail bag, Cloud UFO Glowing Over Tampa, Florida on July 11, 2011, photo.

Date of sighting: July 11, 2011
Location of sighting: Tampa, Florida, USA

I got this in our UFO Report mailbag today. It does look like a UFO that poked a hole in a cloud and got caught by the suns rays, but honestly there is only a few ways to tell if it is a UFO for sure. First we need radar confirmation, second if you saw orbs flying around it that would due, but it helps to have video, but this is an awesome photo of a possible cloaked UFO. Great work Brian! I swear it looks like a mothership taking off, wow!

eyewitness states: "I saw this unusual cloud in the sky, it looked like the sun but the halo cloud around it made it unusual. I took a shot of it and decided to send it in to you to see what you guys think. Is it a UFO or cloud or what?"

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO sighting of four dancing orbs in sky over bridge in Istanbul, Turkey, amazing video.

Click on photo to enlarge.

Date of sighting: June 27, 2011
Location of sighting: Istanbul, Turkey

This is an interesting video recorded by someone in Istanbul, Turkey in June 27. You can see several white objects far up above the bridge. At first I thought they were birds, but they move much faster and turn in impossible ways. This guy used his cell phone while fixing his roof, so forgive him if the video shakes a bit. If I was on the roof I would be more worried about falling, LOL. Take a look, if you make the video to its largest setting it may be easier to see the orbs.

Eyewitness states: "I worked on my roof today and with iPhone I filmed this. About 6pm close Fatih Sultan Mehmet Koprusu Brıdge."

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


UFO Sighting of orb over ECETI ranch at Oregon on James Gililand's Birthday, July 22 video.


Date of sighting: July 22, 2011
Location of sighting: ECETI Ranch, Hood River, Oregon, USA

This is a special sighting since one it was seen at ECETI ranch and two it was James Gilliland's Birthday. If you don't know what ECETI ranch is, it is a place where you can go to see UFO orbs every night! Yes you heard right, every night and there have been military, pilots, news reporters and all have seen them and recorded them, yet no one has any explained it. James says the orbs live in an underground alien base below Mt. Adams near his ranch.

"I asked someone the next morning if anyone counted and he said there was over 100 ships that night, easily. There were a lot of activity that night and the next night also... trying to get the footage of the next night. We'll see if i can get it and post it."

For those who don't know who James is or what the ECETI ranch is, here is a news video of TV reporters spending the night there and recording UFOS!

Plz visit our ECETI bothers at: http://www.eceti.org/

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO Sighting in Manila, Philippines of rotating orb, June 27, 2011 video news.

Date of sighting: June 27, 2011
Location of sighting: Manila, Philippines

We was on vacation in Manila (Philippines) and we stayed in a Hotel (Cherry Blossoms Hotel) in Malate,Metro Manila.In the evening of June 27. I looked out of the hotel Window in the 4th floor and saw an Object hovering in the Sky beside of a condominium Building.The object was spinning around while completely still hovering maybe around 100 meter high.It moved after several minutes slowly to the right,then stopped again and moved slowly to the left and flies behind the building.It crossed the whole building and came out on the left side of the building.Then it was flying staight and slow out of our sight.In the pictures and the video it seems not to spin,but when we looked at it while taking pictures its clear to see that it spins around.We are sure,that no Plane,Balloon or Helicopter was at that time in that area. 

We were totally exited during and after the event and knew,that it was not normal.We all think that its really a ufo.I hope that our video and the pics can help you to find out more.You can contact us anytime for further Information.We have still more pictures (26 in all)
Thank you,

Source: MUFON

Real Interview Video of an Alien at Area 51, His Name is Victor, UFO Sighting News.

This footage is older but still has not been debunked so I will show it in case a few readers have not seen it before. 

The identity of "Victor" the man behind the footage which was allegedly smuggled out of Area51 and displays an alien being interviewed may have finally been revealed. The footage of an alien which was said to have come from Area51 first came to light on the Art Bell UFO radio show on March 13th 1997 when ufologist Sean David Morton was interviewed. Mr. Morton claimed that the footage had been taken in 1996.

