
UFO sighting over Aveley, Essex, United Kingdom Feb 2012, Video News.

Date of sighting: February 2012
Location of sighting: River Thames toward Kent, England

Eyewitness states: "This was taken a few days ago on my mobile phone, and lasted around 5 minutes, my phones memory lasted just over a minute, any remaining "would be" footage would have shown it hover out of sight in the direction towards the river thames towards kent. The UFO was hovering over an housing estate. Me and my partner both witnessed this event and it freaked my girlfriend out, Im a little more open to "other life". I would be interested if anyone else has footage and what it could be?"


Glowing Orbs divide into twos! Baltimore Maryland, US. 2012 Video News.

Date of sighting: Jan 2012
Location of sighting: Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Watch as these glowing orbs divide themselves into twos. Yes they do that. One orb can produce a dozens or more in just a few minutes. 

Newly released video of giant UFO over Taiwan, Jan 2012 News.

Date of sighting: January 10, 2012
Location of sighting: Tainan, Taiwan

I know, I reported on this sighting already last month, however this updated post is a newly released video of the UFO in the cloud that has never been seen before and its in much higher detail that the one I reported last month. I say this is a UFO, due to the old "O'hare Airport incident where hundreds of eyewitnesses saw a grey UFO take hover for 15 min the suddenly take off and as it passed through a cloud, it left a hole...meaning its propulsion system creates holes in clouds. The hole over O'Hare was there for 15 minutes! Take a look at this video from Taiwan and tell us what you think in comments please. SCW

UFO Cloaked In Cloud Over Lisbon Airport, Feb 2012, 4 Photos.

Date of sighting: February 2012
Location of sighting: Lisbon, Portugal

This is the second report for Portugal about this UFO cloud. This must be the same UFO as in Oerias because this is only 20 km from the city of Oeiras (same day sighting). This time its over the Lisbon airport. 

You think these are only clouds? As many of you already know, back in Sept 1957 a soldier took photos of a metal ring UFO over the military airport and as he was taking photos, the ring was making a white cloud around it until it was fully hidden from the camera. Click here for the photos and report. 

UFO Passes Over Homes In Portugal, Close Up Video, Feb 5, 2012 News.

Date of sighting: February 5, 2012
Location of sighting: Oeiras, Portugal

This was seen flying over a neighborhood in Portugal this week. Flying low over the homes perhaps to scan their inhabitants. UFO's use a several kinds of cloaking, this one is their cloud cloak. They can make it and fully engulf the ship in less than 1 minute. Watch out for them. They think they can outwit you.

UFO Matches Orbit With The ISS on Feb 1, 2012 Video News.

Date of sighting: Feb 1, 2012
Location of sighting: ISS, orbiting Earth

This white orb was seen near the International Space Station this week. The object is in orbit around the Earth and has matched its speed and direction to that of the ISS, which indicates it is there because of the ISS in some way. Perhaps investigating it.


UFO over Lunar Module of Apollo Mission, from NASA archives, slow motion, discovered Feb 6, 2012.

This alien probe moves lighting fast, very hard to catch but in slow motion, it's easy.

Date of sighting: 1968-1970
Location of sighting: Orbiting Earth's Moon

I was messing around last night and found this old NASA footage. In it were a few anomalies that did not look like the old film errors. I paused it several times till I could see the object and to my surprise it looked like a three dimensional alien probe. I put the screenshots and video into slow motion and also put the original footage in it. I know this is old stuff but this UFO has never been reported before now and it was recorded between 1968-1970 but its unclear. This is the first time that humans crossed onto the dark side of the moon. I noticed the metallic-like surface of it and it's odd crystal-like shape makes me believe it was made from biomechanics, or a machine that was grown. SCW

Large UFO above the plane Over Minto N.S.W. Australia Feb 2012 at 10:45. Am.

Date of sighting: Feb 5, 2012
Location of sighting: Australia 

This guy is amazing. He has made hundreds of these orb videos and I can guarantee you that they are all 100% real. I am a huge admirer of this guys work, so please give him a chance and you will see he is a true UFO orb hunter. Night vision used in the day is how he works and it is well known that infrared allows you to see the orbs in the day.

Eyewitness states: "I filmed the Aeroplane when I saw the large Spheres UFO above the Commercial Aeroplane. I using: Sony D C R.-D V D. 653.E Digital video camera, with I R 850.Digital filter fitted."

Glowing Triangle UFO shooting orb our over Tokyo, Japan Video Feb 2012 news.

