Showing posts with label Lake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lake. Show all posts


Updated: UFO Caught Sucking Water Out Of California Lake, May 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2015
Location of sighting: Nevada County, CA
Nevada News Source:

Updated: May 26, 2015: I asked the Scooper site about other photos and other possible eyewitnesses. He wrote back; "Yes, there were reports from campers along the lake. Also, one fisherman the water spout and manoeuvred his boat to investigate. Apparently as he made his way to the spout, the vehicle disappeared. The Scooper is following up on these reports." Screenshot below.

This sighting is of incredible value on many levels. 1st Its a pilot that took the photo. 2nd the pilot tried to radio communicate with the UFO. 3rd The UFO is not cloaked or even partly cloaked, its a freaking clear as day photo of the UFO! 4th this UFO is levitating water in a upward steam to the UFO. This is a sighting that will go down in history. As you can see its a very low populated area and they had little to fear. Is it really our water they are stealing or where they here first? Either way, our space brothers are welcome to help themselves. They are likely on the Earths moon or nearby planet in our solar system and Earth is the closest fresh water. SCW 

Nevada County Scooper States:
 — A local pilot and amateur photographer has shared an exclusive photo with the Nevada County Scooper depicting an unidentified flying object hovering over Scotts Flat Lake located in the important California watershed of Nevada County, CA. According to the pilot, the object appears to be sucking water out of the reservoir.

The pilot, who chose to remain anonymous, said he was out on a routine flight late Friday afternoon when he spotted what he initially thought was another plane. However when he radioed the other craft for confirmation, it did not return his request.
“As you can see from the picture I was on my final approach to the Nevada County Airport when I spotted this red object,” said the pilot. “Then I noticed this ‘water beam’ underneath it. It kinda looked like a long, clear straw. So I radioed it to let them know I was around and they did not return my request, which is highly unusual.”

UFOlogists around the globe has suspected that visitors from around the known universe have been visiting Earth because the prominence of water on our planet. Some have speculated that spacecraft visit to “refuel” their vessels while others like local amateur cryptozoologist, paranormal investigator, SciFi Channel fan and amateur astronomer Keith Bradenshauer had this to say about the possible sighting.
“Holy cow. Finally proof that they’re using the Black Knight [satellite] to coordinate their mass ‘visit’,” said Mr. Bradenshauer using his fingers to form two quotes in the air. “I’m not going to say they’re here to steal our water, but they certainly aren’t asking permission to take it.”

The Scooper reached out to the Nevada Irrigation District who runs Scotts Flat Lake for comment, but no one returned our request for information. We can only assume that NID is aware of this invasion, and is ignoring it or powerless to stop these alien actions. This is consistent with other government agencies who refuse to discuss these events.


Cigar UFO Over Lake Tahoe On March 17, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 17, 2015
Location of sighting: South Lake Tahoe, California, USA
Source: #64464

Eyewitness states:
Photo taken on 3-17-15 at beach area in South lake Tahoe, during the afternoon. Photo taken on Samsung 3G Phone. Photo was taken of scenery surrounding the lake. Object was only noted later when reviewing photos on the phone. Object looks to be either entering or exiting clouds as cloud cover looks to be just covering the tip. When the photo is enlarged, the object appears to have an aura surrounding it. Object is dark in color. Shape of object seems to be disk shape, but looks somewhat irregular, maybe due to reflection or clouds.


Hot Spring Lake Found On Mars, Sept 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 18, 2014
Location of discovery: Chryse Planitia, Mars
Source NASA photo:
Photo ID: PIA14462

I found water on Mars again and this time is a @#$# load of it. A whole hot spring lake on Mars. This photo is the original color that NASA put on their site and nothing has been altered, nor did NASA say they changed anything on it. Its all original. There are a lot of ancient structures all along the edges of the lake. I didn't see the cones NASA was talking about, and I believe this photo was put up by accident. It may be taken down soon, so copy it to your computer before they delete it from their site...yes, they have used info at my site to do that before! SCW


Noah's Ark Or Inca Temple Found In Lake Titicaca, By UFO Researcher April 2014, Sighting News.

Source 1:'s_Ark
Google Coordinates: 16°15'10.53"S 68°35'0.78"W
Date of discovery: April 13, 2014

Updated on May 2, 2014: I changed coordinates, because old ones took you .7 mile inland from object. New coordinates above now take you directly to the object. SCW

While I was searching for UFOs on Google Earth, I decided to have a look at Lake Titicaca where I found a structure under the water. This long object is 290 meters across (953 feet) according to google ruler. At its widest it is 51 meters or 168 feet, but at its thinest side its only 31 meters wide or 103 feet. The object is also 200 meters from land. 

