
Orb and UFO Seen During Storm Clouds Over San Juan Bautista, CA Dec 11, 2014, VIDEO UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 11, 2014
Location of sighting: San Juan Bautista, California, USA
I love orbs. We see them everywhere, clouds bushes, security cams, animal cams. This video catches an orb during the setting sun. The lower the light level, the easier it is to catch an orb. These entities are unique in that they can sense your feelings. Different from the cloud orb, these orbs seem to be living entities, where cloud orbs act more like AI drones. This does have a chance at being a reflection off the lens, however I have caught orbs in the day and it wasn't a reflection. Easiest to catch orbs by using a flash on your camera at night. SCW

Eyewitness states:
I took this video for my dad, its his bday today. but once I got home I noticed @ 7 secs top middle of screen there was a bright orb in the cloud, then at 14 secs the bright orb swooped down in front of camera.


Alien Face And Living Creature Found On Mars, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 11, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/157774

While looking for anomalies in Mars photos I found two extraordinary things. First was a face that resembles that of a lion. Second was a living creature that resembles a slug or worm, but may be a plant. 
The living creature does resemble a sea slug as you see in the photos above. The object has not dust or dirt on it, but its in a location where everything around it is covered in dust and dirt. That means this object moves. If it moves, it has to be alive. If its alive, then its a plant or animal, but I have heard about yellow rocks that are living and produce rare fluids used for medical purposes (William Rutledge of Apollo covert mission). 
 Did you notice there is no dirt or dust on this flat object? Its because it moves.


UFO Shoots Red Beam At Earth Seen On Live Space Station Cam, Dec 5, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 5, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths orbit, at ISS

This UFO caught on space station live cam is glowing red and has a beam of red light shooting from it to Earth. Although red UFOs have been seen near the ISS, witnessing a beam of light from one of then has never been recorded before. Lucky for us, Streetcap1 of Youtube caught this anomaly while watch the NASA cams. He keeps a watchful eye out for any UFOs near the station. The question is, what is that beam and should we be worried about it? Tell us in comments what you think it is. SCW


Pentagon Structure In Crater On Mars, Dec 9, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 9, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Source: http://ida.wr.usgs.gov/fullres/complete/ab1116/ab111603.jpg

Found this unusual five sided structure inside a crater on Mars. This pentagon looks a bit old, but its still holding together. It looks like a massive structure underneath its surface. This abandoned structure could make an ideal base for NASA astronauts to one day make a base. SCW

Russian scientist spies mountain-sized asteroid heading our way, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Asteroid name: 2014 UR116
Scientist name: Vladimir Lipunov, a professor at Moscow State University
Date of announcement: December 2014
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/russian-scientist-spies-mountain-sized-asteroid-heading-way-170022867.html

Yahoo news states:
In the film, Lipunov says it's difficult to calculate the orbit of big objects like 2014 UR116 because, as they hurtle through the solar system, their trajectories are constantly being altered by the gravitational pull of nearby planets. "We need to permanently track this asteroid, because even a small mistake in calculations could have serious consequences," he said. 
There is little indication that this particular asteroid could hit the Earth in the next few decades, though over a much longer period a collision looks quite likely, says Natan Esmant, an expert with the official Space Research Institute in Moscow. A more serious issue, he says, is the estimated 100,000 near-Earth objects, such as asteroids and comets, which can cross our planet's orbit and are large enough to be dangerous. Only about 11,000 have so far been tracked and cataloged. (More at source).


NASA Astronaut Evades Question About UFOs While On Space Station Live Cam, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Unknown
Location of video: Space Station
Astronaut name: Unkown

This NASA astronaut is caught off guard when he is asked a high security question by a regular public citizen. The question is in Spanish, but if you can speak spanish, please give us a comments below. 

It appears that he is asked about the UFOs seen on the live space station cam, but the astronaut seems be hesitating for a few seconds. Also you can hear the people back on Earth applaud the person for asking the question. This was on a live broadcast on the ISS cam, so they were unable to edit the question out. I see from the flag his leg that he is from Puerto Rico, however I don't see him on board the list of ISS current crew. SCW

Three Orbs Over Guadalajara, Mexico On Dec 6, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 6, 2014
Location of sighting: Guadalajara, Mexico

This eyewitness is a bit shy and posts videos without a lot of info, but he is reliable and only posts his own videos. He is constantly on the look out for orbs over Mexico and here he caught three of them in close formation. Mexico is a hotbed of UFO activity which may be due to the large number of active volcanos. They like an area where few people travel to visit, so they choose to open and close doorways in the mouth of volcanos to get to their underground bases. SCW