As the two minute piece of film reaches its startling conclusion the entity seems to become alarmed and starts bobbing up and down all over the place. Some sort of light is seen near the being which begins to make erratic motions Morton described this light as being a hart monitor. As the being begins to make jerking motions medical personnel wearing white masks, white gloves and lab coats come to the beings aide and begin shinning a torch in his eyes presumably to see what the problem was.

UFO activity in the orbit of the Sun July 24, 2011 on SOHO/NASA video, UFO Sighting News.

Click on photo to enlarge

Date of sighting: July 24, 2011

Location of sighting: Earth's Sun


UFO Sighting of UFO shaped Thunder Cloud over Montreal, Canada July 21, 2011


Date of sighting: July 21, 2011
Location of sighting: Montreal, Canada


What significance does this have to real UFOs? UFOs hide in clouds, or so the US government documents have stated since 1957 at Fort Belvoir UFO Case, its photos and details are below.

The US Gov File "The Condon Report" (p.168) devoted 11 pages to the Belvoir case. One morning in September, 1957 an Army private at Fort Belvoir, Va. was called from his barracks by his buddies to witness what appeared to be a black, ring-shaped UFO approaching. The private grabbed his Brownie camera and snapped 6 pictures of it, of which this was the first. After about 5 minutes, the black ring, which appeared "solid" to the soldier and glided steadily along, began to be "engulfed in white smoke." 

NIBIRU CAUGHT ON STEREO B EVIDENCE, Will Earth Collide With it? UFO Sighting News.

Is Planet Nibiru on its way to Earth? Perhaps, one thing is for sure, NASA keeps the public in the dark about anything they think would panic them. Take a look at this video below.

Now for those readers who do not know what Nibiru is, this video is a detailed explanation of what the planet is its meaning to us on Earth.

The term "Nibiru" (Planet X) comes from ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets and writings dating 5,000 years old which, many of which can be found at the British Museum. Some tablets over 4000 years old clearly depict a large sun with smaller planets circiling it, a scientific fact not known about by modern science until just 500 years ago. How did the ancients posses such detailed astronomical knowledge without the aid of telescopes or rockets?

Nibiru literally means "Planet of the crossing", and it's cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. Scientist searching for this celestial body call it "Planet X". The search for Planet X is not new and Planet X has been sought for much of this century. In fact, Pluto was called Planet X when it was first discovered in 1930. Neptune adn Uranus were also reffered to as Planet X. More recently, smaller outer solar system bodies near the Oort cloud are called Planet X when discovered.

Courcelles, Belgium UFO Sighting of orb flying through sky, July 24, 2011.

Date of sighting: July 24, 2011
Location of sighting: Courcelles, Belgium

Eyewitness states:
"UFO Over Courcelles Belgium, 18pm - 24 July 2011
Sorry, difficult filmed because too far! UFO flies
Désolé, difficile filmé car trop loin! ovni passe vite."

UFO Hunter Sees UFO in Montreal, Canada on July 24, 2011.

Date of sighting: July 24, 2011
Location of sighting: Montreal, Canada

Nice capture of a flashing orb over Montreal at 2:57 AM. These orbs have been seen around the globe and most people who see them think they are stars but are really much closer. Note: this person does say bad talking so do not watch the video if it offends you.

2nd UFO Sighting (NEWS VIDEO) from Sao Paulo, Brazil on July 24, 2011


This is the second video to be released of the UFO sighting at Sao Paulo, Brazil on July 24, 2011. Watch the reactions of the people. They will not take their eyes off of it! Now if they think it was real and news sources in Brazil think it was real...then it was real. Brazil is a hot bed of UFO sightings and they have had the largest and the most clear UFOs ever recorded on video.

1st UFO Sighting over Salo Paulo, Brazil of Amazing disc Shape craft, VERY CLEAR, JULY 24, 2011.


Date of sighting: July 24, 2011
Location of sighting: Sao Paulo, Brazil

A bright object was seen by many residents in the skies of Embu das Artes - SP Brazil on Sunday, July 24, 2011. The many stunned residents called the police. Agents were dispatched to the scene, but were just watching.The local and national broadcasters, reported the event. Realize that the color is ion propulsion!

UFO Sightings Daily