Many cigar UFOs have had this shape and size, but when I did a little digging I found that an ancient temple had been found in Lake Titicaca back in 2000 and it was 660 feet long and 160 feet wide. At first I thought this was the same structure, but measurements indicated that the one I found is over 35% longer and its 32 miles away from the capital city of Bolivia, La Paz, which is different from the 2000 discovery which is 90 miles from the capital. So what I found is an all new discovery. So the hypothesis of this being an ancient Inca temple exists. 

The fact that many UFO sightings have been recorded over Lake Titicaca is also something that must be considered. Another UFO was discovered under water in the Baltic Sea back in 2011, which caused electrical interference that disabled radar and underwater video recording, not to mention the murky waters blocking its view. I believe that it is possible that this could be a UFO that had crashed in the lake thousands of years ago. 

Something that seems even more likely is that this may be Noah's Ark. What I mean is the measurements are about 50% bigger than Wikipedia state (953 ft long vs 450 ft long). Wiki said the ark was 300 cubits or 450 ft long by 50 cubics wide which is 75 feet. 75 ft is just 28 ft shorter than one side of this objects in Lake Titicaca. 

The measurements are close, but what really hits me is the ancient Inca lore. Inca lore says, “after a great flood, the god Viracocha arose from Lake Titicaca to create a new world.” He arose after a great flood...which sounds like what happened to Noah. Incan lore goes on to say, “He commanded the sun, moon, and stars to rise, then went to Tiahuanaco to create the first human beings, Mallku Kupac and Mama Ocllo. These first human, the “Inca Adam and Eve,” were formed from stone and brought to life by Viracocha, who commanded them to go out and populate the world. Thus Lake Titicaca is the birth place of the Incas.”  Now that sounds just like Noah landed in Lake Titicaca and ancient Incas were direct descendants of Noah. Have we finally found Noah's Ark? SCW


Mysterious lights Over Lake In Ohio Excite On Lookers, Sept 7, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 7, 2013
Location of sighting: Sheffield Lake, Ohio, USA

These mysterious orbs were seen over a lake in Ohio this week. The seem to dim then light up again brightly. Also they seem to be in a triangle formation which would show they are intelligently controlled. If you or someone you know saw this glowing lights in Ohio that night, please let us know in comments. SCW


UFO Crashes Slowly Into Lake Titicaca, Peru Recorded By Several Eyewitnesses, May 18, 2013.

Date of sighting: May 18 2013
Location of sighting: Lake Titicaca, Peru

Second Eyewitness account here: 

Many might assume that this is a meteor but its not. Meteors have one tail that breaks up in sections, this has two tails that are not broken up. No reports of plane crashes and Peru is not exactly famous for it's failing nuclear missile program or it's equally non existent space program, so that leaves us with only a few options. 

One, Brazil decided to go to war with Peru to compound its own poverty by stealing Peru's budding poverty or two...this object came from space and is unidentified as of yet. 

I'm going with #2 for now. Although I'm rooting for #1 just because its in my nature. 

For now, people in the area of Lake Titicaca should keep their cameras ready to record any military or black helicopters scanning the area trying to secretly recover this UFO, but if we're really lucky, some civilian in the area will get to it first. SCW


Small UFO Enters Massive UFO Hidden Inside Cloud Over Lake Van, Turkey April 2013. UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 2013
Location of sighting: Lake Van, Turkey  (Turkish: Van Golu)

News States:

The owner of the local weekly newspaper, Murat Çurku went with a messenger to take pictures of a picnic on Sunday. They went to the beach pier located on the shores of Lake Van. Çurku went wandering around taking pictures on the beach for a while. The massive Pier along the coast of the northern part of Lake Van, near the island of Çarpanak must have attracted the attention of an object. He said that the UFO quickly changed its shape and began to move to the cloud-like giant UFO.  Now in his hands was the camera and he instinctively began to photograph it. Çurku is still living in great astonishment at what he saw across the lake, he said: "The weather was beautiful, and I went to take pictures of the coast and pier. I saw an object around Carpanak Island. I did not pay much attention, but then I saw the object change its shape and began to move. The object's shape was reminiscent of a typical UFO. Then it left. I've never seen anything like that in my life. I was in great confusion. What I've seen I do not know what the object was, but I would say UFO."