Cloud Orb Over San Antonio, Texas With Infrared Filter, Dec 6, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 6, 2014
Location of sighting: San Antonio, Texas, USA

The video is green because he is using a infrared filter which looks a light that cannot be seen with the human eye. This IR filter can be used at night or day. It looks like he took this video during the day. Cool capture, by a researcher who keeps an eye on the sky almost daily. SCW

SAUFOTX states:

On this video you will see an Energy U.F.O Ball of Light traveling underneath some clouds....
As i was Scanning the sky,i notice this orb traveling by some clouds...As you can see on the video this object seems to travel under the clouds..I continue to follow it as it traveled overhead..It appear to be under Intelligent Controlled..Was traveling at a constant speed and direction..At some point it began to get brighter and travels out of sight.....In my opinion this object is clearly not an aircraft or weather balloon/satellite...


Two Blue UFOs Over Taipei 101 Building, Taiwan Dec 6, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 6, 2014
Location of sighting: Taipei, Taiwan

Hey guys, this sightings is from a father of one of my English students. He sent me this photo asking me what I thought about these two blue glowing lights. He said his daughter noticed some lights in the sky, so he pulled over and parked the car to have a look. The lights were blue, silent and moving together slowly. It was at 6:40 pm. I will keep you updated on this if he tells me more about it. The funny thing is, me and my family were there just an hour earlier and missed it...figures huh?

This is at the Taipei 101 building, which was once the tallest building in the world and had the first UFO sighting of 2012 that I recorded in person. SCW

Travis Walton Visits Site of UFO Encounter On 39th Anniversary - Nov 5, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of interview: Nov  5, 2014...the 39th anniversary of the Travis Walton abduction. 
Source: http://www.openminds.tv

I like Travis. He has a natural way with people and is one of the few authentic alien abductees. I do believe that a lot are hoaxes, but Travis is the real deal. I trust this guy with my life and am delighted that he has found the positive from his experience and tries to use the information he has learned to help educate the public on the alien species that travel through or live in our solar system. SCW

Travis Walton allegedly witnessed a UFO with several of his fellow loggers in the woods near Heber, AZ, on the evening of November 5, 1975. The UFO shot a beam of light at Travis and he was sent flying. His friends thought he was dead and took off. When they returned soon after, Travis was gone. They were accused of killing Travis and hiding his body in the forest. Five days later, after what Travis thought was only a few hours, Travis returned. Now it seems that Travis may have been taken on-board the mysterious craft and encountered extraterrestrial beings.

This year, 2014, Travis held the Skyfire Summit, a conference centered around his experience. To start the events off, Travis along with Ben Hansen of Night Vision Optics, took attendees out to the location of the UFO sighting for a night sky watch exactly 39 years to the day after the event occurred. The next day, the group visited the court house where Travis' co-workers took, and passed, lie detector tests.

We documented the visit to the location of the UFO encounter and the court house, and interviewed Travis about his conference.


Very Artistic Alien Face Found On Mars In Crater, Dec 5, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Location of discovery: Mars
Coordinates:  44°22'16.95"S  100° 3'31.39"W
Updated: On Dec 9, 2014 added photo with arrows to point out eye, nose and such for those who have perception trouble and cannot see it. 

Was checking out Google Mars...a free program to download and use, when I found this face. I have never reported on it before and it looks really big. Its hidden inside a crater and has a lot of similarities to the ancient China statues from thousands of years ago. 
If you know the name of the crater this is in, please tell us in comments. Google Mars ruler which is not extremely reliable, says that the diameter of the crater is 18.9km or 11.7 miles. The face itself is 8.9 miles (13km) by 5.9 miles (9.5 miles). That is one monumental undertaking to make, even making Mount Rushmore look like child's play. 

This face is highly detailed. No doubt is the face of a very notable historical figure in their culture. 
Scott C. Waring

Alien Technology Discovered On Mars by Spirit Rover in 13 photos! UFO Sighting News.