Date of sighting: February 4, 2012
Location of sighting: Tokyo, Japan

When you see a meteor, it always has a distinguishable long tail. However this security video shows that this object has no tail and does not burn up or display any burning. Thus its a UFO. Perhaps even the same UFO that was seen over Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas this week, because its shape and horizontal trajectory seem similar. In slow motion you can see that this objects actual shape is a triangle craft and it seems to drop out orbs. 


Glowing UFO Over Seattle, Washington On Feb 4, 2012 Close Up Video.

Date of sighting: February 4, 2012
Location of sighting: Seattle, Washington, USA

This person said that he only saw the UFO for a few minutes and didn't have a tripod, but the digital eye does not lie, and we can make out a UFO that is morphing. He states: "I caught this UFO through a banocular lense and a camera. It was at Seattle, between Harbor Island and Ballard and I would say it was hovering."

UFO Over Sedena, Mexico Back Again 9 Years Later, Police Video Jan 2012 News.

Date of sighting: January 2011
Location of sighting: Sedena, Mexico

Now this is not the first time a UFO was seen over Sedena, perhaps you remember the 2003 when Mexican Air Force captured infrared video of the same UFO in this report, but many more of them. I will include the 2003 video below the January 2011 video below for you to compare. SCW

"A UFO with white lights, blue and yellow flashes" — The first report was received from the airport area, and [the object] was even seen by C-4 operators manning the safety cameras that appear to have recorded it. The sighting prompted the mobilization of police officials. Martin Ruelas, supervisor of the western sector, was able to see it with his own eyes, but it was too fast and it was impossible to follow. An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) prompted an intense mobilization by elements of the Public Safety Forces of the City of Mexicali, arising from citizen reports about the presence of a strange device in the air. Alejandro Monreal Noriega, general commander of Patrols in the Dirección de Seguridad Pública Municipal (DSPM) reported that the first news item was received from people living in the vicinity of the airport. Even C-4 operators, responsible for urban security cameras, saw the object in their systems and it appears to have been recorded. Furthermore, hundreds of phone calls were received at the "066″ number, reporting the flying object's presence. It was seen around the airport and subsequently flying at dizzying speeds toward the new guard post after citizens reported seeing it over the Marán Industrial Park, and subsequently in the Rivera Campestre district and related areas. Martin Ruelas, supervisor of the DSPM's western region, saw it and stated that it was a sizeable round white object with visible blue and yellow flashes. He added that the object was seen high in the sky and moved up, down and sideways at very high speeds, vanishing from sight after heading south from the valley of Mexicali. Deputy Commander Medina, from the valley's southern area, also saw it and said it was too fast and impossible to follow, as it changed direction suddenly. A "chase" by patrolmen ensued, but since the object changed position within seconds, they simply relayed its location in order to have the nearest unit continue the report. Unfortunately, it was impossible to obtain an answer. Monreal Noriega stated that consultations were made with airport authorities and SEDENA, as well as their U.S. counterparts, and they awaited more information on the subject.


UFO Photo Taken This Week Over Manchester, New Hampshire on Feb 2012 News.

Date of sighting: February 1, 2012
Location of sighting: Manchester, New Hampshire, USA

This photo was mailed into us this week by a reader who states: "I was out taking my dog for a walk and taking a few photos of him when I noticed this UFO shape in the sky. It looked to me like a UFO was pushing its way down from above the clouds, but that just my thoughts."

This is an excellent catch. UFOs are notorious for making their own clouds around them and also the Chicago O'hare airport UFO sighting taught us that UFOs can make holes through the clouds when traveling. It would make traveling around easier for aliens and make more sense. SCW


Triangle glowing UFO recorded over St Helens, England Feb 1, 2012 News.


Date of sighting: Feb 1, 2012
Location of sighting: St. Helens, England

Eyewitness states: "Was delivering at a factory in St Helens at around 17:30 when i noticed this big white ball of light to my right. Watched it for a few seconds thinking it may be a plane going into Liverpool Airport but there were no other FAA lights and it just didn't seem to look right the way it was moving, seemed to make little jerks as it was flying along. I grabbed my camera & started filming as it came toward me past a treeline about 300 yrds away..it definately wasn't a lantern, i've seen enough of those to know what one is, it couldn't have been the ISS as there was a blanket thin high altitude layer of cloud covering the sky with some lower thicker clouds below them & it definatey wasn't a plane or helicopter, absolutely silent. It went past slowly before i lost it as it went to the east when it just blinked out. I could just tell by its movement that it wasn't normal, i've caught similar stuff to this before nr where i live, just reminded me of the weird little shimmys they did as they cruised past. Was a buzz seeing one again though, not seen anything for ages, have to start keeping an eye out again."

Police Cam Catches UFO Over Texas on Feb 2012, Three NEWS VIDEOs.