8 Foot Alien Recorded In Taitung, Taiwan Declared By Experts To Be Real, World News.

Date of discovery: December 2012 
Location of sighting: Jiaming Lake, Taitung, Taiwan

Photo taken by a police officer. Now this amazing photograph was taken near Jiaming Lake at the city of Taitung. The locals took some photos back in May of 25 and its just hitting the news this week. Experts at TUFOS are stating that it is real and that it is 250 cm tall, has a head of a praying mantis and is looking directly at the person taking the photos. TUFOS also says the alien has webbed like hands. Understand I live in Taiwan and TUFOS is famous because it is publicly funded and has more experts with doctorate degrees than Obama has in his cabinet. 250 cm = 98.42 inches = 8.20 feet tall or 2.5 meters. Locals in the city of Taitung are saying they believe the small round lakes to be an entrance to an underground alien base. They also believe a large dirt mound is possible an ancient pyramid in the area and could be acting as a communication device for aliens. SCW


UFO filmed from Mount Scott, Oklahoma - April 16, 2012

Date of sighting: April 16, 2012
Location of sighting: Oklahoma, USA

An UFO was accidently filmed between Lake Lawtonka and Mount Scott in the Wichita Mountains near Lawton in Oklahoma on April 16, 2012. Video filmed by Simon Foreman.


UFO Sighting over Spadina Lake, Ontario of Black Diamond Craft, Aug 31, 2011 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: August 31, 2011
Location of sighing: Spadina Lake, Ontario, Canada

Eyewitness states:
"I wish I had my camera on me at the beginning of this encounter. It would've captured far more detail when the object was closer. The object appeared triangular, or perhaps even slightly diamond shaped. But it changed shape as it moved. It glided swiftly (and gracefully) in a somewhat spinning manner. It was just West of Spadina, and initially moving South towards Lake Ontario. I dashed outside, staring at the object as it veered sharply, swiftly and utterly silently, moving West over the CN railway tracks. The object was dark and did not have so much as a single blinking light on it, or any kind of markings at all. I could not make out any windows, and the object did not appear to reflect any light. ...And again, no sound. I ran inside to grab my camera, and by the time I had quickly come back out, it had covered quite a bit of ground. It eventually hovered near a dark cloud. It was some kind of a spinning, tumbling craft, but looked and manoeuvred unlike any airplane, helicopter, or motorized UAV I have ever seen.
It was witnessed by me and several other people. I have no other way to describe this object other than very strange indeed!"


UFO sighting of triangle craft signaling glowing orbs around it, Lake Huron, Michigan Aug 1, 2011 video.

Date of sighting: August 1, 2011
Location of sighting: Lake Huron, Michigan, USA

Eyewitness states: "In advance, sorry about the poor quality video. They were so fast it was difficult to keep up and with no sound it was equally difficult to track them. I first saw these at about 9:30 pm. There were two of them that flew over the lake while I was driving home with groceries. My children all asked what they were and I replied that I didn't know but I would go back later and see if I could find out :). 10:30 pm - At the beach with Jimmy - We must have seen 50 of these things. I was able to capture four on video. The first one is actually the last one I captured but I figured I'd give you the best quality recording first. Notice how before I changed positions you can see the blinking lights in the front of it. The three white lights are in the back of it, which you will notice more after I change position."

Now I feel this is a legit UFO because of one thing more than all others, an orb shows up. At 57 seconds into the video you see the far right of the triangle flash several times as if signaling. Then a few seconds later an orb shoots past this flashing UFO coming from the bottom of the screen and going upward fast. I took a screenshot to show you the orb and its path. This orb passes again at 3:02 into the video but this time its very bright! SCW

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


UFO Sighting over Lake Huron, Michigan of Pulsing Orb on July 24, 2011, Video.

Date of sighting: July 24, 2011
Location of sighting: Lake Huron at Port Huron, Michigan, USA

This is an amazing sighting and the person recorded the orb for 28 minutes!!! Fantastic!

Eyewitness states:
"This is the same orb Jimmy and I have been recording for the past few months; however, I have my new camera! This is an actual camcorder!! Yeah...I'm so excited. Its not a professional one or anything but its pretty nice. No more crappy camera videos for my subscribers. We also got "Jimmy's" know, the one he keeps talking about all the time. I was never able to capture it on the old Canon Powershot."

"Now I just have to save up for a nice tripod. I've been using an old wooden spindle that my dad is using for a table. I have to prop the front up with rocks to get the angle I need, lol."

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


UFO sighting over fishing lake in Manipur, India causing witness to be hospitalized, June 19, video.