'UFO' has New Zealand residents guessing Dec 1, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 1, 2014 (exact date unknown)
Location of sighting: Hamilton, New Zealand 
Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/63760988/UFO-has-residents-guessing

News states: 
It wasn't a bird, it wasn't a plane - but no-one seems to know quite what it was. A sphere-like object floating high above Hamilton had residents craning their necks and scratching their heads yesterday afternoon. It was seen from Pukete to Melville but the mystery of what the object was remains unsolved. Western Heights resident Leo Meagher went out for a look around lunchtime. "My wife was looking up at the sky and she spotted it, so I went and got the glasses," he said. "Then a plane went past and it was way above that, one of the big planes. And we wondered what it was."
The only explanation he could think of was a weather balloon. MetService meteorologist John Law said that was unlikely, but the unfamiliar sight was a good excuse to head out and enjoy the sunshine. Weather balloons were released from Whenuapai and Paraparaumu, around noon and midnight. "I don't think it would be one of those," he said. "As far as I know I don't think it's anything of ours." (more at source).

UFO Seen In Mars Photo On Red Ops Mission, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 5, 2014
Location of sighting: Mars

Streetcap1 of Youtube found these two objects in a Mars photo this week. He states that it looks like a bird, but I want to take that a step further and add that it looks like an craft. We see there is a tail on the back of this long craft. Also there is a trail behind the UFO and an orb which is directly in line with the trail. 

Something hidden in the URL is the letters "redops" or Red Ops. I tried to directly go to the red ops file, but I of course got an "Access Denied," but had to try. It looks like the rover is on a secret mission that the public is not aware of, and the object in the this photo looks like a jet, but probably is an alien craft. SCW


Updated: Sorry For The Ads All Over My Photos!

Updated: Its two OSX Trojans. I deleted them. Came from a iPhone app program that was infected that lets you play apps on your mac called "Genieo". Also deleting and reinstalling Firefox and Chrome. Thanks so much guys for your help. SCW

First I want to apologize for the ads seen on the photos. The ads are not mine and I do not benefit in any way from them. I use a Safari browser and didn't notice them until I switched to Firefox and also tested Google Chrome...both show ads on the photos. I am not sure how they got there and its really irritating. Some blood sucking leach put them there and I am attempting to find out how to remove them, till then we have to deal with it. If you know how I can remove them please let me know in comments below. 

Alien Coin Found On Mars Has Two Different Heads, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA source photo 1: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/2/m/1452/2M255267229EFFAX16P2956M2M1.HTML
NASA source photo 2: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA06287
NASA source photo 3: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/2/m/1434/2M253668328EFFAX05P2936M2M1.HTML
Chance of being a real coin: 90%
Now this is interesting. Paranormal Crucible of Youtube has reported finding some coin like objects on Mars. I have to admit, one of these photos is very convincing. It may be a coin, medallion or broach. The object does have a face on it, however it is not a single face...it's a double face. There are two faces of two species on the front. One species looks semi human on the right side. The left face looks nothing like a human, but I have seen it before. The most significant discovery here is the fact that these two species put their historical figures on this coin together as a symbol of their bond of friendship. SCW

Paranormal Crucible of Youtube states:
Yet another extraordinary archeological discovery, has been caught by the mars spirit rover. The incredible image's, appear to show three possible coins or medallions, which were unearthed by the rovers Rock Abrasion Tool, while excavating a pit on the Martian surface. The discovery of these coins, proves beyond question, that mars did indeed have an advanced civilisation, dating back thousands of years, long before earth's history was born.

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Moon Size UFO Leaving Earths Sun On NASA Photo, Dec 3, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 3, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Time of sightings: 22:58:37 UI 
Sun camera ID: SDO/AIA 211

I caught this moon size UFO today leaving one of the dark holes in our sun. Behind the UFO you see a long trail  which shows us its direction and that it was moving fast enough to pull some of the gasses with it. The next photo for camera SDO/AII 211 was of the same area, but the UFO was gone. That second photo was taken 7 hours later. Know this...no object that size could possibly vanish in just 7 hours. SCW

Russian scientists stated about 4-6 years ago that they saw and recorded earth size objects orbiting the sun. These object don't show heat signatures and they make sudden hard right angle turns. The are also not in any one orbit but change their distance from the sun and direction frequently. The said no object made in nature could do that. SCW

Below is the photo 7 hours later. UFO is gone! The object should still be there, but the impossible just became possible. 

Possible Alien Code Caught In NASA Mars Photograph, Dec 3, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 3, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars 
Source NASA photo: http://ida.wr.usgs.gov/fullres/complete/ab1050/ab105002.jpg

I was looking through Mars photos when I found this unique one that appears to show a code hidden within. It has many round objects on the lower half of the Mars photo. I looked closely at each and every round object and found that each is unique in some aspect. From what I see, each circle has a different pattern inside it. 