Date of the sighting: Feb 1, 2012
Location of sighting: Little River, Texas (also seen in Oklahoma and Kansas)

On Twitter the reporter stated that the movement of the object looked to precise to be meteor. Notice there is no tail as you would see on a meteor, but instead it is mostly circular. Seen over three states this object was never seen falling but instead shooting across the sky as we might expect a UFO to do. Check out this news video plus the original video from the police cam that caught it.


Update on Treasure Hunters Discovery of Two UFO at Bottom of Ocean, 2012 CNN Video.

Date of sighting: 2011 but this interview with CNN was done Jan 2012.
Location of sighting: Baltic Sea, Sweden

This UFO was discovered in the Baltic Sea at the end of 2011 by some treasure hunters, but they announced that they are planning to return and they are trying to get a someone to fund the exploration. Eyewitness states, "This thing turned up. My first reaction was to tell the guys that we have a UFO here on the bottom," said Peter Lindberg, the leader of the amateur treasure hunters. Sonar readings show that the mysterious object is about 60 meters across, or about the size of a jumbo jet. And it's not alone. Nearby on the sea floor is another, smaller object with a similar shape. Even more fascinating is that both objects have "drag marks" behind them on the sea floor, stretching back more than 400 feet.

Two UFO Orbs Escort A Passanger Jet Taking Off From O'Hare Airport, Chicago, Jan 2012 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January  2012
Location of sighting: O'Hare Airport, Chicago, Illinois, USA

In this video the we can see two UFO orbs escorting this passenger jet as it takes off from O'hare airport, during the month of January 2012. It was seen at 11:45 am recorded by Kevin McCarthy. The main question I have about the sighting is where is the radar data to confirm it? Where are the pilots statements? Where there other eyewitnesses? I hope we get more info on this sighting. 

Glowing Orb In Day Time Hovering Over Welwyn, England on Feb 1, 2012 VIDEO News.

Date of sighting: February 1, 2012
Location of sighting: Welwyn Garden City, England

Eyewitness states: "A strange luminous object that mysteriously appears to fade from view in a clear sky. It's a curious fact that I am able to capture these objects on video on a regular basis."


UFOs Spotted in Dublin, Georgia - Sightings in GA on the Rise - January 27, 2012

Date of sighting: January 2012
Location of sighting: Dublin, Georgia, USA

Earlier this week Rodney Crosslin and his brother Scott were in his front yard when they say they saw what at first they thought was a plane. "Three lights appear over here above the tree line over here then they dropped off and appeared three lights over here above the house where the power lines are and then from there they shot back to the right where they went into about two or three different patterns."

Source: http://www.newscentralga.com/news/local/UFO-Sightings-in-Mid-Ga-on-the-Rise-138238384.html?s=experts 

Learn How To Find Alien Faces and Structures On The Moon, Mars In NASA Photos, Jan 2012 Video.

Today I came across a video that opened my eyes to new possibilities. What I mean is when I saw what this guy was doing with his Photoshop CS3 I was blown away. He was able to bring out the details of the moon in ways I had only dreamed. It's a rare thing when a person succeeds in teaching others about the existence of alien structures on the moon. There is so much resistance to it. Why, because we accept the reality of the world as it is presented to us. This video will change your reality forever. It's a 40 minute video and I watched it all the way through and then again, jumping from place to place, so that I could learn the tools he used because as students we want to learn. I spent two hours on this video looking, learning, struggling to understand and finally mastering the method he taught. To say I am in awe of what he showed us and taught us is an massive understatement. If people can master what he teaches, what they learn can one day easily lead to full alien disclosure. Of all my posts on this UFO site, (over 2,000) I have to say this is one of the most useful and educating of them all. 

He used Adobe Photoshop CS3 or CS5, it's hard to tell. In the program he uses two main tools on the toolbar in the far left of the screen. The first Tool is the "Dodge Tool." This tool turns night into day or in other words, it will take any dark area of shadow and makes what it hides inside visible. The second tool is the "Burn Tool." This tool is used in areas of over exposed or too much light.  This tool will bring out the detail in areas of too much light, detail not yet visible. The third tool he uses is the  "Sharpness Tool," which brings out details. Now if you are using Photoshop and cannot find the "Burn Tool," or "Dodge Tool," then press the "O" key (capital O key). This key controls three tools and each time you press it, it will change to one of the tools, so you may have to push it 2-3 times to find the tool you want. I say this because I didn't have these tools in my tool bar until I hit the short cut key. Now click on the moon photos at the top of this site and begin or google search NASA moon photos. Use what you have learned.