UFO sighting over fishing lake in Manipur, India causing witness to be hospitalized, June 19, video.

Date of sighting: June 19, 2011
Location of sighting: Lake Loktak, Manipur, India

19th June 2011/Moirang, Bishnupur, Manipur In a astounding incident, a fish farmer in Manipur experienced loss of consciousness for over 18 hours after he claimed he was hit by shockwave transmitted from an unidentified flying object.

The fish farmer was trying out his in-built video camera on his brand new Chinese made mobile phone when he accidentally filmed the UFO hovering over his fish farm in Bishnupur district. This is the startling footage of an unidentified flying object, filmed by a fish farmer in Manipur. After filming for 19 seconds, 32 years Kumam Koiremba experienced loss of consciousness.

According to his family, he was in a semi-unconscious state of over 18 hours after he sighted the UFO in his fish farm, located at Ngangkha lawai, Moirang near loktak lake. Doctor's diagnosis read 'loss of consciousness, showing signs of weakness with non-responsive motor response.' Puzzled at his claim of being hit by a UFO shockwave, he was discharge after placing him under few hours of observation. However Kumam Koiremba still complains of weakness and exhaustion after his 'chanced encounter' with the UFO.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard” ☯


Traverse City, Michigan UFO Sighting moving over road during sunset, April 8, 2011, Photos. UFO Sighting News.

Traverse City, Michigan UFO Sighting moving over road during sunset, April 8, 2011, Photos.

Date of sighting: April 8, 2011
Location of sighting: Traverse City, Michigan, USA

Report states:

"My boyfriend was driving up his road to get to his house and he like to take pictures of the sky. He took 2 pictures that night. This one, is the first and the second one, you see the sunset he took 3 seconds later. It was not until later that there was something in the picture that seemed to look like what is classified as a UFO.

I have always seen UFOs on TV in specials and whatnot, but this, was creepy. He didn't get to see where it was going or what it actually looked like cause it was going so fast and he was driving. I had him send it to me though my phone and then sent it to my computer via email and I sharpened it it see the details. All I can say is that I never realized that they were this close to us."

Source: MUFON

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard” at online bookstores, or visit my Youtube UFO Video channel TaiwanSCW. Please follow me on Twitter, I'm @SCWbooks ☯

UFO Sightings Daily News


Maryland Sunset reveals UFO sighting over Lake, Nov 9, 2020, see photos.

Location of sighting: Deep Creek Lake, McHenry, Maryland
Date of sighing: November 9, 2010

I was watching a Maryland live cam on the net when I noticed the odd craft moving upwards very slowly. The blue craft was rising upwards from the water and changing color very slowly as it did so. I took a screenshot and thought it was strange and believed it would go away very soon, but still 15 minutes later it was still there but higher and orange now. Note: majority of UFO Sightings are seen during sunset and sunrise.

With size comparison, the UFO looks about the size of a small size car.

Note: the below photo shows where I first saw the UFO. Look like it could be over water or over the house.

I have to admit, at first I thought it was a reflection on the water, then as it moved up with the mountain in the background I became confuse, no reflection can do that as far as I know. The shape of the glow looks like the classic flying disc. The UFO disappeared at the top of the cam screen. I am including three screen shots of the cam I took, two of the craft, one with no craft.

Below photo after craft left.

I have heard about others on youtube seeing UFOs on live cams and it looks to me like they are 100% correct. Live cams are useful tools for finding UFOs.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯


Lake Bennett, Australia has UFO Sighting on Nov 6, 2010, Photo Here.

Date of sighting: Sunset November 6, 2010
Location of sighting: Lake Bennett, Australia

Just after sunset, sitting on the deck of a holiday house at Lake Bennett in Australia's (vast and sparsely populated) Northern Territory. I was taking some photographs of my family relaxing - I did not use a flash because I wanted to get that grainy-dusky feel to my photos (I use a cheap little digital camera for happy-snaps, nothing fancy).

As I lined up the photo and pressed the button I was momentarily blinded by light - I thought my flash had gone off by mistake although the light was brighter than the usual flash. I reviewed the photo and saw the bright light on the image. My daughter who was fishing said she hadn't noticed anything and neither did my husband, who was cooking at the time and there was no-one else around to ask. Near this area however, is a place called Acacia Hills where there have apparently been many sightings of UFOs over the years.

After seeing the image I immediately sensed that I had photographed something unusual and it could not have been an insect or dirt on my lens (none of the other pics taken at that sunset time had any unusual features).


☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