There is at least one or more squares that are different inside each circle. If you think you find two that are the same, look closely and enlarge it. Perhaps you are right, but I could not find such a thing in this photo. This looks like an alien code deliberately embedded into the Mars photograph by aliens. A secret message sent to NASA. I bet the NSA would have a field day trying to decipher it. If you can decipher it, please tell us how and what it says in comments below. 

I also tried to find out if it was a digital sensor glitch, but was unable to find anything like it in any other photos on the subject. I have looked at NASA photos for decades, but have never seen anything like it. SCW


ESA Astronaut Sees UFO Close Up! Hear Her Emotional Response. Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 23, 2014 at 20:59 GMT
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS docking

Here we have ESA (European Space Agency) Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti preparing to dock with the space station when a brilliant orange light suddenly begins to reflect off of the solar panels of the pod and what Samantha sees both shocks and awes her. You can hear her voice in the video. She saw something powerfully lit up that came to greet her. A glowing UFO must have appeared near her to say welcome. As you all know, sightings of UFOs at the space station is a weekly event. Sometimes so close its docked to the station and other times far in the distance. 

Astronauts are prepared for everything and are always the toughest and most fearless of the pick. The only thing that could cause such a emotional reaction from a tried and true astronaut would be a close up encounter with an alien craft. Listen to her voice. She was blown away! SCW
Samantha Cristogoretti states: 
"For now, I will tell you another time, which was so lucky and unexpected." (Then later states). "As I turned to look out at the beginning I looked back and saw one of the solar panels of our Soyuz. Then my eyes caught something in your peripheral vision. And as I turned around slowly, when I realized what I was seeing, I was overwhelmed by sheer amazement and joy: the Space Station was there but it was not just any views. The enormous solar panels were inundated with a blaze of orange light, vivid, warm, almost alien. I could not help but exclaim something out loud, you can probably hear in the recordings of our docking [retail 4:34 in the video-Translator's note], because at that point we were at "open mic" with Mission Control. Anton reminded me of it, and so I tried to contain my amazement and return to the monitoring of docking. When I peeked again later, the orange glow was gone."


Orb Caught In Daytime With Solar Obliteration Technique, Nov 9, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 9, 2914
Location of sighting: San Antonio, Texas, USA

You have to love the solar obliteration technique. Its where you use a part of a roof to block the sun and use focus the camera there. Its very effective at catching cloaked objects, especially good for orbs. I have done this many times and caught them shooting in and out of clouds this way. If you have never tried it, you need to give it a go, but understand you need a blue sky to see the white orbs. Smog or overcast clouds will not allow this technique to work. SCW

Eyewitness states:
On November-09-2014 multiple U.F.O's were captured using the Solar Obliteration Technique. Solar Obliteration Consist of pointing a video camera up at the Sky and Block the Sun...Zoom In to infinity and wait to Witness these High Flying U.F.O's..This day i decided to try and captured some travel overhead....On this video you will see multiple U.F.O's captured traveling high in altitude..In my opinion these are not aircraft's or balloons or satellites..

Fleet of UFOs Near Moon At San Antonia, Texas Oct 4, 2014, UFO Sighting News Video.

Date of sighting:October 4, 2014
Location of sighting: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Chance of being real UFOs: 75%

Guys, these don't have wings! That rules out birds or planes. I have a 2nd generation night vision scope and I can see the wings on a bat 100 meters away and even on two F16s dog fighting one night. They move like a fleet of drones. I've seen such a thing once...on new years 2012. I only had a Samsung Note camera and missed it, but you can see me hitting my green 50nw laser on one and it flashed me back...hit another and the same thing happened (Didn't put the video up because can't see the orbs, but second part is below). This looks very similar to the formation I saw near Taipei 101 building that night...One of these orbs buzzed around the building fireworks that same night. (Click here to see the orb I recorded).


Eyewitness states: 
October-04-2014 a Cluster of U.F.O's were captured on video traveling over San Antonio,Texas..
On this video you will see a Cluster of Energy U.F.O's traveling overhead with an Infrared Video Camera and a 950 IR Filter....As you can see on the video they appear to be high above. At first they seemed to interact with each other in a Counter Clock Motion...They would Fade IN/OUT after some time they Pass the Moon.Giving us the perfect reference point..We clearly an see they are traveling at high altitude..At some point some U.F.O's were captured Appearing/Disappearing Right by the Moon...And how they Travel in a Counter Clock Motion never have I seen this..As I continue to film and zoom in they seem to be emitting some kind of glowing energy. At some point they began to travel until out of sight...In my opinion these objects were clearly no aircraft's or satellite's ..

Watch the video below in full screen mode please.