He is trying to free our minds, but he can only show us the door. We are the ones that have to walk through it. 

Man captures video of spinning blue UFO 'cruising slow' over Utah, Jan 2012 NEWS VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 2012
Location of sighting: Utah, USA

The stunning image of a UFO was captured on video last week. Anthony Piceno, of American Fork, Utah, said he was drawn to the sight in the air because it was like nothing he had ever seen before. His footage of the object later appeared on The Weather Channel. Funny how news always tries to discredit UFO sightings. Who in their right mind would paraglide at night when its breaking the law? Not likely. Remote control airplanes do not drift away and never come back. 


UFO Hovers Over Scientific Lab In Antartica Jan 31, 2012 Video.

Date of sighting: January 2012
Location of sighting: Ekström Shelf Ice, Atka Bay, northeast Weddell Sea, Antartica 

It's well known that UFOs use cloaking technology and that some use a cloak that makes them appear as clouds. Here we have another example of such over the German scientific building in Antarctica. This looks more like a UFO and nothing like a cloud. 

UFO Over London on Jan 31, 2012, Cell Phone Video.

Date of sighting: January 31, 2012
Location of sighting: London, England

Eyewitness states: "I took this video with my mobile phone from my window about 1 or 2 years ago. It shows some kind of shining object appearing/disappearing somewhere over Richmond (West London, UK). It's probably a weather balloon or something, but I thought I'd post it anyway..."

Orbs Near Chem-Trail Over England, Jan 2012 Cool Video.

Date of sighting: January 2012
Location of sighting: England

For some reason, orbs seem to be very curious about chem-trails. Perhaps they are taking measurements of the amount of pollutants that aircraft are dumping into the atmosphere.

Results of this weeks Poll.

The Question was, how will alien disclosure happen?
#1=51% of votes says, "Alien motherships will appear over worlds largest cities.
#2=28% of votes says, "Freedom hackers will unleash the truth."
#3=20% or 65 votes says, "Government announcement."
#4-5 is a tie. with 63 votes each. "By people coming forward about their UFO sightings." & "It won't."

I have to say I myself am hoping that hackers will do what Gary Mckinnon (Solo) of the UK did and enter the US military and NASA computers seeking the truth about UFOs and free energy. Gary's is known for the commiting the largest computer hack crime that America has ever caught. Although he is banned from using the computer now, he was a Jedi among hackers. The peoples Champion. 

Glowing Egg UFO Over Norway Recorded On Video, Jan 31, 2012, News.

Date of sighting: January 31, 2012
Location of sighting: Norway

This strange egg shaped UFO was seen over Norway. It seems to have a flash on its left side and sometimes flashes from within its center. Very odd, but cool sighting.


UFO Watches Lego Man In Space And Makes First Contact, Amazing Photos and Video Jan 2012.

Date of sighting: January 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit Over Canada

While watching the "Lego Man In Space video," which has 2,106,931 views to date, I noticed this UFO orb shoots past the Lego Man at high speeds, yet the background stayed the same which means it's not the moon. The orb is seen at 46 seconds into the video, so you need to pause and start it many times to view it. It's flight path is from right to left side of the screen. Also in the video you see what looks like the moon which keeps its position. Note: the UFO is only visible at 46 seconds and no other location, don't mistake the moon for the UFO please.

This leaves us to wonder how aliens may view humans if the Lego Man made FIRST CONTACT? Or was NASA and DARPA spying on Lego Man to see what they could learn? Clearly Lego Man is making progress where NASA and DARPA are not. That's one small step for Lego Man, one giant leap for Lego Mankind? SCW

Close Up UFO Footage Over Windsor, Ontario On Jan 29, 2012, video News.

Date of sighting: January 29, 2012
Location of sighting: Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Eyewitness states:
1. I was in my sunroom.
2. I noticed these objects around 6:40 to 10:30 pm at night.
3. These objects slowly hover above the city, not following the sidereal path of the stars.
4. These objects flicker and change shape, but amazingly, no one takes a look above them in Windsor to notice.
5. No feelings except curiosity.
6. These objects disappear around 10:30 at night, but sometimes show up again in the morning.



UFO Tracks US Aircraft Carrier In Persian Gulf, now sent to Iran to stop oil embargo.

Date of sighting: Late December 2011
Location of sighting: Persian Gulf

As Russia Today broadcasted news about Iran blocking oil in the Arabian Sea, near a US Aircraft carrier was what looks like a disk. Although this footage was used by RT News in January, it has the date of December 2011 at the Persian Gulf on its label. Very interesting, is it one of ours or alien? It is possible it was not visible to the human eye but the digital camera picked it up.